Does Jow Forums participate in the ingestion of nicotine during trading to engourage mental acuity?

Does Jow Forums participate in the ingestion of nicotine during trading to engourage mental acuity?

I personally keep a pack of camel wides and my unregulated box mod handy by my desk.

Attached: vapefag.jpg (640x640, 50K)

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10/10, brotha.

have a nice thread OP

Nice fancy mod, fag

Attached: Figger Naggot.jpg (4032x3024, 1.44M)


Is vaping bad for your skin like cigs?

No i have been vaping literally nonstop since 16 and my skin looks fucking amaezing

you guys look like you practice sucking dick when you vapes good luck with that.

If anything it would help your skin as PG/VG is rather oily and sets on your skin and hair as you vape. Oily, but not overly oily, skin can prevent aging as is seen in Asian people (relatively oily skin but they look younger for much longer).

It's not good for you, but it's not anywhere near as bad as smoking is.

You know, you guys are alright.
Please keep bumping my thread.

nigger i vape any time any where i dont give a shit

Yea I Vape n' Trade. It gives me the edge I need.

I realized that yesterday. I have a juul and if you hold it close to the mouthpiece it look like giving a blowjob. Now I hold the end of it.

roll your own cigarettes instead of being a gay

let your nicotine juice condense on your skin and you will stay young forever

i rolled my own cigs when i was abroad in OZ, but the jew S of A doesnt really fuck with roll tobbacy.
really enjoy rolling and smoking my own desu but im so deep in nicotene addiction that i try and stay away from any byproducts of a combustion reacion


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I've heard of people using this, does it actually have a noticeable effect?

I make my own ejuice and chainvape 1.5 nic all day while I trade.

Attached: mouthfedoracollection.jpg (2125x1196, 610K)

I made my own juice once but neglected to consider the fact that maybe I don't want to vape the same flavor for like 6 years so now I have a half gallon of strawberry lemonade juice in the freezer.

I usually only mix up 30-60mls at a time and always change shit on the fly to avoid that. once you have a decent amount of concentrates and understanding of what % to use them at you can really whip up some good stuff.