Who is/was your country’s most hated leader?

Who is/was your country’s most hated leader?

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Pyotr III

Take a wild guess

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Angela Merkel

The Iron Cunt


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Mark Rutte

Thatcher is controversial, not universally hated.


Hello upper class virgin freak

He was a good guy.


[spoiler]babylon falls[/spoiler]


this thread is now an anti-thatcher thread

Stefan Löfven

Yes, very ''''''good'''''' guy

The one we have right now.

Hillary Clinton

Trump isn't hated universally because his followers form a cult around him. It's weird watching how Republicans with firm beliefs in something do a complete 180 when Trump is involved. For example: his budget director is now in support of trillion-dollar deficits.


Were do i start

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chairos will say Porfirio Diaz

Can't be. Trump is full of ebinness.


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Matteo Renzi

Maggie is based. Uk looked like a post war shithole before her

In recent times? Passos Coelho and José Sócrates.

Diefenbaker for cucking us to the states and muh arrow

This gal was fucking REVERED over here


Buchanan is considered the worst.

This. Tony Blair was much worse.

t. burger

Best leader in the whole world

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he was your most based leader by a long shot

Trump is much worse. Cheney was just evil; Trump is dumb evil.

I like that name. Always makes me think of the expression "atta boy" except it's like you're saying it to a Turk haha

Didn't the Ottomans have an Emperor who destroyed the Ottoman Navy to take an island that produced a wine he liked?

Northern cuck spotted

He said leader.

I know. Dubya didn't pull the strings, Cheney did.

>american sycophant revered in america
no way


US House of Representatives passed a resolution "recognizing the 30th anniversary of the election of Margaret Thatcher as the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Also Jeb Bush wanted her face on our money, she is an iconic hero to the right here,

Attached: thatcher_976.jpg (660x371, 57K)

Fucking qatari hypocrites



reminder thatcher was sent from god to punish us for our sins

your not going to win anyone over using CNN when it comes to trump after they were literally caught on camera saying they make shit up about him. Use a better source instead, even if its mostly the same content you will convince more people

>К чиcлy вaжнeйших дeл Пeтpa III oтнocятcя yпpaзднeниe Taйнoй кaнцeляpии (Кaнцeляpия тaйных poзыcкных дeл; Maнифecт oт 16 фeвpaля 1762 гoдa), нaчaлo пpoцecca ceкyляpизaции цepкoвных зeмeль, пooщpeниe тopгoвo-пpoмышлeннoй дeятeльнocти пyтём coздaния Гocyдapcтвeннoгo бaнкa и выпycкa accигнaций (Имeннoй yкaз oт 25 мaя), пpинятиe yкaзa o cвoбoдe внeшнeй тopгoвли (Укaз oт 28 мapтa); в нём жe coдepжитcя тpeбoвaниe бepeжнoгo oтнoшeния к лecaм кaк oднoмy из вaжнeйших бoгaтcтв Poccии. Cpeди дpyгих мep иccлeдoвaтeли oтмeчaют yкaз, paзpeшaвший зaвoдить фaбpики пo пpoизвoдcтвy пapycнoгo пoлoтнa в Cибиpи, a тaкжe yкaз, квaлифициpoвaвший yбийcтвo пoмeщикaми кpecтьян кaк «тиpaнcкoe мyчeниe» и пpeдycмaтpивaвший зa этo пoжизнeннyю ccылкy. Oн тaкжe пpeкpaтил пpecлeдoвaниe cтapooбpядцeв.
Wow, what a horrible ruler.


just look at the fucking stare of her reptilian face
that thing is not a human

Gorbie/Jeltsin among commies/vatniks.
Stalin/Putin among the other 2%

Even Nixon had 20% support when impeached. It's Trump.

>Who is/was your country’s most hated leader?

President Gabriel Narutowicz. He was assassinated because millions of Poles believed that he was chosen on his post by Jews to represent Jewish national interest at expense of Poles. He was the only internally assassinated Polish political leader in our history.

By our generation, definitely. But Reagan was on a similar level before trump

>president gabriel naruto

Attached: naruto.jpg (299x168, 8K)

Yeah, everybody associates the name this way.

>anally-devastated working class leftists who think their obsessive mythologised hatred for Thatcher translates into a universal hatred for her
She was controversial and did a mix of very good and very bad things, but she's hardly totally hated and she's far, far from the worst we've ever had. Basically every political leader we've had since Queen Victoria died has been bad in some major way or another.

Blair might be the single worst modern one though. Anyone who thinks that Thatcher was worse or more universally hated than Blair is an utter mong.
The difference is, the people who hated Thatcher, hated her with the sort of obsessive all-consuming never-ending white hot hatred you'd only really get from a Labour voter, the sort who literally threw parties when she died.
just sad tbqh

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Not at all. Republicans as a whole were united behind Reagan, can't say the same for Trump. Only one you could argue as worse post-WWII is Nixon and that has little to do with his policy and more to do with Watergate.

the only good thing she did was tell the argies to fuck off

prove me wrong.

That wasn't the only good thing so much as it was by far the greatest thing.


not enough to cancel out her evil

argentina is the only reason some nutty northerner didn't kill her

Our current one

False, that's Wilhelmina