I've made 70k in the past month

That's as much as a middle class American. And yet here I am, fat, drunk, pissing on myself while drinking a Miller lite and having eaten a king size Reese's.

What's it feel like to be poor, user?

Attached: IMG_20180503_195916.jpg (3024x4032, 3.21M)

And I meant as much as a middle class American makes in a year. Drunk. Sorry.

>What's it feel like to be poor, user?
idk, what's it feel like to be worthless?

It feels good cause I probably sling more dick than you.

good one.

you should know.
you're pissing in an poor man's bath tub.

lmao love this guy

what coins did you buy?

You spelled suck wrong, user.

ugh its you again

you're a fat slob

Op you should suck some schlock. You're literally the worst type of person. Good luck hanging yourself with your heavy ass body. Kys

your actually poor user believe it or not. 1MM is the new 100k. welcome to the new world of printing money and 22T in national debt, slurp that beer slave we need to keep you sleeping so you dont notice

disgusting faggot seeking attention + validation on the internet, an anonymous hentai imageboard at that. Imagine being that fucking pathetic.


What type of trip/name fagging is this, is this avatarfagging?

Post pay stabs or w2 form. Otherwise you're a faggot larp.

>Miller lite
you're obviously poor. what size is your trailer?

What can you do if you do notice?

what is with your weird and obscure fetish?

being poor sucks, OP.
but I like these threads where I get to watch you drunkenly pissing on yourself though. Reminds me that even if I'm poor now, at least I have my sanity.

Things could be worse.


I remember that first thread 2 weeks ago. I was on vacation and couldn’t sleep because sunburn, it soothed me.

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Stop urinating in the tub, Kenneth.

>3-star hotel bathroom
Kys LARPing poorfag


put down that greasy chocolate bar for fuck sakes. That's the dirtiest part of your picture.

I've never understood people who binge-drink light beer.

other than his thumbnail

>Doesn’t bathsnack on sweet Reese’s cups

Get bent you fucking Luddite, the future is now

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>plastic tub
Way to live it up, bro!

disgusting. sugary processed sewer snack

dude you're going to feel like shit if you treat yourself like shit
conduct yourself with some class user
feel better soon

miller lite: $2.5
reese's: $2.5
I could go to the gas station and buy that stuff and get drunk and eat the candy and piss in my bathtub and know what it feels like to be you and rich?. big whoop. but congrats on the 70k
why aren't you out living it up? but I guess living it up inside is nice too.

Are you one of those fucks who won't eat it if it's not grass fed and organic?
Start a farm you picky pussy, the rest of us know self-control.

okay to be honest, it sucks. i have to sleep in 2 hours to get to work tomorrow and the day after. I'd rather just stay home but I have to spend 1/3 of my day outside interacting with strangers and cars and noises.

ppl who say stuff like "why ain't u living it up"
"why aren't u living in luxury""why aren't u driving a lambo" are the true poor ppl...

self-made millionaries know how hard it is to become wealthy so they don't squabble their wealth in worthless materialistic bullshit to impress others.

if you dont have someone wiping your ass you havent made it

OP drinking miller lite. hahahaha when I eat candy and piss on myself drunk in the bathtub at least im drinking something good. shame OP. shame

OP gib me some monies so i can buy a miller lite and a reeses and feel rich. What did you make 70k on?

Attached: 937120-asians-bangs-brown-eyes-ogura-yuko-women.jpg (1024x720, 79K)

free yourself from judgement of others and you will know true wealth

OP's next post "Donny and I were going out on own..."

LARP so hard. prove it and send me 10 eth you fat fuck


Tell us your % gains not a number. If you had 5 million that's pathetic and no surprise you're pissing in the tub.

I took a pic of myself pissing in the tub just to reply to one of these threads but it looks like I already deleted it.

lame copy pasta

Grass fed and organic beef is pretty good user.

keep hoarding more currency


I made about the same and i'm also not a gross fat piece of shit. what's your point?

This guy gets it

enjoy your fatty liver

that's right and I am objectively superior to you because of it