At least you got a degree

At least you got a degree...

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I've got several and they're sweltering

whats ur degree bro

physics why?

Going to c*llege was my biggest mistake. I have a friend making 22 an hour and gonna get promoted soon at 24 and he never went.

No I don't. 37 and slowly taking evening classes.

can you get a job with a physics degree

i think so? haven't tried yet

What was your degree in m8? You should be able to make more than that easily unless you live in an economically depressed shithole state.

And he'll probably stay at that level for the rest of his life without significant benefits. The gap between degree holders and non-degree holders starts small but rapidly inflates over time.

Brainlets BTFO

I hated it so much and barely feel it was worth the suffering having graduated. I can't imagine the feeling of not having finished.

Poli sci. Had some internships but still have no real idea of what I wanna do. I live in a normal place in the midwest.
iirc his employer is helping him go to school free to learn more shit about construction and he's gonna be making even more. Making money early on in life is good assuming you invest.

>pol sci
there's your problem. go MINT or go BUST

is there even a point to a degree if you culminate below a 3.0 GPA? asking for a friend

sorry, STEM (MINT is what we call it in german llmfao well now you know)

Investing in an education pays much better in the long run. A bachelor's degree yields much lower unemployment rates and nearly double the income of people with only highschool.

>asking for a friend
You faggots need to stop with this Facebook tier normalfag meme.

umm user, do you know where you are? x

>long run
Yeah if you wanna slave your life away and retire at 70 maybe. Working out of hs means you didn't spend four years of lost opportunity cost just to have a chance at likely being paid like shit at some desk job with the opportunity to make good pay in 15 years if you like your boss's ass enough.

Depends on your degree. If it's in something like CS you're fine, that depends more on your skill level and work experience

Reddit: Imageboard Edition?

I have a CS degree
HOW do I get a job

You're retarded. Any decent job requires a degree, yeah the opportunity cost of working for minimum wage/a few bucks above for 8 months of 4 years then being stuck there forever wow amazing.

if u have a cs degree and cant get a job ur legit a mouth breather

this lol

Have activity on github. Do you have any work experience? Are you even a good Dev?

I'm 24 and just applied for community college. It's not too late.

>Any decent job requires a degree
No. And you can just work very long hours at two jobs to make up the difference if you are low wage. Plus cost of living is low here. If I just lived at home and worked instead of living at home in the college meme and made 30k a year I could have invested like 100k by age 22 and if it were in an index fund that would have grown a lot and just kept growing. By my late 20s I'd be in a way better position.

you got a political science degree and nobody wants to employ you?
thats crazy, next you will tell me gender studies has become useless

I have an undergrad+master's in engineering but I have no relevant internships. I'm basically an overeducated, overqualified useless retard.

May unironically kms. At least that has a higher chance of success than trying to get a job with my fucking CV.

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what does mint stand for?

why didn't you apply for internships you retard

I have an Bachelor in slavistics, what do you have?

I did, but the market was shit when I tried and (like many other students) I ended up getting a shit-tier tier (just barely), which gives me no relevant experience. That happened to me both times I tried getting an internship (whereas most of my classmates were able to at least get 1 half-decent internship even with the market being dogshit, and of course Chads tend to get 3 top-tier internships thanks to having connections).

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This is an important part of the college meme. Regardless of your degree unless it's from med school or law school it's always the wrong choice. So any bad outcome is
>falling for the lib arts meme
>falling for the trade meme
>falling for the stem meme
>falling for the comp sci meme
Or even
>brah you were supposed to get internships
>no not those internships
>dude you were supposed to network
It allows blame to be placed on the student every step of the way if their outcome is less than perfect.

>just work very long hours at two shit jobs to make up for it instead of getting a degree bro
Do you even read your own posts?

>If I just lived at home and worked instead of living at home in the college meme and made 30k a year
>I could have invested like 100k by age 22

So you'd be making $30k after tax and have ZERO expenses? Somehow that sounds unlikely.

>and if it were in an index fund that would have grown a lot and just kept growing. By my late 20s I'd be in a way better position.

Or... You could go to university and have much higher earning potential for the rest of your life with a job you actually enjoy.


