Upfiring thread

Hey frens what do you think about Upfiring? They plan to use blockchain for p2p file sharing. It seems like a cool idea in a way but the thing I can't figure out is how they can monetize it. They expect down loaders to use their tokens to get content and seeders are rewarded with tokens. The problem I see is how can that compete with an existing p2p file sharing system that is completely free?


One thing is their tokens are super cheap right now so may be good for a pump once they are further along in development.


Attached: download.png (290x174, 3K)

this was a pnd meme a few months back. how new are you?

Not this shit again...

gonna be huge, especially with esoteric/niche content.

Care to elaborate?

UFR $100 eoy

kys dyor

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But it hasnt been pumped yet....

I have dmor retard that's why I made this thread. Can you explain how they're going to solve the problem I mentioned?

Tron is going to unironically fucking destroy them.

>Can you explain how they're going to solve the problem I mentioned?
I responded to your first reply itt. You've not asked a question.

Upfiring is back? I also see the KCS referral threads have returned. All we're missing is bazinga coin and we'll have the three signs of the bull run.

It’s literally my unironically go-to when I’m roasting someone and accusing them of being a mark for pajeets.

Most people (that are currently frequenting this board) never heard of it

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>They expect down loaders to use their tokens to get content and seeders are rewarded with tokens. The problem I see is how can that compete with an existing p2p file sharing system that is completely free?

You mean you tell people to buy it or you think it's trash?

The main problem with the existing p2p file sharing system is that newer and popular files are easier to find and faster to download. Niche pornography is harder to find and seeders have no incentive to keep seeding it. With upfiring, seeders will have an economic incentive to seed niche files.

Hmmm interesting.

And as

mentioned, what can Upfiring do that Tron can't?

>what can Upfiring do that Tron can't?
Be successful

make that cash boi

Joystream does this now...

Now that's a meme I haven't seen in a long time.

lol old meme
next please


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