>industrial society
Industrial society
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
so what's the alternative OP? Being homeless? nice life
What the fuck
Go pick dangelberries off the dried ass hairs of the little monkeys that hang out at temples in Thailand, you wont complain then.
The expensive house you leave vacant all day is hours away from work so your kids don't have to be in school with blacks.
Then the most of the rest of the earnings go towards healthcare, for yourself and for old people via Medicare, and defense, so you don't need to patrol the South China Sea yourself.
Cars are often a flashy waste of cash though.
>and it’s future
>le "deep" quote
yeah people didn't work at all back in the day, fucking industrial revolution
>Getting my tracks suit on
>Flip open my laptop in my study room
>Work for a few hours, go for a short walk during lunch
>Quit at 5
>Have a car is fully paid of
>Live in a decent neighborhood
Welkom in 2018
>medieval serfs worked fewer hours than we do currently
Really made me think
Retard normies gonna norm.
>tfw when you wish the Windsors would enslave you.
response for
humanity is good at wasting and enjoying life.
They're not made to work efficent or the whole day to go back home wank off their dicks to a loosy porn and go to bed early just to get to work again
>yeah people didn't work at all back in the day, fucking industrial revolution
back in the day, cavemen were only part time. maybe 20 hours work a week. proper work too, throwing spears and shit, none of this fagging around staring at screens like a robonig.
Normies and materialist lie commies live for that
>anarcho primitivists use an internet message board to spread their ideology
never fails to make me laugh at their hypocrisy
>i cant see the forest through the trees
>any criticism of modern society is primitivism
>industrial society gave me all these great labor saving devices
>so i can spend even more hours at work serving my Hebrew masters
There's literally nothing normal about leasing a car.
Posts like these make me lose faith in biz. Do any of you morons understand how a market economy works your brainlets. How the fuck else would anything get produced and have anywhere near the standard of living we have today without the basic work - income exchange.Why should you be provided with clothes on your back simply for staying home wanking off to anime? How entitled are you?
This x10
You are funny.
>The expensive house you leave vacant all day is hours away from work so your kids don't have to be in school with blacks.
This. Every white/Asian I know works their arse off so their kids don't have to live in "diverse" areas and become wigger criminals.
>amerimutts have to pay extra just for the priviledge of not being with niggers
Yeah. You can't blame young or childless idealists for denouncing it as a very inefficient waste. They just never see that it's an extremely efficient trade between letting your kids suffer like that for 10+ hours a day or sitting in your comfy Corolla for 2.
>How the fuck else would anything get produced
most people work in services and most manufacturing is in the third world.
If any Europeans had children, they'd also be noticing more Muslim-infested no-go zones.
Here's a tip though, instead of saying "I don't want my child beheaded as part of a gang initiation" just say "we're looking for good school districts". It's more polite.
>sitting in an office refreshing facebook is harder than medieval serfdom
Nice cope
>oy vey you better buy this fidget spinner or society will collapse!
Yeah nice try shlomo. There’s nothing wrong with for profit activity but the consumerist aka (((market))) economy of today is run by corporations and ad men to keep the hamster wheel of infinite economic growth turning. Capitalists freaked out that they were overproducing living essentials and kicked the (((advertising))) into overdrive like pic related. Be sure to buy that $1000 phone every year too.
Thanks. Until we have either mass genetic engineering or roving death squads, it's the most polite compromise.
At least now you can have a good laugh when people are completely puzzled by Paris' suddenly growing traffic problem.
Move to Wales lads, no blacks, land is cheap and plentiful.
lived here all my life and never seen a nigger or a muslim.
also free healthcare.
>growing traffic problem
Traffic in Paris has been utter shit for 7 decades straight now.
woah cunt dont let them know.
literally boomer cope
>that 30 year old boomer who unironically still wagecucks despite having over a decade to make it
If you haven't made it by 29 you are a failure, sorry gramps
Paris is a shithole. As for your coping attempt by comparing the demographics of the usa and europe, europe is still 80% white, whereas america is barely above 50% at this point. I grew up without seeing a single nigger, and gypsies are properly oppressed and towed away in containment zones as they should be. Meanwhile I'd bet you had multiple nigger classmates growing up, and most likely have them at your workplace as well.
Please don't compare yourself to us, it's true that we're having problems right now, but it's nothing the day of the rope won't fix.
>day of the rope
Oh sweetie
if you're making minimum wage you can afford a reliable car.
