How come the entirety of Brazil is concentrated in the south east corner and the interior of the country is virtually...

How come the entirety of Brazil is concentrated in the south east corner and the interior of the country is virtually unpopulated except for one city?

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There's a gigantic jungle there

There's something like, you know, probably the biggest jungle in the world.

Yeah Europe used to be covered in forests too. Trees can be cleared

That's the amazon user. It doesn't make sense to build big population centers there.

How come the entirety of Australia is concentrated in the south east corner and the interior of the country is virtually unpopulated except for one city?

Because portuguese, spaniards, french and dutch decided that the best pussies for rape were there

How come the entirety of Australia is concentrated in the south east and west corner and the interior of the country is virtually unpopulated except for one city?

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>How come the entirety of Australia is concentrated in the south east corner and the interior of the country is virtually unpopulated except for one city?

Because Australia is bigger than Mexico and has a population 5 times smaller

Now search for the South American Density map and you will see how bizarre is

>thinking a desert is comparable to a jungle

This is why you made this thread, right?

>trees? yeah, killem!

It's very comparable in terms of how difficult is to stablish a settlement in those kind of places: extreme weather, dangerous animals, difficult geography, poor soil

>comparing forests to jungle

This is probably one of the most brainlets thread I've seen in a while

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Man, was hard as fuck go to the center of Brazil. A lot of natives named tapuia.
They were savage warriors.
Even the natives of the coast feared them

And the marshland and the forest...Just in the XX century brazilian people started to ocuppy the center of the country


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>that picture
excuse me we did not create this thread

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>cutting down the amazon
american tier logic

My bad

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the mountains and hills of Brazil are very low

Stop picking up these graphs and get out of context.

Like have said in thread difficult geography but also major problems with founding from colonisation.... theres 2 type of colonisation: Living, and resource getting USA is for living from the start hence the infrastructure and why it's livable and ahead. brasil was for resource for portugal initially. so built from start for mining slaves resources etc to portugal NOT for livings so which came later and was not initially developed making brazil to live in for secondary and challenging explaining today.


The height doesn't matter; regardless of it, it's the quantity of irregular terrain

Southern USA was exactly like Brazil.

If wasn´t by the North, they would be poorest than they are

Mutherfucker, i live here, i studied the geography of the country,

Are you that Australian who has put a text here saying that 25% of Brazilians lived in favelas?

Please, stop being autistic

>i studied the geography of the country
lol why are you so mad brah?

>The height doesn't matter; regardless of it, it's the quantity of irregular terrain

Mato-Grosso, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and the South are the agricultural centers of the country.

Even with only 7% of the lands occupied, Brazil is the second largest agricultural producer in the world. Compare with Europe where 70% of the land is occupied for agriculture

Do you really think that if the terrain was this problematic that would be possible?

Fucking retards

>Why don't people occupy more of Brazil?
>Because the terrain is problematic

What does that have to do with agriculture?

terrible idea

Why Brazil is known because of favelas if just from 3,5% to 6% of population live in them (Less than 11 million people in a country with 210 million people)?
Usually poor descendants of former slaves and poor immigrants from the Northeast.
And a lot of them are being urbanized nowadays (government is constructing commie blocks for poor people)

What is the image that the media of your country pass about this topic?

I really wanted to know, if you could answer without meme, i would thank you. I know that a lot of brazilians act like savages here, but is not my case.

There isn't a /luso/ thread so I guess I'll ask here...
Eu fiz amigos recentemente com alguém da Boa Vista pelo Skype. Estou praticando o português com ele, enquanto ele pratica o inglês. Às vezes não achamos coisas interessantes sobre que falar, então quero aprender um pouco mais sobre a cultura do estado dele. É difícil procurar coisas específicas à Boa Vista no internet. Pudesse um brasileiro explicar algumas coisas sobre a cultura dessa região? Obrigado, rapazes.

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The jungle should unironically be UN protected or something. Stop cutting it ffs.

Olá, eu sou Hé falado com o meu amigo sobre isto. A imagem nos Estados Unidos do Brasil é de estereótipo. Quando o americano pensa sobre o Brasil, pensa da samba, do futebol, e do Río de Janeiro. O americano acha que a cultura de Río reflexa o país inteiro, e além disso, acham que Río é até a capital. Até os restaurantes que se chamam "brasileiros" aqui não tem pratos típicos além do pão de queijo. A maioria tão só servem bife, o pratos genéricos de São Paulo. Nem servem feijoada, é não conheço uma pessoa aqui que saiba sobre a feijoada.
Os americanos pensam que os brasileiros moram em favela por as coisas que vêm nos filmes. Toda vez que o Brasil aparece num filme Americano, o cenário é da favela carioca.
É uma pena. O Brasil é bem parecido aos Estados Unidos em que tem regiões distintas, com culturas diferentes.

Why does nobody live in the fucking jungle, I wonder?

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baseado e vermelhopillado

If we cut thoae trees it will become a savanna.

Yeah, like, they're all monkeys anyways, right?!

Muito obrigado por ter sido legal em sua resposta
Então basicamente é por conta de Hollywood?
Você acha que um fast-food baseado em tapiocas recheadas com várias coisas diferentes e bebidas típicas do Brasil como açai e cupuaçu poderia fazer sucesso nos EUA como o Taco Bell?


Acho que uma cadeia assim pode ter sucesso depois de muitos anos como restaurante pequeno numa cidade cheia de pessoas jovens. Eu vivo em Denver, e aqui até temos restaurantes desse estilo para a comida da Índia. O que nós chamamos a comida "fast casual." Mas, acho que é por a mesma cultura econômica que temos, é não por o conhecimento nem o interesse na cultura brasileira.
Sim, acho que Hollywood tem a culpa, e também acho que é por a popularidade da Bossa Nova e do Río de Janeiro como destinação turística nos anos 60.
Não sei como se possa mudar essa percepção.

First of all Brazil is a relatively young country, believe me their forest cover will shrink dramatically the more time passes. It's already happenning as the population growths. That being said, the mild temperate forests of Europe are much easier to populate than a fucking wild jungle housing the largest biodiversity in the world, where everything wants to kill you

Dude that's a lot of people. More people live in your favelas than in all of Sweden.

Shut up macaco