I JUST realized that everything you sell or buy a crypto currency, someone is buying them from YOU!

I JUST realized that everything you sell or buy a crypto currency, someone is buying them from YOU!
Who were the ones buying at $20,000?

What happens if bitcoin hits $87,531 and no one wants to buy it anymore? We'll be stuck with bitcoin thats worth $53,421 but no one is going to buy them..?

Attached: s9wX9QG.png (630x618, 310K)

You just realized this? Are you slow, user?

Is not worth $87,531 is nobody wants to buy it. It will only be worth what people are willing to pay. That’s how it works.

as the dollar and other FIAT currencies lose value, people will be dying to grab their .01 BTC to participate in the new global economy. Don't worry user.

thats not just crypto, friend, thats markets in general

>What happens if bitcoin hits $87,531 and no one wants to buy it anymore?
Then the price stops going up. Market price can only ever be as high as the value at least one retard is willing to pay for what you've got. If that specific number really was the cutoff where NO ONE would ever buy your bags, then the price would fall until it reached equilibrium with demand.

Really? I don't think that's right...

but why would you sell lower than $87,531 if it's worth $87,531??


Attached: brainletmirror.png (817x443, 36K)

because of (((them)))

It’s only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Do you understand?

bitcoin can be divisible.. people will only be buying portions of a bitcoin just as they are now

This realisation, user, gives valuable insight into the reality that whenever someone tells you to sell something - they want to buy it from you. And whenever someone tells you to buy something - they want to sell it to you.

Bear this in mind. Biz is not your friend.

>I JUST realized that everything you sell or buy a crypto currency, someone is buying them from YOU!
this physically hurts to read.

1/10 bait post OP you are retarded or american thats the simple supply and demand 101. Shit even MTG cards are upwards worth of to $20000 USD and thats an obscure nerd card game.

>yuropoors and commies understand economics better than americans
wew fucking lad

Learning disability?

If you think your bitcoin is worth $87k but no one else in the world does, then your bitcoin is not worth $87k.

but if I want to buy a chair from ikea and it's $100 and I tell them I want to pay $10 for it, they wouldn't sell it to me for $10 so why won't they sell it to me for $10?

>Bear this in mind.

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Because everyone else agrees the chair is worth $100. If they can't sell it to you, they'll just sell it to somebody else. If the chair was $1mil, no one would buy it and they would eventually have to lower the price until someone did.

But its not about selling fewer chairs for as high a price as they can. In ikea its about finding the best price where tons if people will still buy it even though the store is making alot per chair. Its about naximizung profits on inventory.

Attached: 1469759641776.png (372x351, 117K)

>a chair worth of a hundred usd

This image has never been more relevant.

Attached: sell.png (559x989, 62K)

That's why they say for you to succeed someone must fail. Law of the jungle.

I pondered this for a while and realized that for me to go from $650 to $70k last year solely through trading alt coins I must have fucked a ton of people. But I got fucked a lot too, so it's all fair.

I must... accumulate...

use your brain, as i said its supply and demand. If one person walked into ikea and started complaining about a 100 usd chair and noone was willing to pay the price because they deemed it of lesser value then ikea would lower the price until someone bought establishing a value or baseline for a product. I mean do you honestly think you can walk into a Lamborghini dealership and offer 1 $ for a lambo when it regularly gets sold for 200k + ?

“They blow you up today, you blow them up tomorrow.”

And there are literally people sitting in an office every day whose job is to look at numbers and see what point the price maximizes sales.

People buying 2 bitcoins at 5k were buying 1 bitcoin at 10k were buying .5 bitcoin at 20k will buy .25 at 40k and .125 at 80k because we all know it's going to 1m.

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If it is any consolation, you are probably as "smart" as megumin

>I just realized the first step to understanding market forces and wealth that controls our society.
We should be teaching these basic systems in elementary school.

Slow adoption, still early, really early...1sat will = 1 schnekl

Guys guys... everytime you sell anything... someone is buying it

mind = blown

it's almost as... if it were an exchange.

>muh zero sum game
This shit is so fucking tiresome. We don't live in a zero sum world anymore, why can't brainlets realize this?

wut, its more zero sum than ever

Who makes these posts?

Not everything is a zero sum game, but crypto 100% is. You are an idiot if you can't see that.

for now crypto is 100% a zero sum game but once literally any single utility token gets used that doesn't apply anymore

>you can't mine/stake crypto
>you can't create services using crypto
>crypto can only be traded for fiat
Just think for a second my dude.

B but my Tazos collection is MINT! I spent 5k eating twisties for the limited editions! The total value is at least 20k so you HAVE to pay it at that price.

r...right? Please. I need it to pay for my dibetes meds.

Attached: tazos.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

I just died.

The market price is the last price a trade was made. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're able to sell at that price, you need a corresponding bid offer which is the same price or higher.

I bought quite a bit @19k, but that was to get into some sky's she the time, so I think a lot of people also did that

I mean to get into alts

But isnt crypto used by rich people to evade like foreign taxes when transfering money out of country ?I thought that was like were a large portion of crypto money would have came from to keep everything circulating. Well it makes sense when I thought about it to explain where the insane amount of money came from when people were buying large sums of bitcoin from holders .

I cant just believe they're are retarded boomers dropping there life savings into this shit with the hope that it will be a good investment .. Thats terrifying . ITS TOO VOLATILE A MARKET, THEYLL HAVE HEART ATTACKS .

will be more like 0.0000001BTC

Was that the codeword? I didn't go to the last meeting

The absolute state of Jow Forums

odds are you were selling to a market-making bot

it hurts to see the number of newfags on this board

Here take this 0.00000001 BTC

Technically it was the exchange buying from you, then selling to that guy

If you have less buyers the liquidity drops and the spread will widen, meaning you night have people willing to sell at $87531 but the highest someone is willing to buy is like $70000 or whatever

It’s actually not if you assume the long term expected return of crypto is positive.

Why though. I want everyone on biz to make it.... Fuck all the other places and fuck reddit especially

cool. more perma-hodlers.

Long time crypto vet here, it happens every time the price starts increasing the normies come out and ask terribly uninformed questions such as this. Those who know nothing think that someone is setting the price, and of course, that price is too high.

Meanwhile our schools are teaching kids Holocaust, slavery, Indians 24 fucking 7. Our country is a sick old man.

Cant see your flag. You refferring to burgerland?

because they would rather keep it themselves and wait for someone who is willing to pay $100 for it. if not they might sell it at a discount and just not re-stock it again.

lots of clothing companies just burn their leftovers instead of bothering to sell them at pajeet prices though

I wanna FUCK megumin

Dumb Megumin poster.

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