Although you would need to teach yourself how to be your own mechanic (which is what i did, and ended up saving 15,000+ dollars).
We all, fell for the dark-side of consumerism. Industrial society merely have adjusted to cater for the demand of infinite desire. With arrogance and audacity we have rejected everything traditional - spirituality, slow-life, living close to nature and many more. A nihilistic life will never be purposeful irrespective of heaps of wealth accumulated. I see some faint light of hope in P2P economy / gift economy / decentralised governance / eco-villages / spiritual interconnectedness.
>says the 16 yo crypto millionaire genius
Wait....are you telling me you haven't paid off your house and car...? When you don't know how to make money I guess this is your life.
We’d be better off if we could just be racist. Since we can’t have anything that is “whites-only”, we have to come up with elaborate rituals to get the hell away from black people. That means living away from the industrial centers and establishing HOAs with dues and shit, pricing blacks out, sending kids to private schools and commuting long distances.
If we could just say “whites only”, we could actually have an honest society that makes sense. We’d actually get along with the brownskins better too since they would either have no institutionalized privilege or if they did it wouldn’t matter.
>Paris's suddenly growing traffic problem
i was born in the 80s and Paris had traffic problems for as long as i've been alive
we don't have a traffic problem, we have a nigger problem
btw genius, Paris is a densely populated as Manilla, or twice as dense as Tokyo, with a 19th century urban planning. Of course there's going to be traffic problems in that shithole.
>I grew up without seeing a single nigger
Me too. Felt great. There was only one rogue arab kid in my year, but he was Christian Lebanese and wasn't that brown so he fit in well. Growing up in a school filled with your own people is a actually a life event that a lot of people take for granted.
On a side note I cannot understand the fetishization of Africans we see in today's media. They're on every advertisement everywhere.
What the fuck are you talking about. Wales is a fucking chav invested shithole blighted by communities leaving in generational poverty that have known nothing but claiming benefits for decades. The lack of ambition from the general population is staggering.
ANYONE with any fucking once of intelligence leaves Wales. All you've got left is a mash of people with one of 4 different surnames, and a family tree that's more a stump.
Fuck Wales.
It's very simple, user. The majority of people who really call the shots in global politics are part of a rootless clique who don't value that sort of thing and are only focused on further cementing their power.
When people have a coherent community, an identity and a sense of belonging they swear allegiance to things other than this ruling elite (aka the government and international supranational entities). When there's a sort of kinship or brotherhood between people they're more likely to help each other even if it means breaking the law. You're not very likely to snitch on people you feel a connection to, so if they are doing something this clique doesn't want them to do it's likely to go unnoticed. This is why they're demoralizing you and deconstructing the concepts of family, community, country and race. They are pushing niggers and other undesirables because familiarity breeds sympathy, and they want a world where race doesn't mean anything and doesn't make you feel anything.
It all ties together with their other efforts at making marriage and borders meaningless as well, so that you eventually don't feel like you belong to anywhere.
And at that point they hope you'll just subscribe to whatever arbitrary and fake identities they create for you. This is already happening and can be observed if you look at the heated debates on pepsi vs coke, iphone vs android, canon vs nikon, dc comics vs marvel, sports team a vs sports team b, videogame a vs videogame b, etc. It's all a fucking replacement activity because these people don't have a real identity.
>your coping attempt
I'm a Millenial Amerifat, no family with a very short commute. I'm not coping, I'm trying to save you guys headache and confusion when your anti-consumerism ideals run into harsh reality.
And also give you lulz at history repeating, insight into what's going on, and ways to profit from that insight.
>europe is still 80% white, whereas america is barely above 50% at this point
Latinos in America don't drive the same kind of white flight, to nearly the same degree, that blacks do. When your 20% fraction grows to 50%, I hope it's the gypsy/Syrian demographic that grows and not the African one.
>gypsies are properly oppressed and towed away in containment zones as they should be.
Yes, and segregation was proud and strong and working right into the 50's. Detroit collapsed within a decade and several cities within two, but life was slower back then.
Any criticism of modern society is often autism, though
have you ever seen the film called metropolis? it was made in germany many decades ago
Here we see the wageslave recoil in horror at the thought that something beyond his internalized slavery is possible
I know right? It makes no sense. How could people use the current technology to say we should rethink the possible consequences that tech has on society?
Similarly, English speakers can't voice their contempt for the english language lack of cases, environmentalists have to walk to every public speaking event, and people who want to reevaluate USAs trade policy can't use Chinese products.