Dutch Crypto chad and his family made on German television. This is what it looks like when you “made it”
Dutch Crypto chad and his family made on German television. This is what it looks like when you “made it”
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got a link where I can watch it in my country?
"three coconuts please"
this guy is chad as fuck
is that how every "white" european looks like?
English subs: arte.tv
cant watch it.
did they mention what price he bought in at?
That’s what you look like after you made it
he looks like a gypsy nigger, why did you faggots think he was attractive?
I think it was like September, pretty sure he sold his whole house and everything to buy bitcoin
Dutch? Looks like he’s from the Amazon jungle.
Damn this guy looks native american or something. Right on, he was smart in making the move to BTC early on.
he did and he is our goy
He has this weird look to him that a lot of dutch people have with narrow grey looking eyes
a lot of white ppl look really brown after being in the sun
>t. pajeet
since september is 3-5x. so i guess he put in at least 200k
Kek, as someone who's Dutch, this guy definitely doesn't look 100% dutch. Probably at least 50% indonesian
Has there ever been a more Chad strategy in crypto than what this guy did?
Dit is nu een nederdraad, chainlink is een baggercoin en deze man is een baas.
sorry, we don't speak subhuman