Norway got all the shitty mountain land hahahahahaha

Norway got all the shitty mountain land hahahahahaha

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Norway, more like NOWAY XD

codfaces btfo

Mountains are nice, stop bullying Norway you flat countries

poor balts ;_;


RIP Denmark holy fuck.

>Fennoswedes are kill
>Stockholm is kill
wew lad


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Norway is pretty and beautiful and is best country, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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is this the perfect timeline?


>Stockholm is kill
About time. If he speaks stockholmish; feed him to pirahna fish, as they say.


I wish we had mountains

but Norgay is beautuful

Yeah and they also got all the oil&gas.

I-I didn't want it anyway


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very very good thread

They had good black metal.

Stop talking bad about them

>fjords are bad
>oil is bad
uninstall life Sven-Mohammed Al Stockholmi

If you don't like your mountains, give them to us, we'll rid you of your burden.

Here is the US. See how the West has a ton of mountain land? That's the nice part, that's the part everyone wishes they lived and that's the part everyone wants to visit.

I live in the middle part, which sucks in comparison because it doesn't have all the gorgeous beauty that the mountain part has. You see the tiny little bit of mountains in the middle part? You have to squint to see it. That's the Ozarks. It's really nice there too. And on the East, you see the Appalachians? That's really nice too.

As for the part in the middle without the mountains, we get mad fun of by our fellow Americans for being the "fly over" states, the states you bypass

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Guess that's why 250g of butter costs $3-4 there.

He never said the oil, which has nothing to do with mountains, is bad.


>Nice states
ho ho ho ho

Tapa ittesi tumblr

Norway has beautiful nature, oil wealth, and the some of the highest standards of living in the world, what does Sweden have besides sky-high rape statistics and Ikea?

Oregon looks really nice though

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>t. mountainlets

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>This confuses the Finngolian

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Piss off with your butter
I don't know why the fuck they transport inferior product to the other side of the planet to sell in small tubs but they do

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I know, guy. I love Oregon so much I fuck it. I just wanted to say the funny slangs.

>This enrages the sw*doid

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I think it's pretty comfy to be honest, because I like hiking in the mountains

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>This confuses the south american

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Of course they get snow up in the mountains, the mountain tops are covered with them. But you're going to get snow in the winter if you live in the north/top half of the US regardless if you live in the mountains or not

Attached: us_snow_v1.png (1241x809, 935K)

Lurpak is a meme, it becomes hard as a brick when it goes cold.

Sweden doesn't have IKEA. The Netherlands do.


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Kost $2.5

Not snowregon, idiot. Snore-egon, as in it's a boring ass state.
>This enrages the south american

oh, ahahahaha good one dad


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all those mountain states in the west are great
>New Mexico

as for boring, it's those states in the middle without the mountains or beaches like Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio etc. To be fair, once you visit those boring states without the mountains, they usually turn out to be a lot better than you pictured, but it's still no as nice as being in the mountain states

as for California, that's a pretty awesome state, but the cost of living is high there and Los Angeles in particular, while it has a lot of pros, has a ton of cons as well. San Diego and San Francisco are nice but are getting overcrowded as well. But everyone loves the small towns along the coast like Santa Barbara, Laguna Beach, Malibu, Monterrey, Santa Cruz, etc etc. That whole Hwy 1 along the Pacific Coast is amazing. Politically, California is conservative/red/republican in Southern California and liberal/bluoe/democrat in North California

Attached: Cali Hwy 1.png (1155x1069, 2.08M)

Nothing is better than scenic states/countries.

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All this jealousy itt. Disgusting.

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