What's the endgame of this?

What's the endgame of this?

Journalists talk about how Putin got Trump into power, and are implying that the two now form some kind of union.

But everyone who knows stuff and can think understands that individual statesmen have very little power in reality.

In radio I just heard some guy talking about how the new world order will be like during Napoleon Bonaparte. I don't remember whether it was before or after the Congress of Vienna.

Attached: Donald Trump Vladimir Putin.jpg (710x473, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing in this world will not happen without the approval of pic related. BIS headquarters in Switzerland is legally a country, and above all laws.

Attached: BIS headquarters Basel, Switzerland.jpg (728x464, 60K)

Putin after 27 years declared that we are a superpower again and everyone must reckon with us.

Did Trump give Finland to Putin, like Germans did in the 30's?

The endgame is Trump has no idea what he's doing and Putin is sowing the seeds of dissent in the west. It doesn't matter if neither of them have absolute power as long as they undermine established institutions effectively.

*will not = will

If I was a republican I'd be very, very sad at the way the president is acting. Why aren't they though?

>as long as they undermine established institutions effectively
But are they really doing that? Is it real or theater?

China will save us. Beijing-Brussels axis

>we are a superpower again

Attached: одобрено_04_076.png (666x348, 231K)

the virgin trump vs the chad KGB agent

>crimea is occupied
lol what you gona do about it
>you interfered with our elections
lol no
yea assad stays, its complicated
>ya know we are competing you on energy
lol, *builds nordstream*

oh btw, american businessman, heres a ball, hold it for me

They're doing that. The whole reason why Americans voted trump into office was to make liberals and the rest of the world cry. So trump could destroy the united states and nobody would care because it's going according to plan.

They absolutely are. When trump goes to the nato summit and threatens to leave it, goes to the UK and talks shit about the PM and brexit, then goes to Russia and rolls over for Putin (especially in the wake of Ukraine/Novichok), he's undermining the US position in the world, and the unity of the west.

This isn't in the interest of the US, despite what he claims. Isolationism combined with throwing away old alliances is absolutely what Russia wants the US to do.

We can take Finland without ""present of trump"" right now, but why? It's too early, you have a few years.

Endgame of both Trump and Putin is be remembered fondly by their people's respective history books

The got big egos to feed.

Endgame of media is be loud and defend the establishment. Endgame of US spy chiefs, I think, is to whip the media frenzy against any sort of 'reckless' agreement like Putin proposed - interrogate our spooks, we interrogate yours. Because they evidently thin it'll do more damage to CIA than to GRU for their ops to become public

I'm telling you, it was the Potsdam Conference 2.0

The end of this world's nations is nigh

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India should be red


Attached: 1531731102636.png (318x314, 150K)

Nah fuck off mate. They are ours
And I also meant to make Turkey blue

Finland, India, SAR, Brazilia are ours satellites too.

Even with all the fear of china India is in the US sanctions club. Won't forget that, won't forget that Pakistan comes first for Americans. It's in SCO and in BRICS for a reason

I think journalists should focus more on actual news and less on conspiracy theories


Hello volga German

It's a cult at this point. MAGAtards are defending yesterdays ridiculous performance.

So it feels and appears to be.

Do people care at all? Or are they completely happy watching Temptation Island and fake political debates till the end?

Why absolutely no-one wants to discuss about this?

Are they dumb or do they genuinely believe he's doing the right thing with this? I don't see how anyone could simultaneously claim to care about America and be happy about the president licking the boots of Russia.

Who knows. Some are probably just too dumb to understand. Maybe pride plays a role? Admitting you've been wrong is not exactly easy if you've invested a lot of time and energy into this.
Some are just underage in it for the epic memes and to own the libs.

There are so many issues with Trump. Climate change denial, inappropriate and sexist behaviour, you name it.
But I can't get my head around people who are upset about his de-escalation policy with foreign nuclear powers.

Too busy trying to milk him for all the domestic policy "wins" they can get. Unless there is clear cut, undeniable evidence he is conspiring (even if it seems a likely possibility it's still possible he is either naive or trying to protect his ego at this point) they will likely never do more than rebuke him with some stern words.

There's a difference between de-escalation and giving foreign dictators exactly what they want.

He's doing more than de-escalating. He's actively weakening our alliances and literally handing everything Putin wants to him on a silver platter, without getting anything concrete, or anything at all for that matter, in exchange. That's not working in the interest of your country.

>without getting anything concrete, or anything at all for that matter, in exchange

This is what baffles me the most. Doesn't he pride himself as a deal maker and businessman? This is a terrible deal for him however you look at it.

Nothing in this world will not happen without the approval of the Bogdanoffs

Attached: bog.jpg (500x387, 51K)

Yeah... tsar for life Putin has very little power.

fuck off vasili

did kim give up his nukes?

