How did Ireland become one of the richest countries in the world?

How did Ireland become one of the richest countries in the world?

How did Israel become richer than the UK and France?

Where is Russia on the list?

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they're just following the protocols of the elders of (((((hibernia)))))

>including meme """"countries"""" such as Luxembourg, Macau etc on the list

Attached: 1521843157643.jpg (250x250, 5K)

>per capita

Ireland has some loopholes in their taxation so big companies "operate" from there.

>Not ppp

From what I remember, Ireland is a tax semi-haven. Companies can exist in the EU but pay fuck all tax, and all in an English-speaking country to top it all off.

Why all this tax trickery is allowed but internet memes are almost banned, remains a mystery. I believe EU is just as controlled by lobbyists as the US... That's why the meme ban was on the table: lobbyists.

>he thinks that it's fair to compare a nation of e.g. 300 million people to a nation of e.g. 5 million without using Per Capita
Do they not teach you mathematics in Russia?

That is a very real country.

Lmao stfu Mohammed. You're always butthurt

It is. You're not measuring the wealth of the country otherwise lol.

I'm not so sure Ireland is doing that well.
The number of Irish people moving to other Anglo countries increases with each passing year, and many of them claim their salaries aren't enough for the cost of living in Ireland.

I mean, even here on Jow Forums you can often see Irish flags bashing their own nation. Something tells me not all is well in Ireland.

A country with the population of half a city and the size of my back yard.

And dont try to act condescending fucking nordcuck lol

It's still a country though.

>it is
Explain how it's fair? 300 million shitskin uneducated niggers could pull in eons more profit than 1 million educated and hard working whites.

>eons more profit

>Explain how it's fair
Because you're measuring the total wealth of the country.
Obviously more people correlates with greater wealth. This isnt rocket science.
> 300 million shitskin uneducated niggers could pull in eons more profit than 1 million educated and hard working whites.
Fucking poltards lol. Everything only exists in your retarded racial dynamic.

Ireland is a shit hole with an insane cost of living and terrible infrastructure. We're a parochial backwater which is crippled by 'not in my backyard' mentalities

Low taxes. Abolish all taxes, respect rule of law and order and watch the world thrive

>goes straight for the ad hominem
The sheer STATE.
Opinion discarded. Get help and educate yourself.
Have a better word?

Do you feel like moving elsewhere?

A welfare state with very competitive and shame-based culture is the best kind of a state. Tax havens and foreign cultures shit on our party.

because it's a tax haven
the average paddy makes like half of that

>I believe EU is just as controlled by lobbyists as the US

Wasn't it obvious since the glyphosate shitshow?

>which is crippled by 'not in my backyard' mentalities