>mfw f*rstoid cries like a baby about his irrelevant puny “””problems”””
Mfw f*rstoid cries like a baby about his irrelevant puny “””problems”””
Good sissy
Post butt faglord
>f*Rstoids who think they have it rough because a brown person lives a bit close to them
>taking pride in being a miserable subhuman, who has "real problems"
Cry more dumb faggot, why haven’t you killed yourself over your aids or something?
Oh, another f*rstoid faggot, what a surprise!
>uh oh! My NEETbux is not enough to buy new BMW! What a suffering!
>country not bordering R*ssia complains about their neighbors
Me being concerned about my benis size is a REAL problem idiot
Good sissy, stay mad, I love strong willed bottom who will whimper like a baby when am doing them.
>SEETHING f*rstoid tries to derail the thread with his shitty fagposting
This is the future of all f*rstoids: eternal faggotry
I really like this Russian sissy
>implying that i complain about my neighbors
Alaska counts f*ggot
Based R*ssian showing firsties their place
georgias alphabet looks really nice imo.
rather neighbor Russia proper rather than S*moa
Post a pic of your cute pink nipples and pale flat chest, cutie
I get really turned on when you post
>the state of f*rst world
Can't make this shit up!
pls do it
i want to be hatefucked by you
I'm not a f*Rstoid, but I love cock!
Post cock!!!
Don't tease me with your stupid anime girls, I want the real you!
He is hot and I want to strangle him while fucking his asshole
What the fuck? I thought America is our allies
No, f*rstie, that's rather cringy of you to demand pictures of another grown up hairy man and having delusions because of some dumb sw*doid
End yourself already, you are an embarrassment
You can be dere about it babe
>homosex f*rstoids getting so mad that they accidentally turn gay again
We are your allies nowadays.
I'm just saying that I'm not a f*Rstoid.
They're pretty chill.
I really, really want my dick inside your tight asshole. Please keep posting so that I might glean more bits of your personality
I swear you touch yourself by imagining those firsties coming to your house and rape you like the sissy you are
Stop this, America, we are thirdies, not a degenerate f*rstoids
What's the deal with f*rsties and their excessive homosexual fantasies?
>Russia is worse than China
>never said gender
>assumes that it's a guy raping you
Pretty gay desu
Nip is right
Girls can't rape you dumbfuck f*rstoid. You island gooks are really strange
Yeah, this OP is pretty gay… I can already see OP moaning and imagining rape happening while wanting more firstie rape…
>what is dildo
>what is sleeping drug
Why deny it when finns and others in this board is already gay as fuck?
It's not reply rape if you enjoy it.... And you definitely would enjoy it even with a man
To be fair, you exude quite a bit of cocklust and it's very obvious.
F*rsties never change, still vile, still malevolent, prone to lies and falseflagging. Not that I expected something else.
Where exactly? I said nothing even remotely close to your claims. Ah, I see, more f*rstie corruption.
what problems do th*rdies even have?
Getting reamed by firsties.
Name 1(one) problem and that would be your answer, since America is third world
You know bordering a country that attacked your peacekeepers is not very good either
Yeah, the fact that my rural town has a CT scan sure makes me feel third world
kek, i was born in a village A FUCKING village in socialism because it had a tiny hospital and that was a while ago, delusional new worlder
Is CT scan something unusual in America? I didn’t think it was that bad
may I ask how many people?
Also note I explicitely said CT scan. Which cost 2 million dollars a pop
>is CT scan unusual in America
Far from it. I know of about 10 places with them within an hours drive from me.
Probably many more
But my town is in a poor area with only 1600 people
Yeah, and everyone can afford to use it for 10k$, right? Everyone in America has such money on them lmao
Anyone who posts that many smug anime girls wants the D. Now post your tummy.