If you have at least 1,000,000 of this you are going to make it

If you have at least 1,000,000 of this you are going to make it

Attached: Holo-logo_Final-NEW-BLUE.png (1772x1181, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


8,000,000 here. Please God I need to escape this wagecuckery.

All the months of pink wojacking on biz and scouring every thread allowed me to find this thing early. Im only coming here to look at the absolute state of noholos

This is exactly me, lol

I've been stuck in a timewarp, basic gestalt anyone?

Same. Found out about this Saturday morning. Read up on it all day and bought in when it started trading.

>not coordinated shilling

Feel the same

hello brother

Will I be comfy with 100k of these?

Good god intelligent people conspiring to get other intelligent people involved.


Attached: a_brock.jpg (500x555, 67K)

people thinking this is coordinated shilling make me rock hard about this project. the fomo will be huge when it surges like eth and eos did

Anyone who falls for this obvious shilling deserves to lose every fucking penny.

It's the ultimate final boss of Dapp platforms - you could literally rewrite Ethereum to run on top of it. No Oracle problem. Agent-centric personal blockchains. Jow Forums started pumping it the other day when it dropped on IDEX, then we suddenly realised we'd FOMO'D into the true Ethereum killer. So now we're shilling it hard - it's amazing, DYOR.

Posts all within a minute of one another, all stroking each other off in agreement. You pajeets are pajeets are pathetic.

NoHolo spotted. You think this is coordinated? We're all regular anons trying to get each other rich as fuck. Stay poor homie.

how about 70 mill of these? will i make it?

Go look at their website, at the stuff the devs are into. They're a bunch of old school true believing anarchist types - you think it's likely they've hired us on Fiverr dumbass? They didn't even know it was on IDEX. We're shilling because it's amazing and that's what Jow Forums is supposed to be about.

Yea because there's like 1000 anons who aren't retarded and have bought in. And at least 100 of us are here shilling. I'm not coordinating with any of these faggots. I'm just smart enough to do the research and see that you would have to be a complete idiot to not get involved.

where do you even buy this shit

I thought I was getting pajeeted and didn't go in a couple days ago. Just fomod in for 2,000,000 (could have been 5,000,000). This is the real deal anons. We're gonna fucking make it boys!

Meh there's obviously shills but the project looks neat. Shilling doesn't always mean its a bad project

This is why you're all dumb faggots

>Market cap is already well over 200 Million

>Coins have no use case. The product they are developing is suposed to COMPETE with fucking BLOCKCHAIN. Are you shitting me

>The devs have openly stated multiple times that they have NO plans to bring it to other exchanges.

>You think you're going to "make it" with this coin because you can buy millions and feel good about having so many. Oh look at me I'm a whale! Heehee! Faggots have you LOOKED at the circulating supply.

>EXTREMELY over-shilled right now and is the only reason it has any growth at all. Once the shillogy has ended this shit will fucking kerplunk slam dunk like a nigger dick in your daddy's junk.

>Yes I'm mad.

Fucking exactly. We all just got lucky as fuck.

IDEX, but it's shit. Hit up Etherdelta or one of the other DEX instead for now. It's not even supposed to be officially on any exchanges yet.

27 mil thinking of adding more but those fucking exchanges piss me off, it needs a new exchange right now

>No use case.

They get swapped out for the platform token you dumbass - same as EOS. So hold til mainnet, get them swapped and dump the now-useless ERC20 token.

And the Holofuel is basically the equivalent of gas on Ethereum. So yeah - it has a use you brainlet. Anyone that builds Dapps will need to obtain a bunch to get their shit up and running (until it's profitable).

Oh yeah and "no plans for exchanges" is because they want a fully working product, and no shit from the burger SEC. Go read the greenpaper though - it clearly states people will need to buy Holofuel using other cryptos or fiat, so there must be some plan to launch either an internal exchange or whatever.

And it's a fucking Dapp platform ffs - anyone could write Holodelta or something, hook it up to Ethereum (no Oracle problem remember) and use that to trade.

>Get them swapped and then dump the useless ERC20

Dicklet you swap it you dont get to keep both. Also how is a looming dump of eternal proportions a good thing? Also pt 2 nobody is going to buy these indiegogo funded holo ports. You need MASS adoption user, and I repeat MASS adoption for the fuel to matter. You're comparing their shitty nut sac fuel to gwei. You uninformed nigger

The technology that will usher in the fourth industrial revolution is blockchain. This is two weird burning man attendees who think they can compete with blockchain. You have to buy their gay sega dreamcasts to use it. Nobody is even going to develop for them lmfao

fuck i don't have nearly that amount....

>Genius right here

Wow......so yeah, wait to FOMO after it's massive and already a success with a bunch of Dapps launched. And despite being an identical token swap plan as EOS, for some reason that means don't buy. Ok, got it, basically buy high, and try to sell low.

