How will africa population boom will sustain the welfare state of the rest of the world?

how will africa population boom will sustain the welfare state of the rest of the world?

Attached: fertility-rates-1970-2014.png (720x688, 55K)

Latam will be the whitest part of the world by 2070

Attached: 1492042591146.jpg (612x686, 94K)

ah yes so many whites in latam

eu will just close the borders and leave them to fend for themselves

developing and urbanizing africa is the best way to ensure lower fertility rates

Hey that 5-10% will look pretty good with how the west is going.

Which is happening and fertility rates are already dropping.

Do you really think euros still believe in borders?

Yeah I do. When the immigration gets ridiculously out of hands they will act. Italy already showed how easy it is to not allow a ship to dock.

W8 this sentence doesn't make sense at all?

I hope you are right...


Attached: aOmbqfV.png (1356x628, 63K)

Why do you care, you are a Sudaca.

Africa is estimated to hit 4.4 billion in 2100. Even the liberal Europeans know that it's unsustainable to bring them in because they just keep breeding.
The problems need to be solved in Africa.

My race will live and thrive. White people are an endangered species on the verge of collapse.

>White people are an endangered species on the verge of collapse.

Not even close at all.

those aren't north american amerindians which are at the brink of extintion and aboriginals.

>Yeah I do. When the immigration gets ridiculously out of hands they will act. Italy already showed how easy it is to not allow a ship to dock.
if its so easy then why arent they stopping it right now

not unsustainable yet, two years ago it was bad but now they're just dribbling in

The crisis in Europe is way way less of problem then what many other irrelevant nations face in regards to refugees.

That's why I wrote this . The whole continent keeps getting worse with the Chinese somewhat slowing the process down for now.

>The whole continent keeps getting worse with the Chinese somewhat slowing the process down for now.

It's much better off then it was during the much worse conflicts of the 80s-90's.

The vast majority of African migration is actually within the continent and this is omitting refugees where the vast majority reside in Africa.

Arguable. The population has more than doubled since the 90's, that's where the unsustainability comes in to play.