Is there anything worse than baby boomers?

>i know! well fill the country up with immigrants who dont work
>well buy up all the property and price our children out of the market dooming them to a life of ssris and wage slaving
>well take a holiday every year because if life is this easy now that means it will always be this easy
>well teach our children that national wealth is bad and infact borders are social constructs
>well also take away all the guns so they cant defend themselves against brown horde we let in

>and then when its all said and done well just go ahead and die before we have to deal with any of the consequences of it hahahaha

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Mao blamed old people for China's problems and look what happened

t. lolbertarian boomer

they became a superpower?

They look far too old to be boomers, boomers are only around age 30, those old fucks look closer to 1000 so that would make them millennials

>it vey don't blame globalist corporations goyim, it's your parents fault sheeple

Not fooling anyone Goldstein.

>le Mao

>da boomer keepin me down

30 year old boomer here. its your fault if youre a loser. stop blaming others.

Boomers need to be gassed. Millennial's too


Have boomers had the easiest road to success and wealth than any other generation? Sure. Have the kicked the theoretical political can down the road at the expense of their children and grandchildren? No doubt! Do successful people bitch and moan about their lot in life or do they go out and forge their own path despite whatever obstacles stand before them? Make smart decisions and have a little foresight. It's still better to be alive now than it was 100+ ago and the fact that a neet can become a millionaire through digital currencies is pretty fucking incredible. Winners don't look for excuses and expect a pity party.

no point gassing millennials dude, the last of them are about to die of natural causes very soon

literally the most boomer statements tier ive ever read

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>that 28 y/o self hating boomer

go back to Jow Forums to spew your alt-right shit

good post

Meme was never funny.

how about you go grill your fucking patties in your newbalance shoes after you smoke a bowl and take your 3rd percocet while passing out on the couch watching rick and morty you complete and utter loser.

I hate boomers and i want nothing more then you guy to realize how big of a failure you joke of a generation is.

What did boomers complain about when they were our age?
>not finding a house
>not finding a conservative spouse
>not finding a job
>not getting an education
Is all they have the Vietnam War?

Don't worry, soon you'll be the boomers. Then we can talk about what a failure incels are.

Pensions are honestly the biggest scam out. You just know that by the time we retire it's going to be removed.

Tell me why I should care about these unproductive old fucks whose wasteful irresponsible lifestyle lead them to scaundering the greatest creation of wealth for any generation in history to such a point where they literally have no savings to support themselves.

Paying for shit like this is why I only save 10k out of my 70k salary. Meanwhile houses are 1million median in Sydney. Because faggot boomers want to stay living near the city and their faggot multimillion dollar home doesn't fall under the pension asset test. Literally fuck boomers.

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>says the 16 yo crypto millionaire genius

The best years of your life are far behind you brother. Not the self improvement is a trait boomers are use to. I still have a good time ahead of me, everyday fail and learn and grow. A seed is planted in us as we are born that can only be watered through blood, sweat, and tears. in 20 year we will look back at the baby boomers as truly the weakest set of man to ever live in this country, and scoff at their emasculated ways and wonder how a generation could capitulate so easily.

You tell yourself whatever you need to incel.

In a way, I'm kind of glad nothing was handed to us millennials and that we may not ever see Social Security, medicare, pensions, etc. because we can know what it means to do hard work and retire with a plan

>Majority of millennial have at least $10,000 debt not including debt for diplomas.

Ya man, I totally wanted to work until I died.

tell me how you old hag wifes saggy pussy feels and let me know when you are finally strong enough to please her sexually. Realize your prime is past and think about how big of a fool you would look like at the gym in your age and with little muscle you have. think about me long and hard tonight when you are laying next to her in bed and wonder to yourself "what could have been?"

Man is both the marble and the sculptor.

And if that's not bad enough. The only way the government has found to fund these grey fuckwits is through mass immigration. So now all our capital cities are fucking packed with 3rd world shitters and traffic congestion is worse than ever. Now I also have to compete with chang and pajeet if I want to buy a house. Fuck boomers. Literally ruined Australia.

