Dear europeans, how does it feels to know that you no longer have big daddy america to guard you?

dear europeans, how does it feels to know that you no longer have big daddy america to guard you?

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jokes on all of us when yuros go on their next rampage

Euros outnumber both

dear cyka blyats, how does it feel having left europe on your own will and how does it feel having a military that isn't even comparable to many individual european nations? How does it feel having an economy that is weaker than the one of Belgium? How does it feel being irrelevant once the percentages of renewable energy sources will further increase in the next years? How does it feel living in a depressing country with a high rate of corruption, crime, aids, croc and low education? How does it feel when your human rights are being treated like shit in this shithole called Russia? BLYAT!

Attached: russia-in-15-seconds.webm (320x240, 1.56M)

>Using frames from a meme movie
Go buy some gas, Hans

the got rid of the jews, remember.

Why would a German need to buy gas? They have enough Zyklon B. to last them a millenia. Oh wait, you mean gasoline :^)

>renewable energy sources
>still heat with coal up to 40%

You need Ruski gas
They need your monies, and can still nuke you

>Uses included delousing clothing and disinfesting ships, warehouses, and trains.
>The product is infamous for its use by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust to murder approximately one million people in gas chambers installed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, and other extermination camps.

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Are you somehow implying the russian army can do shit against Europe ? Shit I'd be more scared about the italians than the russki.

And that's a good thing

Austria is unprotected since 1945.
Free and prosperous

2018 things look different over there. Last time it changed in just 6 years.

Trump backtracked really, really quickly on what he had said in Helsinki. If anything really kicked off the US would jump to the aid of its NATO allies within a heartbeat.

apparently euro diplomats have said the transatlantic alliance may survive four years of trump, but not eight. kek

True, the EU military-industrial complex has been consolidating and ramping up production in the last months.

Is this how Europe will officially become a federation? Then the narrative would be very similar to "eurosclerosis" leading to Single European Act, more integration and more enlargement. Buckle up, boys and girls!

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Trump honestly won't do shit to NATO. The higher ups in the US military and others in government will make sure of that, they have too much invested in it. Trump has already been shown numerous times he can be swayed really quickly and will be shot down if he tried anything.


Europe needed a kick in the butt.

Must be a beautiful thing since Russians hate it.

by trumps 2nd term euros might not even want to be in nato anymore. look at the chaos trumps already caused in only a year and a half. itll boil down to the midterm elections this november. blue wave = 1 term presidency. red wave = americans approve of how trump's handling things, including europe

Trump is just drawing new investments from Europe to its military complex.

I unironically agree with this quote.

>jokes on all of us when yuros go on their next rampage
Can't wait for this desu

You don't seem to understand, or are pretending so. That "hate" is merely a tool.

The EU is just a bigger Belgium anyway.

That's also why every real country despises it.

The absolute crucial thing we all need to remember, is that Estonia has to be protected at all costs.

Attached: British tanks in Estonia.jpg (1200x630, 122K)

>an economy that is weaker than the one of Belgium?
That's the most important part, honestly. Now that America is compromised everyone will rush to rebuild their military, even tiny countries like Belgium can actually outspend Russia on planes and ships. Sucks that we have to piss away money on this but oh well.

EU countries won't get their weapons from the US given the trade war shit Trump has been doing.

The Benelux has the economy of Russia.

If the Netherlands went full Saudi Arabia when it comes to military spendings we would outspend Russia lol.

This. It's a wonder of a country

Nah they should attach themselves to Russia again

Attached: 1905 Norway independence & Russian revolution after defeat by Japan.jpg (1838x1080, 570K)

Plus, China will move into Siberia the second Russia gets bogged down in Europe, nukes or not.


Europeans are a bunch of rapists, thieves, savages, murderers pretending to be civilized

Well, on second thought, maybe they don't need to invade at all

>"I would like you to pay more attention to our region. We have no doctors, no pharmacy and no work. There is nothing here!" Her village has a population of 713. Last year, 27 people died but not a single child was born. "If nothing happens here, we will have to go to China as guest workers," says Galina. "Or slave away in our country as coolies for the Chinese."

Better off knowing that I can throw a €20 note in their general direction and be able to do basically whatever the fuck I want.

Plus, what the fuck else does Lil pootpoot have to offer other than some low quality oil and some rusty ass nuclear warheads half of which are Ukrainian and the other half are so badly taken care of that the initial launch would basically tear them in two.

Trumps going to be ousted anyway but in any case, he still sends arms to your biggest enemy and he isn't going to stop any time soon.

Lastly, at least I'm able to type this from the comfort of a nice, inner Luxembourg suburb, not in a basement in novosibirsk with rugs on the wall as insulation using several different VPNs on your 5kb/s wifi so that Lil pootman has a hard time tracking you down with his goons if you dare breathe a bad word about his royal fuckness

Hope you like living in that cult of personality

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>Sucks that we have to piss away money on this but oh well.
Think about Safran and Nexter employees my dude. It's prime economic stimulus.
Now that I think of it, the ECB will probably step in and give EU countries helicopter money (lol) to spend on european weapons.

Even when the result would be a tyranny controlled by power-hungry psychopaths?

You have no idea how Belgium is. They never experienced a functioning government.

Why are Republicans so silent about this? If this would be a Democrate i bet impeachment would allready happen.

I don't care about the Baltic States, Finland, Czechoslovakia or Poland, Western Europe isn't threaten by Russia

Republicans are in an awkward position. Trump is fucking them, but he's also popular so they can't really talk shit.

