
Why does he wear the smile edition

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Has anyone of you lads marched with the based orange men?

Met very cute, very on-model, VERY young girl cosplaying Kanna from Maidragon lads

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90s rap is pretty aesthetic gangster culture. Wish I were a black thug in Brooklyn during the 90s. Mobb Deep are hella tight.

They make it seem really cool.

vroom vroom

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>people are UNIRONICALLY upset about shipping off some jihad scrotes to america so that they can be killed

state of this country

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British Broadcasting actually belongs to Britain. Not the other way around

what have you done

translate.google.com/#so/en/W hy ar e th e transla tions so wei rd

Women think in songs and movies one liners

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>90s rap is pretty aesthetic gangster culture. Wish I were a black thug in Brooklyn during the 90s. Mobb Deep are hella tight.

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They won't even be execute they don't have a death sentence they're mad because they aren't 'ensuring they won't be executed'

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

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>acquaintance is visiting china and is currently in dalian

>But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
Amount of femoids that used to have this quote on their possesions in school was too fucking high.

Went to uni with the old drummer, James.

>dont be sad because its over, smile because it happend

I'd be actually okay with this mentality as long as the worst consisted in being sometimes hard to handle and a little insecure

the gf's arse

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why you lyin for

need women out of business

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>I don't want a perfect life, I want a happy life
Every other proto girlfriend has this on her online dating profile. As if to show how wise and magnanimous she is. A perfect life may or may not be possible to achieve so the beautiful soul would settle for a happy life. Women aesthetics are ridiculous.

you got a problem with my gf's arse being on imgur?

The black guy with the funny face singing why the fuck you lying was too short-lived a meme

>uploaded 2 months ago
im no detective but i think you may be telling porkies matey

the gf

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Reckon white street gangs need to deal with this paki acid situation, it's getting out of hand and the police are doing nowt.

somewhere along the line in the 20th century, everything went completely wrong

Why are women so inferior to men?
They really are, all the best actors, athletes, inventors, mathematicians, engineers, philosophers etc are all men. Men are taller, stronger and faster. Men make countries, women are just for breeding.

Daily reminder of when a pale, skinny /brit/ member posted his online dating messages in which he was approached an obese black woman with "whaddup thickness"

we're fucked aren't we

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/brit/ gang in

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Men oppressed women and didnt allow them to flourish

if I had a time machine Id go back in time and kms so I dont have to live to see how shit the world has become

I'v never seen a Welsh, English, or Scottish flag on Jow Forums that I can remember

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Virgins FREAKS always ruining a lighthearted slightly misogynistic discussion. Women made those men who built bridges you little shit. Don't be a virgin FREAK.

is that nicky crane on the right?

why are white people so cruel

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Exactly, women are for breeding. Nothing else

Oh dear, /brit/.

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Would gobble you up whole like a turkey if you crossed my path

Exactly, plus those women would not settle for a man with the same outlook. They'd want a boyfriend with a perfect life.

>Nicola Vincenzo "Nicky" Crane (21 May 1958 – 8 December 1993) was a British neo-Nazi activist. He came out as gay before dying from AIDS

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yeah sure he did

Prefer the Monster Ultra Citron to the regular Monster Ultra.
Of course, I'd much rather try the Monster Ultra Sunrise again. Only had it once a few weeks ago and think I enjoyed it, but haven't found it again since.

Virgin FREZKS ruining everything again. I'm out of here.

I mean the subflags. Similar to how most European countries can choose an EU flag, that Britain has an option for an Wales, Scotland, England etc. Or maybe I'm drunk. Who knows

Time for the Age of the Cultured Thug.

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>he hasn't filtered yanks yet
why do you do this to yourself

>He came out as gay before dying from AIDS

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I'm not a virgin and I hate women. Hating women gives me confidence. I remember women are inferior to me in everywhere, then I am never nervous and don't give a shit when I go on dates with new random girls

im dying

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We really should have our own flags desu, it’s not fair that someone can see my posts and think I could be fucking welsh

Just can't be faffed with the addon.

reddit flags mate

>Nicola Vincenzo

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Could always use the Extra Flags userscript I suppose.

makes u um and ah doesn't it?

sue more like pue

Perfect din-dins image.

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ahe,m first rule of redti flag is...i think you shuold have know... you have forget it..... not so well of you to do ............

business idea: appear on the chase and immediately shout “CUNT” as loud as I can if I get a question wrong so ITV can’t use the footage

im bisexual

can't imagine using vanilla Jow Forums, it's grim and unwieldy

once you go 4chanX you won't tolerate anything less

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imagine basing your happiness around what a womb with a bit of person surrounding it thinks of you. lmao

No way is that Mairposter I see

drank a monster energy ultra now i need a shit and feel a bit anxious

do you know any women like are Anne?

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I think it is.

>Devon now has Great White Sharks
How can other counties even expect to compete?


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few of my aunts are like her, had a few teachers like her too

those are unironically all sicilian lad

>Holocaust Class

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my aunts are all cool wine/cat aunts

wtf those are usually around sub tropical waters?

>Holocaust Class
this has to be fake

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Hate the French
Love Sharpe
Not racist, just don't like em
Simple as

I reckon I could take Tim

our history classes here in NJ are 1/4th holocaust every year like 3rd-12th grades I've heard it is the same in Florida too
other states apparently don't have it on the curriculum, which I find shocking

>no motorways

Guess Blumpf was wrong about global warming

They say this every year. They’re uncommon around Europe in general even around the med so there will likely never be a noticeable presence here.

Actually the largest population of great whites live in the waters around South Africa which are usually colder than the waters here


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