Hacera partnership confirmed with Chainlink?

From this thread:

jostl is this guy:
sergey is following him on twitter and he's following sergey back
>Jonathan Levi, founder of HACERA and co-release manager of Hyperledger Fabric 1.0,
>HACERA is a blockchain agnostic framework which considerably simplifies the process of developing secure, low-cost, run-anywhere decentralized applications built using various blockchain technology stacks while preventing vendor lock-in and is compatible with a range of blockchain APIs.
jo = jonathan
st = middle name
l = levi

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 10.45.04 PM.png (2454x712, 503K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sergey has taken the Bog Pill.

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$1000 EOY

Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-04 at 10.40.58 PM.png (1192x824, 461K)

That's it. CL $1k eoy

Hacera presented at SIBOS 2017 as well.

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Except there is no good proof that jostl = Jona

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so looks like the linkies have been controlled by the synagogue of satan the whole time

But this guy is in SF not in Belgium.
I thought jostl being someone working for SWIFT was more likely.
Since you mentioned it, check out his Facebook. It's linked in this personal site

because CEOs never travel

Convenient the kikes start being detected after they rebrand to a hexagon hmmmm

Hey how about you just try to have a little JonFun for once in your life?

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He took it down...

I have never been more Bullish on Chainlink than right now...and I'll tell you why, Brace yourself

Mainnet deploy
>Jow Forums in tears of happiness
>Link mooning 3%
>Everybody raises their eyebrows
>'Critical error on oracle function'
>'Mainnet emergency shutdown'
>Sergey tweets: 'CL project discontinued due to fatal errors. Privet'
>Random suicides skyroket, reported by local media
>All in the span of 12 minutes

Braced, let's have it user!

this is the most bullish news ever for link, not because of what this is going to do for the price, but what it's going to do for my confidence in the project.
I am very excited because this confirms that assblaster was right. Assblaster confirmed that Hyper ledger was the key to all of this. Look back he said it. But link was never really marketed heavy with Hyperleger, it was mainly smart contracts, mainly eth smart contracts.
But ass blaster said that hyper ledger was the key and now proof is here. Real Price floor for the year is $8 each

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Brother even if there were zero partners and zero corporate / enterprise adoption from the top down, chainlink enables soo many use cases that can start at ground zero that will make this the most used token ever.

dubs confirmed

Well we know docusign is confirmed. Imagine if Gosner retweeted that complete shill account and they werent connected. Look what the meme people are doing to sergey on twitter. no one would want that, he has to be pretty deep into link

Diarrhea on the street.

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I see. everything is clear now. I cant stop smiling

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also I just creeped on Rory's profile on linked in, wow, look at who he liked recently, really makes you think

Shop of the photo.

Need more chainlink wallpapers, this coin's content is getting really good. I fucking love it, no other alt has a community like this

More info please? I don't have LinkedIn

Can you just tell us/screencap?

rory liked a docusign post from tom gonser

I just want to add: rory responds to slack post -> autism -> new dots are are found and connected. I love you Jow Forums. We’re gonna make it $1000 EOY

Can you post screencap?

what the other user said. docusign related thing

the memes
theyre real
all of them

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Thanks. Good news, but we already knew gonser was on board. His link shill account retweet was the absolute confirmation for me kek


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Can you feel it boys? Almost done fueling up

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>This shit isn't even on bittrex
That FUD is particularly hilarious considering how Bittrex has been completely forgotten now while LINK was added to Binance right before it began to snowball in popularity.

Every couple weeks, as I read more about crypto, I become convinced to liquidate like 5 to 10% of my portfolio so I can buy more Link. I'm at 75%, and I'm running out of reasons to be anything other than 100%.

i need the price to the low .50 again im not done accumulating

Me too but it's probably too late. Price has been quite stable for the past couple of days

i need the price to drop to 1.0003e-7 USD
so I can buy the rest of the supply for 100 dollars

Thank god for autists like you

You'll have time, relax. The price isn't going anywhere until they actually do some marketing, which will probably be in like 6 months. Don't FOMO anything, just slowly average down.

if it could just drop to sub .30 again that would be great
you might be right but then again you could be wrong. i just want to double my stack

Someone hack sergeys twitter and fud; i need cheap links


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Literally every time someone digs up new LINK news $1000 sounds more and more plausible.

