*sip* what are the yungings buying into these days?
*sip* what are the yungings buying into these days?
not xrp
Yo! that's my favorite Monster lol
good luck with spending all your crypto gains on diabetes healthcare degenerate sippers
Saying this because 1) no one outside of the US pays astronomical amounts for healthcare 2) no one outside of the US pays this corn syrup enhanced horse piss
replace 2nd "pays" with drinks
You are an idiot sir. All the other countries pay for health care through astronomical taxes. Those people just assume its free health care but you are getting racked over the coals. Also the only reason health care is so expensive in America is because Hospitals try to get as much as they can from Insurance Companies. Insurance in the US is the problem
ye that's why when you're poor and you break a leg, in the US you'll die from it and everywhere else you'll just get it fixed
Also my point with Monster being horse piss still stands
sir you are incorrect. the doctors can not turn you away. so don't speak on things you don't know
also don't give me those pajeety sirs, just stop drinking Monster and don't get yourself diabetes alright?
a day without sips is like a day without sunshine though
>energy drinks
unironically enjoy your onset diabetes
pretty sure you pay a lot more tax on crypto than the communist states of europe do.
Energy drinks cause herpes outbreak fyi
I've been to countries with "free" healthcare.
My impression was that you get what you pay for.
The middle and upper class go to private clinics, since the nhs is so shit.
sugar is opiate for the immune system cells.
However it will only course herpes outbreaks if you are faggot and you are infected.
I was in Japan and saw office ladys chugging monster in front of vending machines. They sippin.
Pick one boomer
Incels never get the herp
I quit all energy drinks and haven’t had an outbreak since so not touching those again
Litecoin bro.
Piss poor quality health care at that.
>1) no one outside of the US pays astronomical amounts for healthcare
That's not true. Also, didn't a little kid just die in the UK?
No no. The 80% tax on their fuel isn't for their healthcare... LMAO
eat some cake and alcohol, don't sleep, there now you have aids
herpes and aids are in the same virus family. And the curse will hit on you degenerate children if don't abort them.
Yes, see my above post regarding piss poor quality health care.
Not going to engage with virgin neets cause need to get back to making money... but for sexualy active non autists avoid energy drinks they’re Terrible for you
Maybe he's an American tourist and thinks he has to tip 20% of his earnings to those paramedics?
kiss your son once, faggot !
True dat, it’s like a bullet to the dick.
you have circulation issues
energy drinks do trigger the adrenals and rise the blood pressure, if you already have a problem you might not get an erection
If you’ve been with a couple of a girls it’s very likely that you’re infected. If anything not having herpes make you a faggot.
cope harder
Monster Zero has Zero Sugar and Zero Calories so shut the hell up about diabetes you buffoons
these sip threads actually made me try that particular Monster and it's breddy gud.
also, *ahem*, according to the latest and greatest research
Diabetes is caused by certain types of fats and elements in meat and cheese.
As a result you have clogged up receptor of the cells and they cannot accept lipids produced by the liver from the sugars.
You get sugar intolerance from overburnned trans-fats. Because the lipids from these fats have awkward shapes that just clog up the cell receptors.
Yeah that's some solid cope. Most people don't have herpes. People who go to shitty bars do.
as a result you get cell starvation, the cell goes into stress mode and might even become cancerous, even more cancerous than me !
Diabetes opes a door to all diseases, just because the cells cannot operate because they get no energy.
I can solve diabetes but we gonna have to go to PGP. I don't want to get rekked by the FBI.
actually around 95% of the population has herpes, it just doesn't break out in most, aka it's in a "dormant" state
but ya keep sipping boiz
>Europeons want to make it so they can give more money to their government
cope with your used vagina pleb
you will never be the 1%
Rate my /sip/
Zero sugar in that. Do you even lift?
not talking solely about gential herpes you mongoloid virgin
And no, I'll never be part of the sipping incels, enjoy