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This is unironically the most "I'm 16 and I'm ruthless" post I've ever read.

Kill yourself you underage faggot.

Not an argument! Successful people, regardless of their field, don't make excuses. No one's telling you to get a job you hate or love a miserable existence, but have fucking purpose in your life. Don't blame others because daddy wasn't around to throw a football with you and teach you how to be a man.

boomers are worthless and this is an anonymous board where I can let them know just how worthless their generation is

Kid, I thought you were memeing but you're actually retarded because you really think 30 is boomer.

Sage and reported for underage faggotry.

Floridian here, it's the same in South FL except it's Haitian niggers and spics

Lmao wtf get over yourself

dont you have a pro refugee rally you should be attending you boomer cunt


get off the internet grandpa, you have zero idea on how fucked this world is.

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The only thing worse than a boomer are these entitled millennials. Based Gen Y reporting in

>>well also take away all the guns so they cant defend themselves against brown horde we let in

Why do mutts think their guns are protecting them from anything? It's illegal to have vegetables in your front garden in America and you're still getting replaced ala 56%. You guys got subverted without firing a single shot to defend yourselves.

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im not american im australian. if you live on stolen land expected to be genocided when you become minority

in 100 years white australians will be killed and we wont have a single way of protecting ourselves. americans have even less time but at least they have their weapons

>Guns won't save you mutts
Oh they will, us Southerners and Midwesterners don't kindly to non-whites invading our property

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>don't take kindly

as a midwesterner, this is beyond a lie

the midwest is KING of cuck america

I thought that was California?

check out ohio sometime, central ohio

Cleveland, I get it

columbus is the king of metropolitan cuckery if you ask me, but I know it's the same in cleveland in cinci for sure, probably dayton too

Brit here.

My country is in literal ruin. Highest wage to property price ratio in Europe and nearly the world.

Boomers in power do their best to cuck the fuck out of what is left of this shithole.

Moving to E. Europe to my grills country once I can extract as much as I can from here, at least their boomers grew up during communism so aren't total utter scum as the boomer generation of the West is.

They enjoyed the fruits of their parents generation, and then sold the futures of their children.

boomer is a western term really, hardly applies anywhere else

I agree. /POL here now who browses /BIZ 99% of the time
What crypto are you in bro?

if i ever make it big in crypto im going to hungary

Another kiddie thread where spoiled retards blame everyone but themselves for being a fucking failure at life.

Poland is my choice SENPAI Hungary a close second

I live in Cleveland. There's a lot of based people here, but it's probably 50% cucks at least.

That ideology is spreading.

Not that I'm arguing, but I do wonder what your opinion is regarding the mass round of musical chairs for successful jobs is like. The world is over populated, and jobs that barely cover the cost of living are very limited compared to the value of the dollar when your grandparents were in their twenties. Now before you go pulling some shit like "a retail job or restaurant worker doesn't do enough work to deserve a living wage" think a little harder about avaliability/demand of living wage jobs. Because all jobs need to be filled, and it's only right that everyone deserves to live with shelter, clothing, and food on the table. If you're going to bring up working two or three jobs, you're only saying that slavery is fair and only a few are entitled to have free time.

social mobility is dead aside from crypto or joining the military, you are seriously deluded and living in a bubble

>le forced 30yr old boomer meme

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Jesus, these psy op threads are in biz too

Gen Y is the same word for millennial you brainlet.

The jews, not the boomers are responsible for immigration.

oh and the jews are the ones who take the guns too.

It don't matter. Nonna this matters.

'Mericans are all fucked anyways.

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the jews have no power without boomers. to this day boomers will die for their jewish masters. boomers watch a new holocaust film every year and they shed tears!

Wow. It's scary how american liberals are all so pro palestine & Anti-Semetic nowadays.

How does it feel to know you'll never be as successful as I am?

I am a boomer, why do you young people hate us so much?

>why do you young people hate us so much?

