Why can't I buy a battle pass with Crypto?

Why can't I buy a battle pass with Crypto?
IMAGINE the market reaction of EPIC Games allowed People to spend crypto on Fortnite. How can we make this happen? I'm tired of wage cucking.

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fortnite is goat. they made 300 mil in one month for a reason faggot

no u, nigger

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Ninja takes crypto donations on Twitch. Some sort of coin/way to make crypto donations more popular and mainstream would be good.

A thread died for this.

This is actually a good avenue to persue. I know a ton of kids idolize Ninja and other streamers. Would be good for the space to get these guys on board.
Would be nice to point out to EPIC (from someone they listen to) that Microsoft accepts crypto, so why don't they.

So will you. Now shut up and go back to creating Mobius threads faggot.

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I watched my little brother play this game. He ran around getting shot at while instantly building large towers and objects to block gunfire. Looked pretty weird to be honest.

BAT (basic attention token) is already somewhat targeting the Twitch crowd, but moreso YouTube.

You can donate BAT to individual Twitch channels but yeah it's still completely unknown to Twitch streamers, and most streamers don't know/don't care about crypto. It'd be pretty huge if a coin/token could partner with EPIC or get their attention

It's not about the game frend. It's about crypto. Opinions about the game come second to the hype and attention the game is getting. We should divert some of this to crypto.

Ninja accepts crypto donations

holy fuck i thought I was on the worst board for a second

This is some children's game, right?
For those with less pedestrian taste: bay12games.com/dwarves/

We need to make EPIC Games next. How?

Cuck, it's not about the game. Its about getting rich off of their popularity. Their Google searches last month surpassed Bitcoins at its peak. That is FUCKING HUGE.

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Who do you think is going to be using Crypto in the next 10 years?

Answer: Kids. And kids are fucking obsessed with this game.

Better than another holo thread, faggot.

litearlly dead trend that nobody will still remember by june

This way of thinking is why nobody will remember you after you die.

gun yourself nigger manchild

Shortsighted boomer detected.

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t. scrub

alot of California based company's especially game company's are run by manchildren basedboys
not saying its the case for this game but most people that work at vidya company's are unironically brainlets if they weren't they would work in an actual tech field original

just like every shooting game there ever was its a fad until the next doom clone comes out

>unironically missuses memes

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Not going to argue that Fortnite won't inevitably burn out, but you have to realize how big this game is. It's absolutely huge. There's tons of money to be made with this shit still

Enjin will be everywhere in the future.

I wish I'd be buying mad skins.

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A patrician taste in games.

no u hahahaha

but seriously man fornite is an AWESOME game

stop hating

*dabs on hater*

Edit: Thanks for upvotes and gold btw kind strangers

>IMAGINE the market reaction of EPIC Games allowed People to spend crypto on Fortnite.
There would be no reaction because only poorfags and soccer mom kids play that shit game.