Trump OBLITERATED the Deep State yesterday. It's been proven that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia, meanwhile all the collusion was between Hillary and Russia. The real bombshell from yesterday was the $400 million that Hillary swindled from Russia.

Attached: DiSJLjIUwAAhM5U.jpg (400x400, 32K)

Many are

MAGApedes are only half of Republicans.

>mfw I shitposted on Jow Forums in 2016
>mfw I mocked Shillary and the American foreign policy
>mfw I interfered with the US elections
>mfw it's all my fault and people wrongly accuse Putin

Attached: Segítség_segítő.png (1127x685, 37K)

He's being played like a fiddle. He basically stood next to Putin telling the world he dindu nuffin. What more could Putin ask for?

Sidenote. It's four years since MH17 was shot down in eastern-Ukraine today. Almost 200 from the Netherlands died. There have been reports that said Dutch intelligence managed to infiltrate the group that hacked the DNC and shared the intelligence with the Americans. They must be very happy with their so called ally.

What are you smoking? No president since Reagan has been tougher on Russia than Trump. Whether it's arming the Ukrainians, bombing Assad, telling Germany to stop buying Russian gas, Trump has been doing what Obama never did.

>de-escalation policy

Yeah, we really saw how "tough" he was on Russia yesterday.

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>Did Trump give Finland to Putin, like Germans did in the 30's?
Trump can't even repeal the sanctions without Congress.

Actions speak louder than words.

And besides, what did you expect him to do? Yell at Putin and tell him to fuck off? It's called being diplomatic.

>no president has been tougher on Russia
What? Reagan and Kennedy were far tougher on Russia you dumb Jow Forums creatura.

i don't think he's weakening our alliances at all. he's serving as a wakeup call that the US won't be there to babysit forever, so other cunts need to get their shit together soon. whether it's nato or EU, links are tightening, not loosening

Trump is the commander in chief.

he can revoke protection of a country at will

>If I was a republican I'd be very, very sad at the way the president is acting. Why aren't they though?
They are. A lot of Congress has condemned his not holding Putin accountable for anything.

>telling Germany to stop buying Russian gas

There's an important distinction with this. He's talking shit to Germany with this, not Russia. Its undermining NATO's position, not Russia's.

>sucking the cock of your rival is “being diplomatic” on Jow Forums

Such cuck mentality. Sad!

My dad is a Trump supporter. My brother used to be. It really comes down to how willing you are to buy into the whole deep state narrative from what I can tell. My brother is conservative, but employs critical thinking and doesn't buy into stuff like climate denial or narratives about media bias, and so he doesn't dismiss any negative press as fake news. My father however is driven heavily by religious issues and buys into the idea that there is some deep state out to get Trump and take over the world. Because of that belief, he can dismiss negative news for Trump as fake. Going back to the religious note, it's also an issue with the shrinking religious base in the country giving up on being concerned about moral character of their candidate so long as they deliver on the social changes they desire (illegal abortion, fighting against even common sense gun restrictions like required safety courses and background checks, keeping the fags from marrying, etc).

For now I think he's just desperately trying to protect the legitimacy of his election. He's a massive narcissist with a fragile ego, after all. He's really making it hard for me to not make assumptions about where his loyalties may truly lie though.

Lol, no.

learn to read you spastic

Can you read? I said no president SINCE REAGAN.

>What's the endgame of this?
America and the EU are much weaker now, in the middle of several trade wars. Nobody cares about Ukraine, MH17, chemical attacks in the UK, etc.

And 30 years passed since the US downed an Iranian civilian passenger fligh and nobody cared and still nobody cares. The Dutch are irrelevant on global scale. Also the DNC is dirty.
>campaing with isolationism
>get eleceted
>say that you are gonna implement isolationist polices

Well he can't tell Russia to stop selling gas, can he?

How is he "sucking Russia's cock"? Arming the Ukrainians? Bombing Assad? Expelling diplomats?

>Also the DNC is dirty.
trump's been good for this too, if dems start to clean house, sanders 2016 showed everyone just how corrupt the dnc machine really is

It looks like people really love to hold on illusions, even in the internet. Sad.

Pretty good post.

>kissing ass and trying to ally with a hostile nation is isolationism

I think you fail to understand that part of the reason America is so relevant and able to keep leverage is because they're dependent on us like this. It's mutually beneficial in a way, but America wins big time in terms of global influence. By reneging on our commitments we show that we cannot be taken seriously and lessen our ability to make deals with other nations. They're not going to want to bother with us, except for Russia because apparently Trump really wants to kiss Putin's ass for some reason.

>trying to ally with a hostile nation
I fail to see the problem here.