I'm only doing an economics/mathematics major because everybody forced me into the "lol go to college" meme. I like both subjects anyway, though I know that a degree today means nothing to employers because everybody has one.

I am trying to invest every single dollar I can get a hold of. Instead of spending $1099 on a new iPhone and $1900 a year because of drinking at Starbucks everyday, put that money into Apple and Starbucks stocks respectively. To be honest, I should be sticking with ETFs since ~$3000 really is not much for stocks. As for money in savings accounts, take out as much multiples of 100 that I can and buy some 4-week t bills; that pays more interest than a savings account ever will--hell, the fucking pennies on the floor give me more interest than my savings account.

You speak Russian or something?

Do a project in node.js and a modern front end framework
I made the mistake of focusing too much on algorithms and data structures
I wrote a data visualization library for C++ and my own language that compiles to llvm, but no employers really cared and I was left behind while my crayon eating got backend/frontent/fullstack engineering positions because they said they knew node.js and SASS

>activity on github
how does a novice programmer build a portfolio on github? should I just learn a framework and build dummy sites?

What the hell? None of those are memes.

lets google "what job can I get with a political science degree"
>Campaign Operative
>Labour Relations Specialist
>Political Scientist
>University Professor
now what do all these jobs (other than lawyer which you will need a law degree for anyway) have in common?
they are incredibly hard jobs to get that suffer from a high amount of nepotism, you would have to be stupid to think you would just get one of these jobs without already being rich and very connected

Polish and russian, its basically 45% linguistic, 45% literature and 10 politics and history, thats how the classes are

>knew node.js and SASS
can u direct me to some resources to learn this shit

I'm switching from science to comp sci

How the hell do you have a degree in computer science?

The point is making money rapidly instead of spending money and opportunity cost in c*llege. I assumed I lived at home from 18 to 22 working and making the money instead of living at home going to c*llege.
I don't enjoy any jobs and people that do are likely lying to themselves.
If anyone doing any of them has a bad or mediocre outcome the blame is ALWAYS placed on them saying they shouldn't have fell for that meme.
Similar things can be said of other lib arts degrees but regardless of major if anything goes wrong it's blamed on the student. That's part of the college meme and why it's all a joke and shouldn't be fallen for in the first place.

do you have an actual degree in comp sci from a decent university of some diploma from a college wtf

just answer the god damn question

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I remember someone telling me that you might get some good jobs currently if you learn Bulgarian in Slavistics, because noone does that. Don't know if that might be true though.


>The point is making money rapidly instead of spending money and opportunity cost in c*llege.

At 18 with zero experience or education youd be working minimum wage in a shitty job.
>I assumed I lived at home from 18 to 22 working and making the money instead of living at home going to c*llege.

You would have zero expenses? That's fucked. The money you'd save is insignificant relative to your lifetime earnings with a degree.

>I don't enjoy any jobs and people that do are likely lying to themselves.

Yeah cus you've never had any with good benefits, paid time off, intelligent coworkers, etc. Tip: those jobs require a degree.

Pic related. Shut up you brainlet.

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>Paid time off

Is professional degree something like Cisco certification?
that really seems to be the best to get, industry certified instead of some wanker in a university certified

Here it means law or medicine usually

law/medicine/pharmacy/optometry usually

doctoral refers to PHD's likely

Yeah good jobs have that, you wouldn't know what it is though.

M8 I have a cousin in software engineering in the US he makes a lot of money and has lots of paid time off seeing as how he travels so much

pls respond

there are so few degrees which accually train you for a job. I did IT for a semester and that was just too cancer but honestly not a clue what to go back to do.
Probably just forcing to do international relations even though theres fuck all chance of getting a job because at least ill be able to get throguh it. Not a single one of the single digit non meme degrees wont make you want to kill yourself every second of study.

M8 all good jobs have paid time week off. In general. it's a progression system in general. You start with 3 or 4 free weeks and then they give you more weeks

He thinks every job is like being a walmart shelf stocker.

Anyone with a smartphone or some sort of video camera can be a journalist

Finished my MSc Mathematics this May and still am not employed. I had an interview with a bank on Friday morning though.

how old r u

wat was ur undergrad

I got a bachelor in liberal arts degree