Everyone wants LINK to be $1,000 EOY, but it's looking like it will be roughly $13 EOY. Cap this.

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13$ EOY is currently pretty optimistic prediction

>tfw that's all I need

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22X return... that's actually not bad

Fine by me, I'm not selling until 2023

Can't access my wallet untill jan 2021 so it is ok.

This is not meant to be FUD gentlemen, I just think we have to be a little more realistic here instead of throwing around the 1k meme.

- 22x return by EOY
- Staking for passive income
- $13 before massive market adaptation
we gona make it fren

I literally can't access my wallet b/c I'm in jail.

25 eoy and i can stop wage cucking

I'm sorry dude :/ At least this prevents you from having weak hands and you can shitpost. Can I ask what you did? My brother is actually in jail.

Thanks time traveler, I would be very content with $13. I will not sell that low.

perfectly okay with 13 EOY lol

I hope you are working out and reading books, so when you come out you are jacked and smart AND wealthy. The ultimate link marine.

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tax evasion?

$13 would be amazing

Don't discourage the 1000 eoy meme, it makes people take us less seriously and we fly under the radar longer

What country?

Good luck on that.

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The "realistic" link prediction guy is the biggest piece of trash on /biz and that is saying alot.

But you don't know him personally, you fag.

I dont but I feel like this type of guy just wants to say something different from anyone else and his opinion isn't based on anything legit.

Most people either say either link is trash or link is gonna be the next ether. So I think some guys think it makes them seem smart and original to say something different. It's fine but only if you have some evidence to support it.

So I'll only have over a million dollars, no big deal.

> brownposters arguing with brownposters
quiet, pajeets

He's probably in some shitty county jail with no way to work out and nothing but Tom Clancy in the "library".

Lmao 50 eoy and THATS pessimistic

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But wouldn't that have the opposite effect? People hear $1000 EOY and start fomo'ing. The most clever ones will stay cautious and ignore it but that's by far the minority. Saying link will never pass $1 is more effective

let's check it out:

I'm hoping for $50, but I can live with $13

never once have I seen a link price prediction that would be based on literally anything

13, 50, 1000 prices are taken from the depths of the posters asshole

chainlink 2000 eoy.

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user I have $14 off my calculations but I agree overall.

0 cents, and thats based on a guaranteed 0% adoption rate.

Get fucked faggots


internet in jail?

njoy ur an hero next year