What happened to this meme coin?

> New Doge
> 100000000X
> $1 EOY
> Turtle Commander
> Muh Turtles
> Rock Steady

What happened to all the turtle marines?

Attached: TRTL_mzadfn.png (500x502, 33K)

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Pajeet PnD

delete this, im still accumulating

So you think that the anonymous developer who went by the pseudonym "Rock Steady" was secretly a pajeet? What are the odds? Pretty high

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Are you buying on trade satoshi? Volume on tradeogre is pretty low right now and price seems pegged at 1 sat. Are you and your pajeet brothers planning on pumping this one again?

It was never going to $1 eoy lol
Keep mining, keep taking it seriously. Anonymous tipping coin etc etc etc
How is a decentralized privacy coin a PnD? No ones claiming this coin has super powers that will make you rich. It's just a cool little coin to accumulate.

I'm mining 30k per day. I can hold indefinitely. In two years, the circulating supply will be around 85 billion and then it will slow down until it reaches 1 trillion in a few hundred years. look at high supply coins like Dentacoin, Bytecoin, and Dogecoin. I have 2 million now, and I expect TRTL will settle in between 20-30 sats by next year. Don't buy it, Mine it.

He doesn't sound like a pajeet

This is the biggest reason we are in trtl. It's a slow steady safe bet. I wouldn't say just mine though, buying at 1 is still very bountiful.

Haha ya, I don't think anyone was serious that we would hit 1$. I mean great if it does somehow! But at most I see half a cent to a penny.

I feel like a dirty whore trying to accumulate, I've got a shitty laptop mining, and doing every airdrop to get free coins to turn into trtl..... hopefully 10m by the end of the month....

Depends what BTC does. I don't think 100-200 sats is out of the question.

>buying at 1 is still very bountiful.
True, but many here don't have a few hundred dollars to tie up for a few years. (low time preference or tight budgets) Mining it is essentially free for someone with spare CPU/GPU capacity and the ability to plan a year ahead. The network hash rate is low with the new algo. 5K TRTL per day x 365 days x 20 sats = .0365 BTC per year. No excuses for not mining TRTL. Even at 1 sat, it's still profitable.

Read the developer chat rooms if you want to see how crazy they are. Turtle coin thinks it will be like ETH with smart contracts.

Haha ya, that's not right, the devs probably didn't fully understand crypto back then. But then again... crypto constantly break rules, you never know what can and can't be done.... But ya... haha

I mean at 1 sat I guess putting .01 btc into wouldn't be the worst idea.

I doubt it'll ever go over 5 sats but it is a pretty decent hold.

Obviously it is better to keep the money in bTC for gains. But my trtl usd value has gone up almost 50% purely. Thanks to BTC value going up and trtl already being at 1. It's a comfy hold

>Turtle coin thinks it will be like ETH with smart contracts.

They aren't the only cryptonight based coin that is working on it.

Why exactly are smart contracts an impossibility for TRTL?

to be honest I think the devs could possibly achieve it with trtl. They seem to have calmed down and become more focused after the initial hype and they are learning more and more everyday.

Rock is literally talking about how to implement it right now in the dev channel of the discord.

Shit your right. Damn I swear, everytime I go away and the. Come back with questions and concerns, rock and the others are already on it... I may have to replan my future Cash out tiers.

No if only coss and link would moon..

Now if**

He is american, has >1 MM in monero so doesn't need to streetshit, and while he is user he cares about his reputation. RockSteady was a nod to TMNT which was above too many peoples heads I guess.

It was never going to be $1. If it hits $0.01 I would be very impressed. I hold a few million and definitely see a future for this coin.

do read avalable information:
as it:
total supply
current supply
mining schedule
with price 1sat PAJEET-PANSUN market cap is 1000000BTC, its to many!
the logic: coin for money laundring but you can buy it for 2sat and sell only for 1sat
it will be denominated or delisted

Attached: T_RETARD.jpg (567x432, 51K)

DOGE has unlimited supply, it hit 189 sats.
Look at the trtl coin emission curve, total supply won't be mined til the year 2112

Crypto is neither a rational nor efficient market. Your predictions are worthless.

Attached: Emission curve.png (1774x965, 159K)

Its a community coin. One of a few coins that will easily 100x by EOY. Just FYI 100x mean it will hit 1 cent.

I threw 200 bucks at it it without regrets. TurtleCoin has that punkrock appeal to it. A bunch of tipsy dudes decided to make an easy to use privacy coin just because they can (One of them dropped out of Highschool & College.)
>Heya, let's make the network write a block every 30 seconds and see where it goes!

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They are planning smart contracts, too. That will be amazing.

Do you connect your TRTL mining unit to a pool?

total supply
current supply
mining schedule

with price 1sat PAJEET-PANSUN market cap is 1000000BTC, its to many!
the logic: coin for money laundring but you can buy it for 2sat and sell only for 1sat
it will be denominated or delisted

Gonna just sit on the million I mined until it moves.

the devs went full retard on the inflation, which killed the momentum and keeps the coin down

Are you trtly enough?

Attached: trtl-club.jpg (280x210, 10K)

Thanks for sharing this. Block Zero seems to have entirely disappeared. What were Kevin Rose's reasons to quit that podcast?

I suspect he just wasn't getting much in the way of listeners.

Just repeating yourself like a mongoloid doesn't make your point any stronger.

Explain the price of DOGE.

it have on many exchangers, include fiat ones
it have normal price . not 1 or 2 sat (50% exanahge tax)

I don't disagree that the limited amount of exchanges it is on is depressing the price, but you were making some argument about supply.
The exchange issue will be dealt with in time, the coin is only five months old.

If you are going to converse on this Lithuanian comic book forum, you really need to formulate your arguments clearly in your own language, and then carefully translate it into English. As it is, you are making sub pajeet tier noises.

I keep forgetting about the doge supply. Trtl definitely has a chance to at least match it

Plus I keep forgetting that it still isn't on cmc which would help it's status or any other exchanges other than 3 small ones. Heck, COSS exchange would help trtl price at this point

do read avalable information:
as it:
total supply
current supply
mining schedule
with price 1sat PAJEET-PANSUN market cap is 1000000BTC, its to many!
the logic: coin for money laundring but you can buy it for 2sat and sell only for 1sat
it will be denominated or delisted

Attached: LINK_TARD_PLAY.jpg (576x444, 99K)

This is an English speaking board for English speakers, please respect that.

cry more, retard

I'm impressed. I think this is the longest running trtl thread we have had in a long time

buying 100k on tradesatoshi

How many sats per shell?

Oh ho ho, big spender.

When TRTL falls below 1/2 sat I probably will expand my stack and buy approximately 5 million shells.

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whats with the hate for this coin anyway? all i see is pajeet insults

it was sigt 2.0 and all of the newfags fell for it

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They can't yet buy it high so biz isn't interested, they will fomo in when it moons to 100 sats.

Attached: Timeless advice.jpg (443x332, 18K)

I'm unironically still holding 2MM turtles.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Pic fucking related.

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I use xmrig as my miner.
Take your pick of pools.

This & at the same time they yell at 'redditors'.

I read that book but forgot almost all of the Turtle Trader's lessons. Quick rundown if you mind?

you must be new

Turtles are faster while swimming

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We are just hibernating. Summer is.just starting, eggs have been laid and hatching will take a couple of months. After that, roughly 1-5% Willimantic it to breeding age. If that applies to our MC. The. With 1 trillion, 1% survival means 10 billion market cap. Haha sorry, just pulling shit outta my ass.

Fuck off, streetshitter

>bought 1.4m shells at 4 sats
>tfw when waiting for it to hit 40 sats so I can x10 my shitty $500 investment.

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Anyone else having tradeogre issues? It seems to be under attack a lot lately. It has held up well though.

Stop making this thread. This coin will never go above five sats. Too many coins and not enough product. What does trtl have? A bunch of wallets. Wow. I can send it to you and you can send it to me. It does the basic function of a coin and does it poorly. Ill take 100k please

>What happened to this meme coin?
BANANO happened


>Don't buy it, Mine it.
There is a nearly unlimited supply at 1sat and will be for at least a year due to their stupid idea of making a trillion coin cap. Unless you've got your very own chinkfarm or you're stealing power you can't mine them for less than what they sell for right now.

>Mining it is essentially free
>my parents are paying the electric bill

Or the landlord..... :)


525w x .11$/1000wh x 24h = $1.386 day

Attached: TRTL_mining_for_fun_and_profit.png (1195x689, 64K)

If you rent and either pay a flat fee for utilities or have it included with the price of the apartment per month.... Pretty simple.

You must be new here. Biz only buys high and sells low. You'll never convince anyone to get in on the ground floor.

I gotta agree with the guy further up on the thread. They won't buy until 100.

>You must be new here. Biz only buys high and sells low.
Exception that proves the rule! At least one user will listen and make a couple grand from this.


Attached: jeww.jpg (220x220, 10K)

Holy fuck guys, are you all turtlemarines bagholders who bough at 10-30 sats? If not, you all fucking stupid for mining this shitcoin when there are dozens of cryptonote coins you could be mining instead. Haven, Masari, Ombre, Iridium, IPBC, Sumo, Stellite, holy shit ANYTHING would've net you more profit than fucking turtlecoin unless you mined on december-early january and sold at the pump. If you are a bagholder who bought the top, you have my condolences and your shilling is justified. Everyone else, kill yourselves for being this stupid goddamnit

And who the hell is buying your shitcoin, retard? There aren't ANY buy orders for it right now, that calculation is useless.

Seriouslu Turtlecoiners, get fucking real. There are hundreds of opportunities booming on the market right know, yet you got stuck on the shittiest of the shitcoins. Wake the fuck up

>It's noon. The NEETs are waking up and they're angry today.

Truth hurts eh

Damn, we struck a nerve with someone. I didn't realize us practicing our freedom was so detrimental to another person.

Care to counter my points then, turtlefriend?

Here (You) go buddy. Good luck mining (You)'s today.

electric is included in my strata fees

>being this triggered
I did sell mine between 10-30, mostly around 20ish. Rebought a few million at 1 sat. It will pump again friend.

Not really, I was just pointing out how we struck a nerve due to the content of your posts and the utter frustration you seem to have because this thread exists. 90% of these coins suck dick. But nearly 100% will have opportunities.

I have almost 30 million of these little turts. Am l going to make it?


At least enough to have significant cash flow to invest in other coins

100 sats eoy

Fuck Rick STeady. He ruined Raindance. Now no more free coins. Oh yeah you can get some coins by spamming the chat, cool.

Ya what happened to that? You would think more free drops like that would be a big priority for them to get exposure.

Sorry not trying to shit on anyone or anything. I have just noticed a lack of "events" that made the community feel very close to each other.

people had set up bots to cash in on the drops, so they changed the system to only tip active users

Oh I see. Well, never under estimate the greed of humanity. Props to the devs though for seeing this. Maybe I should register my wallet on discord now..... I finally have found it to be reliable haha.