Will OMG be listed on coinbase?

Will OMG be listed on coinbase?

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Nah, reps from OMg just met with coinbase a month ago, and they are scheduled to add an erc20 right about the time OMG gets up and running. Probably just coincidence.

>about the time OMG gets up and running
whens that

If the universe is truly infinite, there is a planet somewhere where one OMG is worth 80 billion dollars.

But I’m not going to go looking for that planet, because I might accidentally find a planet with a billion giant-cocked beings who will capture and rape me.

Take a nap user, your cooked


I want to believe the answer is YES.

Attached: iwanttobelieve.jpg (640x640, 103K)

its gonna be 0x u retards. its launching now get in and wait till august.


Yes, but first it will be 0x. Ill be buying 0x with all profits from now on regularly because it is 100% going on Coinbase first. The CEO of coinbase publicly called it the most important erc-20 ever developed.

>"Your total will come out $25.15 user"
>ok just let me take out my purse
>Where is it I know my wallet is in here somewhere
>Here it is here is your $25 dollars sir
>Oh let me find my change purse
>Here you go and here is 50 cents to cover the inconvenience Mr.cashier
>"Thankyou friend please come again"

This shit isn't going to get listed on coinbase ever and will won't even be around in 1-2 years don't delude yourself the idea is all promise and doesn't actually work.

nigger what the fuck are you talking about


how does shit like this go unchallenged?

that never happened. anything positive said about ZRX or BAT was said a year ago aka the 1700s in crypto time.

ZRX is a complete shit project that only has a single networking connection to Coinbase.

Coinbase woulnd't sully its fucking reputation by adding ZRX.

OMG on the other hand is literally the tokenization of Plasma. Coinbase are essentially eth maximalists. It's about 100% certain to be OMG.


OMG will never go higher than $700 in 2018 you delusional moonboy

should I put my entire life savings into OMG?

Dude im thinking the Same thing. This might be the perfect time

Zomg i got the mega rare white ID

do you think BTC will go down?

I have essentially. 6500 here

Holy shit you're going to be rich as long as you hold and don't panic sell.

No. Btc, eos, nas and qtum will dominate the bull run

i mean in the short term so I can buy in

Might see 9400-9500 in a few days but things are so bullish id be careful

If Nebulas really dominates the bull run I will unironically kill myself. After the mainnet launch caused almost no price increase I sold my stack, which was about 90% of my portfolio. I sold at 5.23.

Don't buy OMG now, wait for 110-150k, BTC/ETH is a better choice right now. Coinbase is probably going to add it late Q2/Q3. And omiseGO team said they were aiming to buy several "small to medium exchanges", but it's going to take some time.

Buying an exchange has nothing to do with the backend dex or anything else they are doing.

Sure if you want to lose your life savings.
Are you really going to take advice from this shitty echo chamber?
No. Omg won't be listed on coin base.

what the fuck was that conversation supposed to imply? lmao

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Coinbase abd ripple are within 5 minutes distance from each other in SF

The exchanges they are going buy will run on the OMG network and generate more transactions. We can expect a 10-30% pump if the exchange is somewhat well known