The lazy & weak always resent & hate the hard working & accomplished.

Take a look at this thread. Nothing but jealousy, envy, & haterade.

you ruined everything nigger lover!

It was always dead. Stop believing in things you read in a history book. There was never an American Dream. It was sold to you because they want you to have hope.

You were born a fucking peasant and you'll die a peasant.

>nigger lover!

Pretty sure you millenials elected the first chief nigger in charge. Boomers weren't the Obama voters.

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>Is there anything worse than baby boomers?
Yep, Millennials.

>'Mericans are all fucked anyways.

"By 2035, America will be paying more for their national debt interest than they pay for the entirety of their Medicare, Medicade, Social Security and education spending."

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Where can I short boomers?

>the absolute state of boomers

Not if we continue to devalue the currency like we've been doing.


If I had a dollar for every time a boomer complained about my generation I could afford to buy a house in the economy they wrecked.

>Not if we continue to devalue the currency like we've been doing.

When you devalue, the US Gov end up spending more for the goods & social services you still need, so it's pretty much a net wash. Currency devaluation > Inflation. A cup of coffee in Venezuela currently costs you 50,000 boliviars.

>Be born into a world with easy access to good jobs
>Throw it away so you can smoke pot and have orgies all under mommy and daddy's money
>Finally grow up, still manage to get a good job because the previous generation worked hard to build the country up
>Become a neocon as you get older, vote for sending young people to die for Oil/Israel
>Hold onto a good entry level job that educated Millennials and other younger people should be working until you're 70 since you blew all your money on consumerist shit in the 00s
>Abuse wagecucks your entire life because you think everyone below you is a loser and deserves it
>Millennials have to get McJobs
>Finally retire, work a McJob part time for extra money
>16 year old kids can't get jobs now
>Complain about young people being lazy and jobless
Truly the niggers of the generations

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CA is even worse with mexicans, chinks and poos.

The chart looks like this at any point in time - pending doom around the corner.
But it'll never come because our way around this is increasing the money supply.
Which creates a completely separate problem. In other words, what you posted will not happen, but something worse will because of how the US always chooses to solve your pic related.


>But it'll never come because our way around this is increasing the money supply.

You think this will last forever?

>but something worse will because of how the US always chooses to solve your pic related.

Looks like we agree. Shit hast to hit the fan eventually. Maybe when we're dead, maybe when our kids are dead. Keep kicking that can...

Not under Mao.

Unfortunately yours is the "Crisis" generation.

Joining the military is downward social mobility my dude.

>boomers watch a new holocaust film every year and they shed tears!
Unironically this is very true.

You dumb cunts are going to crucify gen-x because you're too passive-aggressive to affect change without outliving the boomer voter block. All gen-x could do was give you the numbers and explain the reality to you, but you're too obsessed with proving your own virtue to cooperate and take power. You are the individualized, customized version of the boomer. May my capital be enough to wall me off from you when your apathy gives way.

That might make sense if we werent paying for the previous generation to enjoy those luxuries

Boomers actually worked. Boomers built shit. Millennials worry about transphobia and made up genders. Fucking worthless cunts.

>Charts not measuring per-capita and broken down by racial and goegraphic demograpics



You shut hour whore mouth. Gen x is AWESOME!!! We pretty much started all the bad ass silicon valley companies.

> us millennials
>because we can know what it means to do hard work


biz loves to be racist. biz is so edgy.

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Boomers are a race now?

U r a smrt SWJ! Yes u are!

It became the strongest it's been for centuries?

Fuck off. Am gen-x. Am crushed by too many boomers. Am understanding that I will be crucified by millenials when they finally take office and get around to crucifying the boomers. You see, the boomers will be dead and we will burn in undeserved effigy, our final contribution being a world where trust can no longer be abused.

Fucking kek

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Worst part is that you're probably right. Gen Xers who actually paid a lot into medicare will never get to enjoy it after we completely axe it in order to kill off the last few boomer leeches.

The only problem a boomer has EVER had is not enough brown dick to suck