>biz spam posts Nexo upon release
>biz fucks up and realizes its actually legit
>biz goes silent
>top 10 exchange in 5 days
which one is it?
>biz spam posts Nexo upon release
>biz fucks up and realizes its actually legit
>biz goes silent
>top 10 exchange in 5 days
which one is it?
Probs gonna be on a shit exchange like hitbtc
I would've guessed Polo but since it's a top 10 i'd say Bittrex.
Theyll fomo in after the 10th like true biztards
Eh, this could go either way. Team has a VERY shady history, idea seems sound though & I like me some dividends. I'm debating.
this is true lol
unlike the nebula ai shills who have vanished after dumping bags
All these coins to buy and so little money.
HOT, ORI, NEXO among many others and IDEX doesn't even fucking work lmao.
Pump n dump coin. Sell before the 10th
NEXO is a shitcoin. Just look at the team - bulgarians connected with the mafia.
>muh shady
Provide evidence of all this shady history or stop spamming this meme in every nexo thread faggot
it's hardly done anything at all since release, plus with the amount of accumulation I've seen(large 10-20+ ETH buys) with little to no price movement... i dunno about
they run a shady payday loans service
shady? it's SEC-approved lol
Try harder faggot
translate some articles about credissimo, and you'll understand.
The team is incompetent. They hire girlfriends and stuff like that.
I don't need to do your research for you, thanks.
You should look into that more. Their ICO was "SEC approved" by filing as an exception to actual SEC rules which would allow them to be traded as securities by normies. Really no different than any other token which didn't bother to register, because they legally were not allowed to sell to US unless they were securities investor eligible (i.e. millionaires, registered investors).
The very fact that this is one of their main selling points even though it's literally nothing is a red flag. But if you dig deeper, you'll find a lot more serious red flags.
Not trying to fud, not every red flag means don't invest... but a lot of what they claim to be is just marketing gimmicks. It's like when people advertise and they say like "10/10 dentists agree we're the BEST toothpaste in the world". Legally they can say that even though 10/10 dentists agree they are the best toothpaste in the world which packages their toothpaste in purple, yellow, and blue boxes. They are the first SEC approved because they're the first to care about filing with the SEC despite the fact that it made 0 difference to the outcome or was any different than any other ICO in terms of the legalities. It's just gimmicky advertising.
You sound autistic. Literally every ico markets itself that way dumbass.
Fuck you and your whore of a mother, ranjeet. You ain’t got shit. Muh shady.
>the ultimate state of shitcoin "investor" kiddies
I haven't been able to place an order on idex all day
elaborate sir, please
I love the idea, but im doubting they wont just run
Im gonna wait if it gets listed anywhere, might aswell pull out at a peak and buy something Im more serious with
Its the trash tier of my portfolio and this makes me feel like I was right in not really betting on it
How is this different from ELIX?
are you retarded? this is not a buy the rumor sell the news thing, the top 10 exchange is confirmed for 10th of may and its only going up from here since IDEX doesnt even work right now,any top 10 exchange is going to bring 30x more volume than what IDEX ever could
i'm literally agreeing with you lol so are you calling yourself retarded?
Its not a shitcoin with no product and dumped on bagholders
im all in
strap in everyone