Hey wagebitch.
Hey wagebitch
I unironically love my job. Have fun jacking off to anime or whatever it is you do
H-Hi. Are you my new boss?
>things deluded wagecucks tell themselves
>I love being a slave wasting 1/3 of my life in an office for a big corporation!
Sheep like you are pathetic.
yeah ill have fun pursuing my passion and having a fulfilling life traveling the world while you slave away
Sir me clean floor so well can eat from plz gib raisin
bet you can't beat my job
my boss gives me a handy every day
Kill yourself
It's not fucking funny.
Hey. Random question: Would you rather vacation in New Zealand or Italy? I'm thinking of what trip to surprise my wife with this summer and they both seem like really good options.
>Not finding work rewarding
This is why you'll stay a neet til you're 60
>being a wageslave is rewarding.
Jeez, i didn't know biz was this jewed.
Wealthy neets are going to be the new wraltyt upperclass. Pathetic wagies will still cry themselves to sleep.
that image is the single most pathetic thing i've seen in my life, never change neets
Vacations are a waste of money imo maybe thats just becuase I went to so many different countries as a kid already, and I'm on a permanent kinda vacation as a wealthy NEET .Normie wagies like you seem to like wasting money on them for some reason, maybe just to escape your horrible life of slavery for a week. Also if your wife wasn't a virgin before you got married/started dating shes a whore and will divorce you (: but you're so beta you won't mind spending money on her and slurping Chad's cum out of her roastie.
I have a great job, great colleagues and a fantastic boss, cant help but love it
As a NEET I enjoy traveling somewhere and living in the city/country for as long as I want and then moving on when I'm ready. Vacations, especially for wagies, seem rushed.
Whoa, hold on, you're a neet but you can't even travel? My wife and I actually met on vacation.
What's the point if you can't go see or do anything? We were at the Grand Canyon and Vegas last month, really good stuff. Iceland back in November.
Italy if you love her, including taking her to a grappa/pisco bar. Just watch out for Italian Cassanovas, don't get cucked
Thanks user, I'll keep her within arm's reach at all times.
Last part is deciding to get one of those week long cruises that goes from port town to island, etc. Or just renting a car and driving around for a bit.
I can easily travel whenever I want, like I said I have traveled a lot before, it just got boring to me after a while. Also I feel bad for you that your wife had sex with other guys other than you, that's pretty gross that you married someone like that user.
He's already cucked, his wife had sex with other people other than him.
Mini retirements / Mercenary / Tim Ferriss Style
IT Security Contractor here, I work 2 or 3 years then take 6 or so months off to unwind. Squeeze in some volunteering to fill my resume. Sublease my place and travel around cheap fun countries...throw my shit in storage. Spend downtime gaming on my laptop in awesome palces. Completely agree that vacation while wagecucking are pointless, too rushed to do anything. 32 y/o and been doing this for a decade now, fuckin love it. Current gig is 115k per year and I'll make more on my next round.
You have to be in a super in-demand field but there's always an in-between for wagecucks and neet's
Oh, I just thought that since you were worried about money you couldn't travel.
Do you do things like travel to the other side of town? I bet that's a lot of fun.
Why don't you like women with sexual experience, user? I've had more partners than she has and we're both pretty inventive in bed. We've been married for six years and we're still getting better at pleasing each other. She's been getting in to edging me by reaching down and squeezing the base of my cock while I'm pumping inside her. Forcing me to stop until she lets go. I've started retaliating by massaging her asshole with a finger or two until she feels enough pleasure to release my cock again.
She's in the other room watching some silly show. We're going to go for a walk later this evening and shower and we'll probably make love again. We're thinking about having a child, so I've been cumming inside her with less care than usual.
That's disgusting. Do you ever lick her used up vagoo? How does Chad's cum taste? Non-virgin females are repulsive to me.
Oral is a pretty rewarding sexual activity. I'm not sure why you would think another man's ejaculate would be there though. Knowing her she only stopped using condoms for me once we were married.
I've had a few virgins and they were fairly boring in bed. They require so much direct instruction. Why do you find them appealing? I hope you find a nice girl that you can settle down with user. You sound like you know what you want in a woman.
Its possible to have a fun job. I work in a research lab, sit around and shitpost 80% of the time and I literally went home 2 hours early today since I didn't want to start a lengthy test and have to clean it up and no one is going to yell at me about it.
I've been only to Italy out of those 2. Italy is probably more interesting but the Italians are cunts so have that in mind. My favorite places were Venice and Tuscany.
>t-thanks boss!
literally this.
if you actually have a STEM job, you're good to go.
Fuck off addicted gamblers, and enjoy your temporary lifestyle.
>I unironically love my job
Hey i work for the devil. at least thats what my list of clients tell me..
What would a tech salesman (database, middleware, etc) need to do to get a job on the technical side. I took a few cs programming/networking classes in college with basic java and python..
Gotta level with you the sales side of tech is grinding me down.. can you tell me more about your job and what i might need to do to switch over..
thx user fren
my id says pc+u .. does that mean im with the helpdesk pajeets instead :(
learn linux if you aren't familiar with it already (the basics, you don't need to focus on it) and learn how to run/use open source alternatives to the types of middleware/databases you sell. This can get you into middleware/big data engineering/operations jobs. Anything with hadoop/Yarn/Spark is pretty in demand now. After some time in that space you can migrate up to being a consultant or move laterally to software dev then up from there. Being a big data consultant though is probably a better target than going up the software dev route through job positions. During this whole time though no matter what keep learning programming (I recommend golang + use the goland IDE for a relatively simple but powerful language)
>Privileged douche takes his childhood luxuries for granted and hates women for some reason
Or, more likely, NEET betacuck larps on Jow Forums from his otaku chamber
But one can love a job though.
What if your passion is cooking and you're a chef? Or architecture as an architect? It's only wagecucking if you're being paid to do something that isn't your passion.
checked, based neet shitposter
you fail to understand that someone being exploited for their labor cannot be free. How can they love their passion when they are forced to do it or starve?
NEET life baby
What's the point in living if you can't do something you love? Working for mcwagies is awful, but almost as bad is rotting away doing nothing.
I'd imagine someone who's prime passion is gardening would have little issue with working as a gardener in a fine place, or someone passionate for cooking working as a chef.
fuck the wagecucks
I can still do gardening if I'm rich. I can still cook if I'm rich. I can still do anything if I'm rich except I'm free from wagecucking. Don't you get that most people here just want financial freedom? That doesn't mean waking up at 4 pm and jack all day to anime. It just means you are free to focus on what you want. If you are forced to do gardening and cooking for 30 years, you can bet it will get monotonous independent if you love what you do
Jokes on you fag. I don't work because despite all of my skills i'm not a pajeet so I can't get my foot in the door.