For some Anons it is hard to understand how America works. Trump's policies 90% to Obamas. It's just when a democrat does those it's somehow okay. For example immigration, Obama kicked out 3 million illegals and nobody cared and he also gave more power to the authorities to deal with them. Trump is Hitler for doing this. Trump finally managed to officially start NATO and Ukraine talks, but somehow he is pro Russia, because he does PR stunts with Putin.

When it puts our nation and our current allies in a state of vulnerability, it is indeed a problem. Like I said earlier, all he's doing is appeasing Putin by siding with the man. He's gained nothing tangible and made the US as well as NATO seem weak. The only ones that stand to gain are enemies of NATO and especially Russia. And I feel I should remind you, Russia has demonstrated that it isn't exactly unwilling to take land by force. A weak NATO is not good for Eastern Europe.

>hey Germany pay for your own army

That's not representative of the situation in reality

He is pro-Russia because he speaks ill of our allies and speaks no ill of Russia. It's not hard to understand. I don't mind the deportation of illegals, at least when they haven't been here for something like 20 years. The wall is a waste of resources though and would stifle growth in the border state that I live in.

I don't see any real argument here. I just told you why that's problematic for the US and explained why his attempt at an alliance falls flat. I don't see much point in repeating myself so I'm gonna just stop here.

at this point he should step down. He is clearly not competent

Him trying to restore relations doesn't make him look weak. It would make him look weak if he'd acted all tough and sent empty threats and then doing nuffin, like his predecessor. That's what he was criticized for when dealing with Kim.

>and speaks no ill of Russia

He literally called Russia a foe the other day and even during the campaign he explicitly called Putin a "problem".

But I'm not surprised you're not aware of that, since CNN would never report on that. It goes against the narrative.

Yeah, rolling over for a rival definitely doesn't look weak.

he doesn't even enforce sanctions on russia as he should be doing
he occasionally acts like as if he actually did anything of actual value in oder to not displease his base or to counteract any criticism, but he has done very little outside of some half-assed symbolic gesture

and when put to the test he starts licking putin's boots

oh no no no no no no no

Problematic for the US? You know what is problematic for the US? Trying to ban breastfeeding in the UN, well that's problematic.

So instead he plays nice and proceeds to do nuffin, which manages to make him appear even weaker than he did at the Kim summit. Gotcha.

I mean, he called EU a foe the other day.

he meant trade competitors, you know what he meant. don't act like a sheep

He also said putin would be the easiest meeting he would be going to. It's almost like he talks shit constantly.

>What's the endgame of this?

Attached: truput17.png (642x340, 39K)

>rolling over for a rival
Like Obama did with Crimea?

>You brain on CNN

Sanctions were literally strengthened last year and the US expelled the largest number of Russian diplomats following the Skripal poisoning.

Yes, in terms of trade, which is 100% right.

But from an American perspective the is EU bad, that's why they are trying to undermine where ever they can. It's the EU's fault that our leaders are a bunch of cucks.

He literally called the EU a foe this weekend and then rolled over and said he believed his word over his own intelligence agencies in front of the world. Also constantly goes on about how he thinks he and Putin will have a great relationship.

Putting sanctions on russia wrecked their economy.

What I want to know is how the US benefits from this. Russia isn't a large trade partner for the US, and they threaten European countries that are. How do US citizens benefit?

Yes. He called Russia a competitor not an enemy as well.
Here's the foe quote btw.
>“Well, I think we have a lot of foes,” Trump said when asked by CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor about who he thinks America’s biggest foe is, globally, right now. “I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us is in trade. Now, you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe. Russia is a foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly they are a foe. But that doesn’t mean they are bad. It doesn’t mean anything. It means that they are competitive.”

>But from an American perspective the is EU bad
You're not even an American.

He's not breaking any promises, he never pretented to be consistent and then backed off, how does that make him appear week? He's not "sucking Putin's dick", it's called realpolitik.


the EU is a US state department project, what the fuck are you talking about. every president before trump has called on europe to integrate. everything is an american conspiracy with you retards

>You are not American therefore you cannot comprehend how the world works

He said he HOPES he and Putin will have a great relationship. But that's kind of hard when you have the phony witch hunt going on.

Potential war between the two largest nuclear powers is avoided?

what's so controversial about that

>What's the endgame
Smoking gun gets found
Drumpf gets imprisoned
Alt-Right disappears in a cloud of hubris

Potential war has been avoided for 60 years without presidents licking Russian boots.

We don't, unless you actually believe there's risk for nuclear war, but it's not like he made any progress in disarmament anyway.

Don't expect Yuros to understand.

You're not an American, so you can't really claim to know the perspective of Americans.

Yes the current form of the EU. Where every leader is a US lapdog and every one of us follows the US in their wars against sand niggers. But the world is changing and independent EU is the nightmare for the USA and for Russia too. Econimcally speaking the European protective tariffs were always bad for the USA.

I'm not sure you realise how close the US and the Soviets came to war, especially in the 60s and 80s.