You do not need a holoport. you can run the Holo App on your PC when it comes out and your PC can earn you holo by hosting for the network.

You said that if node runner delete data how it's work.
Actually there are three to four nodes kept single data depending on dapps owners.
If one node delete there data there are other nodes have same data to access.
It is like three or four blockchain link with each other if one off them gone offline we can access with other.
There are devices holoports they are used like nodes and cloud computing. Everyone who interested can purchase them through Indiegogo website.you can also run node with pc but holoports is more powerful and consume less electricity like 40 wts lesser than a laptop so it's like cheaper mining and more decentralised from pow poc.
They planned to run more than 21000 nodes till q1 2019 which make this network strong than btc network who have some 21k nodes.
The creater of holochain against token economy there is only one token is holofuel (currently hot erc20 token) it is only one token used as utility token on that platform.
They will balancing token price like if token price increase there will be more holoports or nodes join this network to take new mined holofuels. Or if token price low than more dapps join holochain for running cheaper dapps.
So always be cheap dapps or hosting platform. Holofuels consumption for running dapps and hosting make this token very utility token. And there always demand for this token on its own network. Dapps owners always need holofuel.the organisation burned some part of token wich they earn from hosting dapps
But right now it's too cheaper to get growth 100x

Don’t be mad, just buy in! You won’t make as much as you could have but your not too late, party’s just getting started, please don’t lie about the devs not wanting the holotoken traded on exchanges, they understand they have to allow investors to make profit, they encourage trading holotoken even after holofuel is active, and absolutely willing to help exchanges setup a holo node for retail trading of holofuel, this is going to redefine the term moon mission for years to come, get in user we’re going to another dimension

>hurr durr wait til its big buy high sell low hurr

Why should that holo have ANY value if its not massively adopted? WHY would it become adopted? Why the hell are coachella yoga dads trying to compete with blockchain

yikes buddy

I guess 177,000 people are going to make it then


I'm fucking choking. Look it up friendo

Party is not just getting started market cap is over 200 mil thanks tho I can tell you're a nice man in rl

>Party is not just getting started market cap is over 200 mil
cmk doesn't list its marketcap

Learn to math

If you know the circulating supply and the dollar value you can do this with any coin

The chosen ones.


This is why you're a disingenuous and maleveolent brainlet who is never gonna make it

Attached: 1525295128539.png (480x800, 114K)

This is proof that these threads are full of newfaggotletlets

Literally just found out what bitcoin was from their grandma 4 days ago

>mfw your screenshot literally proves you wrong

God damn this nigger can't even read

Math skills

yes pleas sir buy will jump to 2000 rupee nex wek.


Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 49K)

checkout stellerport.io though you will need to buy with xlm


This site is awry.

Attached: sighdex.png (800x307, 33K)

Take a deep breath buddy. Quit yelling. Mommy will help you with rent when you get perma-justed

Holofuel will have no intrinsic value. Its not going to be on the blockchain. Anyone can earn it. However nobody will use their gay platform.

A. You type just like every user who fudded eth in 2016

B. Screencapped so i can jerk off to how right i am in a year in my holochamber

Feel pretty bad for the anons avoiding this cause it’s getting shilled so hard.

For once something’s getting shilled here because it is legit

I am noob as fuck and got super lucky with this investment. What is my worst case scenario from here?

Attached: PURELUCK.jpg (419x649, 32K)

800,000 albeit I got them on stellarport before it was listed on IDEX.

I got some on stellerport yesterday

Did you check if the contract of the tokens you bought on stellarport are the real thing?

What about 250,000....bought it for $100 early in the game

Party's over

Attached: holo.png (366x300, 21K)

i'm glad you asked user. worst case, idex creators exit scam and take everyone's eth

No. That's just suicide insurance.

Hahahaha. This is good pasta user.

Well, i'm fine with that then

> leaving coins on an exchange
> leaving coins on a decentralized, buggy exchange

no thanks

Holy shit that buy wall just fell like WTC

sell wall.. just kill me

oh, so once you have the HOTS tokens can you move them all to metamask?

t. brainlet

idex down, how did you all managed to buy it there?

if it says under maintenence you can keep trying it will eventually go through unless you get a 404 its not really down


Buy my bags

scam site

You can move them to your ERC 20 wallet (via metamask if that's your preferred way), yes.

However, Idex has a minimum withdrawal of .04 ETH and a minimum deposit of .15 ETH. That means (Depending on how much you own) you may be able to transfer them off IDEX but unable to transfer them back to sell on IDEX if you dont meet that .15 ETH minimum

So i could use my Ledger and store them using MyeEtherwallet?

ok thanks!


should i take out 300k mortgage

Only make it if you buy TOMO

Attached: Tomochain v2.png (2154x1094, 394K)

>not sending it back to metamask