Why do people use meta mask?

if ether wallet already has a plugin?

Attached: download (1).png (214x235, 6K)

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The dank fox follows my cursor around

I'm jewish.

The dank fox follows my cursor around

Attached: dsf.jpg (800x820, 149K)

The dank fox follows my cursor around

this, what a shit joke

its like one of those corny ass upvote trains you see on redddit

The dank fox follows my cursor around

The cursor follows my dank fox around

boomers spotted lol cope

Attached: 1523923822879.png (381x353, 36K)

Unironicly this

I don't even have an active wallet attached to it anymore. I literally leave it installed for the fox

The dank fox follows my cursor around

as a 30yo boomer my skills are limited

because you don't have to switch to a separate application.
The main thing I miss in metamask is no nano s support.

The dank fox follows my cursor around

Pretty much this desu

You absolute brainlets do realize the angle of that fox's head is also directly related to the length of your password as you type it, so any software able to capture the fox's head angle is also able to cut the brute force search space of your password down by orders of magnitude, right?

the fank dox collows my mursor around


Attached: 1524398507702.png (247x247, 142K)

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog