Why don't you daytrade with a good risk/reward ratio?
Here you can see I had a small losing trade in the red box but now I'm in a bigger wining trade. (the green and red arrows show my buys and sells). I tried to catch the bottom on ARK but I was wrong the first time. So I quickly cut my loss and tried again. And this time, I caught the very bottom and I was right. It bounced.
But you know what would've happened if I was wrong again? I would've cut losses quickly. And then tried to buy it again lower. And then what? ARK can't keep dumping forever. Eventually it's going to bounce. You know it will. Just have to time it. Don't hold a loss all the way down. Cut it and try again.
You don't have to be right all the time to make money daytrading. You just have to cut your losses so quickly that your winners are always bigger And when you have a winner, lock in that profit. I'm selling at whichever gray line hits first. I'll either make a good amount, or a little, but I made money and more than the trade in the red box that i lost. That's it. Easy. Those of you losing money, I guarantee you're FOMOing into your buys while they're going up. What u do is i buy the panic sells. It can't keep going down forever if it's panic selling. Eventually there's gonna be a bounce
Good luck convincing them. I suggest just keeping it to yourself and helping others who ask for it in threads. Too many ingrates here, you'll be discouraged with the negativity coming your way.
Daniel Powell
That doesn't matter as long as it has obvious and predictable support and resistance levels to buy and sell near. You can daytrade any coin that has a good bit of volume.
Brandon Sullivan
You know what, you're right and I know this. Because I've posted threads before trying to help people and usually only get 1 or 2 nice people for 50 not nice ones. Idk why I even bother trying. People say TA doesn't work and shit on it but then how am I and so many other people making money?
Michael Jackson
Think about it this way, if it keeps going down, to let's say 9580, and then comes back up again to where you bought, you're only break even.
But if you were to sell now and rebuy at 9580, by the time it comes up to you old break even point you've made money
Jackson Watson
Part of the problem is eternal september. There's always a new batch of narcissistic idiots coming in so you have to start over.
Just take their money, helping is for private discords.
David Scott
Checked, but you should know better when you see a coin that claims "best returns for an ICO"
Carter Gray
Thanks for doing it regardless. Im getting into daytrading this week and been looking left and right for tips and tricks. Found many, but not on biz. You're a good guy user.
Samuel Jackson
Op is there a discord or telegram you have? Would like to learn more. Also, trading only in SATS right?
Ayden Powell
No i don't have a discord or telegram. I just pop into threads once in a while posting pics of my trades. Lots of people like this app I'm running, it's called tabtrader.
I trade anything and everything, it's doesn't matter the strategies stay the same. I trade with sats, I trade with eth pairs, I trade with BNB, I trade with penny stocks on the nasdaq. It just has to have higher than average volume. This means more people are trading it so there's more eyes on it.
Joseph Watson
I follow a similar philosophy but reentering by looking at 1H candles is exhausting. My 3 neurons need to be focused on the trades I spend time preparing. Intraday is just not for me, I end around even because of fees.
Colton Thompson
your system is nonsense.
Matthew Gonzalez
Tabtrader is a god tier app.
Oliver Barnes
Here's one of my trades that were picture perfect. Buying the first retest after a break out of the triangle and selling half on the way up and the other half at the tip top. I'm very proud of this one
And yet I am able to consistently make profitable trades. And I am only right about 2/3 of the time. I make money because my losses are tiny so my winners are bigger than my losers.
If I win more than 50% of the time, and I win more dollars than I lose, how could this possibly NOT work?
I do something similar but swing trading over longer periods because I am too much of a brainlet to win at intraday. Good on you if you can do it though.
Isaiah Baker
I honestly don't see much of a difference. The patterns stay the same whether you use Daily candles, 4h or 1h candles. When I'm planning a trade i zoom out the 4h chart but when I go to put in an order and track the trade I actually use 5 minute candles
Daniel Scott
bro. I like you and all but fundamentals do matter a little. Day trading ZCL is like daytrading the lehman brothers. Could go to zero while you leave the room for a few minutes for whatever reason.
Chase Long
> And yet I am able to consistently make profitable trades no, you're not. you made like two or three and think you're an expert.
Jaxson Peterson
There is nothing wrong with trading ZCL. Especially the short amount of time I expose myself to the market. As long as it's on high relative volume and moving up it means there's interest. Enough for me to scalp a quick 10% profit. I don't give a shit about the coin I'm trading.
In this market as with penny stocks, fundamentals don't mean shit. Coins move based on hype. That's what a lot of these people don't understand. They say "the fundamentals are bad how can this be mooning"? The people who know what's up say "because people are buying for some reason, that's why." And I say "who gives a shit, it's going up so I can make money"
James Wright
How many would you like me to post before you believe me? I've been doing this since May 2017, and I've been trading penny stocks, which work in the exact same way, since 2015. Trust me, it works. You just have to know how to do it. Git gud and don't hate on me because I'm already there
for me its the exhaustion and worry of it rebounding when i sold. when i get better at swing trading every couple of days i ll start to make more transactions. it is just too tiring sometimes when you have school and work
David Green
I normally don't either, but all the coins are held by one 1 entity and they could drop it to zero in the span of ten seconds. All it takes is one bad tweet and it'll collapse 50-90% while you blink. It's happened before, and it likely won't be the last.
Josiah Taylor
You don't get crushed with fees?
Joseph Davis
>minimum percentages >have to use decent money to make anything significant >fees >all day looking at charts because if order doesn't go off you lose a week of gains
I would rather wagecuck honestly. And what you're doing can be easily done by a bot. There's also nothing that guarantees you that there's a magic number where green trades are more profitable all the losses in the long run
Gavin Butler
What’s your advice on OMG right now? I was an idiot and and I fucking knew it was doing below 0.024 gwei when it topped 0.033. How do I time it right? How do you “cut your losses quick?”
Mason Foster
OP is a dumb cockass who is lying out of his ass. Day trading is a huge pain in the ass compared to just investing wisely on something that will go up by like +20% in a week or two.
Asher James
I believe OP can make money, he just buys panics and it can work in that case, but you still need a lot of work to make anything decent.
OP let's say I do this all day and I'm decent, what gains can I expect in a month percentage wise?
Henry Reed
> You just have to know how to do it that's code for it's nonsense. Guesswork is nonsense.
Carter Butler
It's educated guesswork and it works more than 50% of the time which is all I need. I base my buys and sells off of support and resistance levels. I buy panics and sell the rip. The act of buying a panic means that the coin has usually dumped so low it cant get much lower. It's definitely closer to the bottom than it is to the top. It's that simple. It's the same reason most people who fomo into a coin lose, because at that point its already closer to the top than the bottom.
I don't do this all day everyday. You can't. I look for specific scenarios. I only make about 1 trade every 1-2 days. Most of my trades I made between 5-20%. I don't go all in on every trade but if I did then theoretically you could easily get 200-400% gains in a month.
You make 20% in a week, I make that in 1 hour in a good trade.
I don't know how to code so I can't use a bit. My trades are set and forget. I set my buy order near a support level and don't look at my chart until the alert goes off. Once it does and my buy order is filled, I set my stop loss alert and my profit target alert and don't look at the chart till one of those hits. That's it
Easton Ward
daytrading exposes me to tax liability on my main stack through FIFO bullshit
tfw burger
Jackson Roberts
That's why I always have a stop loss in place close to where I bought
No. Fees are 0.25% and I usually make at least 3-4% per trade, most of the time closer to 10 or 15%
I gotta say it's not looking good for omg right now. I wouldn't be buying till about 0.00167 sats