Srs question: would this lead to there being a standard european language across the EU?

Like, the Canadians made space for french but really only did that to keep the language present on the continent.

And lots of anglophone leafs stay mad about it.

Why are people so butthurt about this? They just met, that's what presidents do.

He's rattling the Republican's cages. That is a good thing. Neocons and establishment Reps. need to go the way of the dinosaur! Imo this is all a ploy to smoke out the political non-believers.
Media is trying to make Trump and Putin seem evil. In reality, I want the US and Russia to be best friends. We'll see what happens. I think Putin knows that Trump is a true Alpha President compared to king nigger - So he is willing to work with us.

>mfw US-RU become best friends - we pull our soldiers out, withdraw from NATO and Russia turns the gas off.

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>western Europe


>Gates to Atlantic ocean
>not in russian interest

oh sweetie we will make sure you are given the chance, you cant keep getting away with it

>>Gates to Atlantic ocean
>>not in russian interest
dafuck Russia should be interested in Atlantic ocean? We have access to the whole american continent from the pacific already

Mate, no one will win a war against Russia. If Russia goes down, they will make sure everyone comes down with them.

they already blinked with that submarine incident, not sure if they'd be evil enough to end civilization when it comes down to it like americans are

>and low education
Higher literacy rate than you Hans


Nah if we're going down so is everyone else

Most immigrants go to European Russia, where 80% of the population lives. And it is far more richer and developed than Siberia and Far East.

>Media is trying to make Trump and Putin seem evil
Because they've talked? Since when the diplomacy is evil?

ITT: seething eurofag rage

>evil enough to end civilization
There is nothing evil about ending the civilization.

Glondald Blorpf is evil you fucking shill fuck you

China has enough cities that they don't fear retaliation.

librul shills in the US intelligence community literally seething that russia wasn't portrayed as a boogeyman so that they have a reason to exist and get that sweet government budget

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Feels great desu. The Yuro defense Industries are celebrating.

I dunno how the US defense industry is feeling these days desu.

Guess not very comfy due to the bleak sales prospects ahead as the second-hand cars salesman they put in the Presidency is doing a fantastic job at fucking up their exports business and losing a fuckton of traditional customers in just 2 years, lel.

>The Polish-American alliance is not worth anything. It's even damaging, because it creates a false sense of security in Poland
>Radosław Sikorski, Minister for Foreign Affairs, eavesdropped private conversation, 2013
And he was absolutely right. God bless Trump for finally making it apparent to everyone in Europe.

Stop this bullshit

Trump and Putin are natural enemies.

One is a builder from the civilian sector, the second is a spy and has not generated a single surplus percentage to GDP.

American and Russian conservatism is 180 degrees

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Yep the (((powers))) don't want diplomacy between us. They want war and constant misery. Putin and Trump are good adversaries and cooperation between the two would destroy the international status quo. Imagine if we combined forces and stabilized the middle east - giving rise to a successful world economy.
Go suck a cock, leftypol

Yeah but is your country self-sustainable? No.

Probably the four biggest languages would become official languages. But I don't think that language is that relevant question for these people.

The first thing they want is to centralize and standardize all administrative and legislative concepts into one, and to create a network in which every part is obligated to follow perfectly a given appointment.

Anyway, local cultures aren't dead but they have completely lost their meaning as the most important defining factor in everyday life. Languishing local cultures aren't going to obstruct centralization, and I think that neither does the co-existence of different languages.

yeah but putin hacked america, he's like totally evil and shit, that means trump is a traitor

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>we have money that means we r invincible
you will be the first one to rot in a gulag.

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How does Russia seem so shit but threatening at the same time?

>Rand Corporation

russians are poorer but they have warrior spirit. eurpeans are elitist cunts who can only talk shit and nothing else

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just a few days ago trump ordered europe to go harder against russia, he told us to buy more weapons so we can better defend against russia. he wants us to sanction russia even harder than now and berated germany for buying russian gas. heavy emphasis on russia as natos enemy.

next day he is all friendly with putin and declares the EU a foe, sides with russia against his own inelligence services.

its pretty obvious why we are butthurt.

Volga German hilarious as always
Fighting spirit, top kek, it's just General Moroz, like very invasion of Russia ever.

>declares the EU a foe
What? I missed that part. What exactly he said?

>be polish subhuman
>try to invade russia when it's in trouble
>fail miserably
>get occupied for the next centuries
>p-poland stronk! russia only wins because of the winters!


>Trump backtracked really, really quickly on what he had said in Helsinki. If anything really kicked off the US would jump to the aid of its NATO allies within a heartbeat.
His own party, Fox news and supposedly cabinet members basically went, "What the fuck!?". The cabinet is supposedly meeting at 11:30 to discuss the trainwreck.

Dont care, got nukes

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This, wouldn't even care if we left NATO it's useless anyway.

>President Donald Trump named the European Union, Russia and China as foes
Well, what are you butthurt about?

[Sabaton taking notes]

Bit of a misleading headline, he's talking in trade. Unfortunately he views this because he only seems to focus on commodities and not services because commodity trade affects a lot of his voter base. China is obviously the far bigger trade problem due to their getting into the WTO with pretty beneficial agreements.


>ooohooohooo but he was nice to poot'n
>ooohooohooo but he winked at him
>ooohooohooo literal traitor
>ooohooohooo unless russia gets portrayed as a boogeyman, i won't get my salary

why are libshits so fucking retarded

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