>In talks with 18 Central banks
>Piloting with two
>Running a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges on the planet
>2 Top tier VCs are using CryDRs for their funding rounds
Just a reminder so you can't say nobody told you about it.
>In talks with 18 Central banks
>Piloting with two
>Running a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges on the planet
>2 Top tier VCs are using CryDRs for their funding rounds
Just a reminder so you can't say nobody told you about it.
jnt is increasingly leaving the exchange wallets, as wallets continue to rise. Only a matter of time not if.
I just needed to make a thread so I could post it later as proof I said something.
Make this easy for me user and name some names.
>Piloting with two
Which two?
>Running a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges on the planet
Which one?
>2 Top tier VCs are using CryDRs for their funding rounds
Which Two?
No idea as they haven't been revealed yet. They have yet to lie yet though so I trust people who I have seen and can easily visit more than some random user on the internet calling them a liar.
>they have yet to lie
>have missed every single selfimposed deadlines
>still not listed on a big B exchange despite promises
What did he mean by this
>Being late is the same as lying about something
The longer this thread goes the better the future evidence is going to be.
Okay. This thread is getting out of hand. Someone get the mods to lock this thread.
bought at 0.00035 ETH shortly after listing on gate.
I have iron hands, Not selling until at least 100x
I don't mind if it takes 5 years.
Been holding JNT for a long time. POLY too. Nice to have some movement finally
>"seriously blrro, its the best"
this is why this sandnigger scam is worth nothing
>mommy he won't tell me MAKE HIM TELL ME
kys kike
user here, need advice on this. I have $500 in kucoin burning a hole in my pocket, should I go in for this shitcoin? How high are we looking at if moon? How high is the chance that we moon?
it can potentially moon as high as anything out there. and the chances it will are better than a lot of other shit out there 2bh
it's down 10% from a recent high and back to what it was bouncing around for a while, so it's a good entry and short term you could flip it for babby profits, but you'd be better off holding much longer desu. There's no upwards limit on this thing. I know I sound like a zealot and I don't care.
yeah keep in mind you'll have to wait years to make it. if you're looking for quick returns look at other coins
This is more quick pump $500 money, feeling more towards Elec ATM
If you're going to buy this coin you have to understand that it isn't going to move until q4 at the earliest. It's a moonshot coin and their road map is far out still. I don't get it personally. There is money to be made elsewhere. The coming bull run is going to leave JNT behind.
checked. godspeed user
Definitely has the potential to be a $20 coin EOY
>tfw bought this for fucking $.55 average cost
lock it away and forget about it. you'll be happy as fuck in a year
said everyone about every crypto ever. Its a shit project with idiots that pulled a 180 and will NEVER pull off the DAO they proposed.
This is honestly the best kind of FUD for JNT I ever see. You have a lot of people making baseless claims and lying along with misrepresenting facts.
This at least seems reasonable if you don't really scrutinize it.
arabs dump concept on the goy with tales of gains beyond wildest dreams be patient goy promise the earth deliver nothing. arab gets richer
not a 180. 75% of all tokenised assets will be jbonds. eat my ass
>t. sold at 18 cents
Why buy now and hold it for 12 months, as opposed to, investing elsewhere for 11 months to earn some actual profits, and then buying this for that supposedly massive gain in a year?
Ah thank you for being one of the honest fags. The medium article had 2-3 threads after it with 100+ replies saying how they are now dumping. They literally sold the bottom.
Even the 450K jibrel marine got spooked and cashed out half. Not me in since ico
Cause not everyone thinks on a lower timeframe like you, peasant.
delusional you are programmed to equate honesty with your particular belief system. this is a shit coin with no value save the bagholders dreaming the dream
It's a brilliant fudding tactic.
Tell us how tokenizing financial assets have no value for institutions?
>Inbefore what is / are tokenizing and financial assets
look batman wont save you but robin is already underway. tokenizing real world assets leads to more slavery and i am not an institution. the arabs are on a money grab with the janitor spokesman at the head enjoy the dream
>tokenizing real world assets leads to more slavery
Welcome to crypto
>the Arabs are on a money grab
Yeah me too
Well I’m already down $.20 on each token, feels like I’d be doing the impatient brainlet thing by selling now.
Be a brainlet. Buy high sell low.
The whole crypto threatens to kill million of jobs aka disrupting.
Better be part of the winning team, than fight against it.and in the end be left with nothing.
Jibrel Network will be huge one day. You can either try to catch more moon missions in the meanwhile and gamble away your money or be part of the real revolution.
I no buy Jibrel.
All it will take for jibrel to launch into the stratosphere is any part of the sheiks money invested and a statement from the team.
Can you really not imagine the fomo?
Who are the 18 central banks. Can I have their names?
I only have 16k JNT. Is this even enough to make it? I feel like it's not. I will kill myself if I won't make it.
I need at least 500,000€.
>What are NDAs?
You don't understand user. If he doesn't get his answers right now they are lying and it is a scam and YOU MUST SELL. No questions just sell now. He asked and they could not answer so time for sell sirs.
There is a picture of JNT pitching to some banks and central banks, you can search after all the different assiocates.
Jibrel is another form of fractional reserve.
When Tapscott visited the Bank of England to pitch them cryptofiat guess who was there with him?
My gay uncle Jim
Very nice
I'm sorry. After i found out talal was secretly a gay male stripper, I had to sell my 120k stack. good luck though
Where is that weak handed faggot jnt marine. I'm calling you out! Confess!!
His asshole
Oops meant to ref
Very nice sirs
Sirs sirs when dis moons sirs
I feel like I know you. Blue anus gang?
I’m not on telegram. 9 am wallet user
>what are NDAs
JNT is pretty much guaranteed to do a 10-20x in a bull run, just like every other small cap.
why guaranteed?
You took a loan, sold your house, your family? i hope so since it is guaranteed
Sure but can you name the name of the person who knows the names that you want to know?
This had pajeet fud all over it. Not touching. Beware new fags.
I am all in crypto, and have been for quite some time, you fucking newnigger. Worked out well for me.
Why has Anna the pr girl suddenly popped up again?
11k here comfy hodling
Jnt or link? Both seem to have big q4
Both memes
Both actual andromeda missions. Get in before the launch
Exactly. Buy buy buy
JNT has a lower supply and better token mechanics.
How are they better? Better gas token? Yeah, true.
Maybe because of the fucking AMA they just did. You know the kind a PR person works on.
I cashed out a loan from my 401k lol and went all in with my life savings
Went from "I'll just throw a couple thousand into crypto" to "I'll just keep a couple thousand on my bank account"
You need about 50 times more JNT to maybe make it within the next year.
His hairy, delicious ass