What happens in here?

What happens in here?
Is it like the Patagonia?

Attached: Siberia.jpg (608x423, 99K)

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>is it like patagonia

the absolute state of argentinian education

Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me Hans
I should of have said "The patagonian region"
Happy now?

Attached: regiones.png (200x330, 32K)

uh no? sibiria is nothing like patagonia
you'd have to be utterly retarded to think that

>chinky, murderer, alcoholic, poor, and suicide people.
Yes, is like Patagonia

Not really, Siberia is like even more russian than european russia
t. eur*pean russian
Anyway, i don't know what do you mean under "like Patagonia". It's kinda poor, and everything is distant from everything, but it's not so unpopulated and irrelevant as Patagonia.

Attached: percentage of ethnic russians.jpg (1270x740, 249K)

>Not really, Siberia is like even more russian than european russia

what the fuck is that even supposed to mean


>Is it like the Patagonia?

You can sow things in Patagonia

What exactly you can't understand? I think percentage of Russians in asian part of Russia is higher than in european part.