>100m Total supply, 61m circulating supply >sub 5m market cap >Working product, v2.0 releasing soon with a lot of unique features >Next-Generation shopping\discovery app with an engaging experience >App tracks many parameters of your browsing behaviour >Blockchain used as a security layer to allow users to build a secure data profile >Token used in app to allow you to profit off your data youtube.com/watch?v=YIezDanTNU0&feature=youtu.be'
The blockchain with your individual data profile is also used as a escrow service to allow retailers\advertisers to put out highly direct advertising campaigns (offering tokens\rewards and discounts for particapating shoppers) towards users with certain data preferences.
App users with a favourable data profile can then volunteer to allow limited access to their data in exchange for the rewards, creating a new matchmaking system between shopper and retailer called "advertising by consent".
Advertising by consent makes for a much more efficient system then current advertising practices, which spends trillions of dollars every years on advertising that relies on "right time, right place".
Zucker and kikebook all over the news for fishing your data to profits in the tune of billions of dollars, Wysker winning awards for flipping the current data paradigm, the writing is on the wall, Wysker will be huge. youtube.com/watch?v=UQUxRLLItIw&t=46s
In fact everything is centered around the Wystoken. Without it the app is just a fancy browser. With it Wysker is nothing short than the revolution of user-data based advertising giving the power over their data back to the users.
Daniel Roberts
Looks interesting, specially the low token surply!
Robert Ortiz
Don’t hesitate to buy some user. Still there are some sell-orders slightly above ICO-price. But prices are already rising.