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All signs point to a small correction in the next few days. That is if no big news comes out.

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The main reason is that a little portfolio diversification doesn't hurt and can insulate you from too much volatility.

FinTech Silicon Valley talk with HACERA's Jonathan Levi in October last year:


Interestingly in the YouTube description of the talk Sergey is listed as a speaker but is not present at the talk. A late withdrawal perhaps?


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something similar will happen at some point in time


Is anyone else fascinated by Sergey and Vitaliks relationship?

They have been so close to each other on many occasions, Vitalik has been involved in the token creation on GitHub and Vitalik has alluded to ChainLink on Twitter.

All of his mentions of CL have been negative IMO

What is Vitaliks problem? Is it purely ideology or jealousy?

Is it because Sergey comes across as a reasonable person whilst Vitalik acts like a genius child who has never set foot in the real world?

Or is VB fully on board now and just plays the quiet game (like the rest of the team?)

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Memes are converging with reality, is Baneposting over again

God, those who held through November deserve an award

I bought in november

i only have 776 link..... am i even gonna make it goys ?

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It’s pretty interesting. Vitalik is a diva and Ethereum’s success makes him feel like the Alpha chad he never was. Sergey has a triple digit notch count and barely registers Vitalik

I read a Financial Times article about Vitalik last month. He alluded to making a huge financial error with his Ethereum stack (selling too early).

It makes me disregard any of his financial predictions (saying they are overvalued) about ChainLink and ETH

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Or maybe Sergey told Vitalik to play it down.


you better sell now, goyim

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nice just bought 100k HORSE

>Crypto Beak

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IMO, for Eth to be totally successful it needs CL. I personally believe VB is a silent partner and plays CL down by design to keep the project out of mainstream crypto.

The guys a fucking idiot.

LINK Tokens are being sold by SCCL pursuant to the Terms and Conditions of
the token sale terms available at For complete
details, review the terms. LINK Tokens are not securities, investments or currency,
and are not sold or marketed as such. Also: participating in the sale involves signifi-
cant technological and systemic risks; the sale is not open to individuals who reside
in or are citizens of the United States or Canada. The sale period, duration, pricing,
and other provisions may change, as stated in the token sale terms. The LINK Token
sale involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may
cause the actual functionality, utility, or levels of use of LINK Tokens to be materially
different from any projected future results, use, functionality or utility expressed or
implied by SCCL in the terms.

straight from the whitepaper

KEK I remember reading just about everyone of those posts

>Name is crypto ______
Opinion instantly discarded

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This, anyone alluding to this fucking clusterfuck of a ponsi (for the most part) is disregarded.

How arrogant are these people? You bought into a market a few months ago and now you are pretending to be a financial expert?

Same goes for ('wealth', 'crypt', 'coin'...)

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Isnt it a problem that its fixed and not mineable ??

good, keep them out until we're ready. gonna fap to the utter JUSTening

no, the token is divisible down to 18 decimal places. the price rising will not interfere with operations


Pre-SIBOS for me.

depends. is $776,000 enough for you

Holy fuck, Prince Singularity confirmed.

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Hey I made a boatload off horse. However I got Into the presale

I can guarantee you that he is not jostl.

Oh can you now

Yes I can. It was I who wrote in slack congratulations are in order....

This. Ever lurking in the shadows.

this really stinks my links

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Haha lol

By the way, should I reply or just say nothing, kinda don’t want him too creeped out.

Smooth. Someone is getting some dick tonight.

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I’m no good at social things or talking to people, pls no bully ;_;

were going to make it linkies :)

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just say youre doing research and trying to connect the dots i guess? cant fault a guy for trying. Not saying anything will be weird

So whats the status

>To Catch a Predator syntax
can't tell if typical or suspicious.


it's alright, user. maybe just leave it be, though

>To Catch a Predator syntax
This is so weird. I was just watching this on youtube before opening this thread. LINK 1000$ EOY confirmed.

Sorry, bro. Nobody on biz is.

Or you're just a pervert? Both maybe. Probably.