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He made it?

Destory it.

which exchange has btc trading at 10k

Great to hear user, time to dump on you

>made it
Life in India must truly suck. I feel sorry for you bro.

Congrats, OP.

hold on, 1 BTC means you "made it"?

>you know what to do

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congrats user
I hope to be there someday

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>1 BTC

There's the venezuelan.

To play devils advocate, with 10k in India you could sling dick left and right and afford decent curry that won't give you the plague. Also buy a beautiful tropical home but you might get jacked by tigers
More likely OP is underageb& though


the absolute state of Jow Forums

You kidding me? You can't buy jack shit in India nowadays with $10k USD.

Unless you buy your own land and build your own home I guess

>btc is 10k
was this taken before some months or in the future??


That's the total value of his BTC, you fucking brainlets.

The absolute state of Jow Forums...

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aren't they getting paid like ~5 USD for an 8 hour shift? surely USD must translate to much higher value over there?

There are some real bitch nigger player haters on Jow Forums. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. keep going op.

Huge disparity between rich and poor.

If you want a nice home (western standards) it's possible, but still fairly expensive

Well done my love! Well DONE

congrats bro, seriously.

but to have a reasonable existence you need at least $2.5MM. And ideally $5.0MM because you also want to buy a house and car.

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im proud of you. i hope to be here soon.
I hold only a half btc atm. hope i get a whole one by the end of the year

C’mon man you’re making biz look even dumber than it has to be

Fuck everybody here... Good for you, user. I remember my first BTC, it's tough as nails to not let it slip! Keep up the good work!

Not in countryside India sir

I was there a few months ago OP. We’re going to make it. I’m keeping my second BTC when I accumulate enough and holding altcoins with the first.

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tfw it's all in unmovable shitcoin scraps

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Pssh nothin personal

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tfw a few months ago I was at 1.5 at ATH December bull run and now im at .9. Fucking off me

You haven't "made it" till you hit 21BTC, but take any victory you've striven for

When 1 bitcoin reaches a million in 10 years he will make it.

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Crikey! Hodl a few years and retire

>Jow Forums

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