REQ? More like POOP
REQ? More like POOP
just sold 100k
It is hard when you're a 14 y/o booma.
Ugly and poor as fuck, can't get hoes, a car, have $279 invested in some coins and your only hope is they moon over night.
This is how it will feel later on in life, sucker !
Request? More like peequest haha pooquest
Fuck you I hope 67k which is half my portfolio. Stop ruining my fucking weekend
Stop investing in POOP then
more like reqtum LOL
Boring, bonehead FUD. No more bonehead posts.
t. balding boomer poopy lol. cope some more boomboom
Looks like someone pooped
Bonehead posts. Boring.
cope harder poopy boomer. i bet the younger hires in your work calls you creepy to haha creepy poopy reqlet boomer. balding boomboom haha poop
Yeah such poop Y Combinator is funding them. This will be a household name in the future
More like a poophold name
stay poor then. ill buy all your REQ
Have we changed the definition of boomer? I have been away for a week or so. Does it no longer mean baby boomer?
>the 7 year old boomer doesn’t get the meme
30 cents boys
More like household toilet! mhaha.. wait
didn't Thomas Crapper die rich?
boomery boomboom
t. boomer
binance whales BTFO
>muh .29 until 2021
.31 cents
>it’s falling again
AHAHAHA where is that faggot larper
Been stuck at 30c for so fucking long. How long can the whales keep this up
Welcome aboard Elon
A couple of months probably. No difference to me, I'm in this for the long run.
I feel a moon coming. I think today is the day. Check my dubs.
p sure as well.
thats obsidian for you
Today we let you have .45