Third round interview

>third round interview

Attached: pepe.jpg (306x306, 20K)

>third and final interview
>they give you the worst interviewer

What kind of job has so many interviews? I've held a few relatively high level jobs requiring various kinds of clearances, but I never in my life had to submit to more than one interview.

Tell them to cut the bull shit OP. Either hire you or don't. Tell them you're tired of jumping through hoops and "I don't need this shit I'm crypto rich."

Trying to get a job these days is pure torture.

Video Game Designer
Friend of me got job @ Big 3 but only after literal months soul crushing interviews

When you fail interview @ Big 3 they not even tell you, everyone just walk out

>tfw every interview I get I'm hired on the spot because I am a handsome devil

I wouldnt consider McDonalds manager a 'high level' job

This is /larp/ country now

>group interview