Its over lads

look at the chart... btc is still up over 500% on the year... the pop isnt over yet, see you all sub 5k

Attached: gameover.jpg (900x895, 235K)

Attached: 1507181949810.png (277x385, 150K)

Its even Starting to curl downwards. Not good.

>bear coping
>meme lines

cant believe retards still dont realize this, normie souls are not THAT easily crushed they're still in btc were in a bubble

Its not normies anymore. look at the chart, this is experienced trader manipulation. best to just hold

Nice TA. I like mine better.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 9.34.51 PM.png (1538x757, 683K)

Kanye West and Dan Bilzerian told me to buy BTC

Nice cope, December buyer

Trips of truth, this bubble is maybe half way popped at best

the amount of overthinking that has gone into this is outstanding, the short term static is all nonsense, the trend is the only gauge and long term is the actual insight - it's going to go much lower before it goes much higher. tread carefully

>the amount of underthinking that has gone into this is outstanding, the obvious channel is all nonsense, the trend is a trap meant to take advantage of normie "traders". tread carefully

i can make a smart contract real quick if you'd like to bet on the price of BTC by the end of May. this is textbook accumulation and i would love to see screenshots of your short positions.

There’s no fucking reason for it to go up! We’re still in the speculation phase. I can’t even buy a cheeseburger with a buttcoin. 3 years from now, when pestle and mortar businesses are taking crypto payments, we will see another bull run. Until then, you will see nothing but pink Wojacks

That might be a sell signal.

>i can make a smart contract real quick if you'd like to bet on the price of BTC by the end of May.

Like I said in>the short term static is all nonsense
yes monthly is short term

cap this and write a smart contract for yourself to pop up in Q1 2019, i don't short. im not buying for a while

>be 2018
> neets and basement dwellers still think crypto is their game
> normies are slowly being herded into crypto

You guys are gonna get rekt by institutional pros

tethered around $9600, I'm waiting for $9400 to re-enter, will it ever reach that price, PLEASE user I WANNA KNOW ITS KILLING ME AAHHHHHH

Attached: 1510283115624.png (2518x1024, 618K)

Another trips of truth

The 1h chart looks like it's consolidating for one more push upward, but I think it might pull back a bit after that. It might pull back a lot too. Be careful trading out there.

thanks, user
just re-entered at 9550

Attached: Capture.png (1163x499, 32K)

delet this

Go on...

I can't wait for another flash bart

So what you're saying is... there's a chance

You're looking at the wrong chart..This it the right one

Attached: btclines.png (822x511, 205K)