Which one do you choose?

Which one do you choose?

Attached: rus vs us.png (1749x907, 1.33M)

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Seryoga, is that you?

America didn't choose right either, it's a prototype


Post a right one

The project was cancelled

Why would you compare an experimental prototype whose sole purpose is to serve as a testing platform?

Both are shit. We should use our fighter budget on ground based Anti Air

Attached: DHc87hSWAAQZg4S.jpg (1200x800, 245K)

>Abandon mastery of air

Attached: dumb as fuck.png (645x729, 58K)

We have enough artillery to get by without air support

>fly at 10000 meter
>hit with bomb
problem solved

Great China

Attached: 162C3B32-B7B6-4088-95A8-BC936BEC07EF.jpg (800x450, 82K)

Finns have no hope of air superiority though. But even a small number of ground based anti air wepeons forces a much more carefull aproach by the enemy. Some weapon plattforms cant be used altogether until its safe enough. That applies to many helicopters for example. This diminishes the advantage the enemy has from air superiority to a large degree.

Post jets now

That only works if something is spotting for the bomber

That's BUK-M1. It's capable of hitting targets at 25km altitude. Still a middle range system though.

>implying funland would ever get airsuperiority agaist russis

isn't space only like 12km lol

Attached: RAF-F35 Journey-44.jpg (3600x2017, 1.2M)

this lmao.
25km that would be close to the moon LOL

Not quite.

This system is also supposed to target cruise missiles.

Attached: EarthAtmosphereBig.jpg (161x2500, 91K)

Depend if China is bullshitting about their quantum radar.

Even our war planes are fucking fat

even planes in america are obese

If you arent fat you are commie

the second one looks like a high altitude diabetes bomber

>That only works if something is spotting for the bomber
Do you think person lasering targer. That is for unguided rockets and canon.

This is just a prototype, fucking retardic moron.

Boeing wasn't even commissioned.

i smell in here. dont take it too serious guys

Well shit!
Oi mate! Easy Vlad.

Attached: raf 100 anniversary-3.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>tfw Eagle Dynamic just announcing new MAC
>tfw its also keyboard and mouse friendly


Attached: 1521237114015.gif (800x371, 193K)

but thin is not an American thing