American Posts

ITT: We are American and try to sound as American as Posible

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Shut up nigger


Damn, here in Boston we keep Irish traditions more alive than in Ireland itself

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let's skip the semester and have spring break early, it will be totally epic and like radically awesome


you have to believe in yourself FREEDOM

our police, our military, our constitution

yes we can

*clap* *clap* *clap*

just found out I'm 10% German, stay mad EU fags

>let's skip the semester and have spring break early, it will be totally epic and like radically awesome
Do you base your knowledge of u.s. college students on Hollywood movies?


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Duuuuude I had to go to the hospital cause of my headache and paid $500 plus tip

Hello, how are you?

Hey guys how are you I'm doing o..-

*Gets shot*

*labored nose breathing*

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Hola ese

Do you take visa?

Everything is a matter of how hard you work. I could be the next Gary Kasparov of I tried hard enough.

>*learns about a war*
>*tries to figure out which side was the good guys*
>*believes moral relativism is a ploy to destroy my values*
>*believes a generic "higher power" has exactly 50% chances of existing*

*visits another country for once and is astonished to see that not every person lives and consumes like an american*

I'm incredibly gay right now...not that there's anything wrong with that.

green man is based tho

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>let's skip the semester and have spring break early, it will be totally epic and like radically awesome
that's not American. Sure, we say 'awesome' but that's it

never seen your flag before on here

Gonna pound that surf and ride it TUBULAR, brah



"Hey Brian how's it going"
"That's great they accepted your offer on your second home!"
"Congrats on your second and last child!"
"Yeah I heard about that downtown incident, fucking niggers..."
"Well I best get back to work now, the whole world is depending on my economic output"

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Hey man, do you have some paper towels? I totally spilt bud light everywhere. Last night's halloween party was killer!! I really enjoy fall, its my favourite season. I wish I had an elevator in my house 'cause i'm so fat.

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nothing wrong with any of that except the being fat part

Oh you mean poor people? Yeah we know they exist but we don't go out of our way to be them, unlike you.

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I had to weave in the word "elevator" so a fat joke seemed appropriate.

Hey aren't you that North African country that was colonized by Mexico? Do you speak Mexican yourself?