HDI in Latin America by regions
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I have a good salary and is enough for me huehuehuehue
tfw no rich high IQ powerful Chilean bf
is chile, dare i say it, first world?
GDP by city
HDI is a meme
>this is first world by Latin American standards
Turns out Russia is quite cozy.
>this is the richest city in Latin America
hdi is a meme
>this is first world according to spics
>this is cozy in Russia
It's because of the oil that's "rich", the people aren't rich
I expected a developed country
Cuban IDH, if you exclude income, is the biggest in Latin America
so here you are And Poland really looks like a first world country comparing to Mexico.
And Sao Paulo State is literally a country
Has 44 million people
Sao Paulo metropolitan area IDH is the biggest in Latin America
Post your ghettos and trailler parks, mutt
25 million people living in shitty trailer parks
Worst than brazilian favelas
It's 20mil first of all. And second, I'd rather live in a mobile home than a fucking favela. If you answer differently, you're a monkey
>mfw my desert rancho is a better place to live than 90% of LA
Don't bully Poland.
I still can't understand how come Latin American countries are so poor despite having capitalism and not having any serious war for the last 100 years.
If we had such conditions, we'd be a Spain-tier economy. Especially Mexico should be rich as fuck, since it has the biggest economy in the world just next to it.
>rio de janeiro above são paulo and santa catarina.
To be fair having Drug cartels kinda counts as having a war inside your own country, so as long as it's profitable Mexico and nearby countries wouldn't be as rich as you imagine.
bullsit ranking
Did you know that we have V-I-O-L-E-N-C-E and C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N as well as I-N-S-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y?
but it actually is and the Russian guy is right
>so poor despite having capitalism
Of course the pole is the bootlicker. Literally the worst posters
>To be fair having Drug cartels kinda counts as having a war inside your own country,
but it's your fault, why only you have drug cartels, it's not that someone sent them to your countries
>it's not that someone sent them to your countries
>despite having capitalism
Latin America is historically a hotbed of socialism, and fascism. Chile went neoliberal in the 80s and that's why they're doing better today.
>it's not that someone sent them to your countries
About that...
that ranking means nothing when every countryhas a different methodolgy to calcute its idh. For example the hdi of USA's states is lower than a lot of latin american subdivisions due to the methodology they use. Do you believe any place in Latam is richer than the poorest Us state? No, not even Mississippi is as bad
Everyone does, the question could be only why it is such a big problem in your countries. Again, it's mostly your fault.
I don't know any rich communist country.
>Latin America is historically a hotbed of socialism, and fascism
Don't make me, a person who lives a country that was 5 years under actual fascist occupation and then 45 years under communists laugh. Even during the most socialist era in history of any Latin American country (except for Cuba ofc) they didn't have banned private trade, private housing, private farms, moving abroad, listening to western songs etc. They were never killed in death camps because of their race, language or religion, they didn't lose all their intelligentsia in numerous genocides perpetrated by their neighbors.
selling guns or "supporting" is not sending gangs, it's just you have people who want to smuggle drugs and get murdered in the jungle by other gangs, the question is why, we don't have such people here so no CIA could force anyone to do such things
Indeed, it's our fault that we have let these problems grow as big as they are now.
Right now these are such a huge problem because of how deep these issues are related to our government, culture, etc. We can fix this, but right now it will take a lot of work and resources on our behalf and unfortunately, we had not learned our lesson.
Lol traoller parks are 100% better than favelas you obssesed hue
None of these factors depend on Mexico other than the stupid war, which is funded, supported and encouraged by the US.
It's all your people, your internal problem, not something you have no impact on. I can understand that your country could be affected by a natural disaster or invaded by another country but "drug war" is not even a war, it's just a name to make it more serious than it actually is.
so stop bragging about HDI
The Mexican drug war IS A WAR, with soldiers, and armed conflicts, and battles. Funded, supported and encouraged by the US.
Mexican drug war =//= American prohibitionism
And American prohibitionism only fuels it.
Stop feeding the troll Pedro
>war lasts for about 12 years
>less 20k people killed in such a big country like Mexico
Yeah, that's really a serious war...20k people died in Poland every week during WW2. In the US, 37k people die every year in road crashes...That's not a war that could impede your economic growth.
It is estimated to cost 15% of our entire GDP every single year. Just shut the fuck up about things you have no idea about.
>It is estimated to cost 15% of our entire GDP every single year.
I guess the value of drugs you could sell but you didn't is included in it, lol.
I don't do this. Tell Chile and Panama that.
How the fuck is the shithole San José so high up?
>selling guns or "supporting" is not sending gangs
Also, do you want to know why there were Central Americans in the US during the 80s in the first place or nah?
>which is funded, supported and encouraged by the US.
This is why your country is shit. Instead of taking a tiny but of responsibility, you start vomiting forth conspiracy theories. Yes the drug consumption of North America fuels the cartels and the Obama administration fucked up with fast and furious but no this isn't some masterful U.S. plan to destroy your country and we certainly aren't funding something that fucks us too. If anything worth NAFTA and bailing your economy out during the peso crisis the u.s. government has done more to unfuck your country but corruption and general incompetence of your countrymen is working against any charity or trade we give you. Not to mention the 3.5%+ of your GDP that comes from your illegals here who have driven down the low skill labor pay of Americans.
>but "drug war" is not even a war, it's just a name to make it more serious than it actually is.
They do make a lot of money at it but criminals will always find ways to make money and thrive unless a goverent and people get serious like we did with the mob here. Mexico hasn't gotten there yet. So at the root it's 100% their problem but our drug consumption does add money to it. Having said that we don't need Mexican cartels to provide drugs and initially they didn't. The Mexicans just muscled in on the existing trade.
This is neither a conspiracy theory nor a secret, you dumb fuck.
It is also not a master plan to destroy Mexico. It is a retarded plan aimed at destroying cartels that completely fucking backfired like many critics said it would.
>It is also not a master plan to destroy Mexico. It is a retarded plan aimed at destroying cartels that completely fucking backfired like many critics said it would.
Oh OK. Let's just do fucking nothing that's a great fucking idea. Cartels will just go away just like the mob when prohibition ended because they are nice people and totally not parasites. They also got an in this country in the illegal communities but let's just ignore the illegals too. Holy Christ you people are retarded. The biggest problem with training your military is big surprise a bunch we're typical corrupt Latin Americans and switched sides for money.
Not having a war doesn't mean not doing anything, dumb fuck. Violence in Mexico was DECREASING before the war. The war fucking triplicated our murder rate in a span of 4 years. And it's only getting worse.
the bad regions of chile are not even bad, just rural af.
it's okay I guess
it's not that simple. Just because we have capitalism and haven't gone to a war with other countries in 100 years doesn't mean we don't have any internal issues. Corruption, poor mentality, drug cartels, civil wars, inequality, etc.
Yes, you can have treated amerisharts drug problems as a public health issue and not as a job for Team America™
plus we don't have germany pumping money into our economy 24/7
It's bullshit