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This, based MED genes and culture
One of our autistic president destroyed all wine production
>It was during this diplomatic crisis with France, which threatened not to buy any more Algerian wine, while this was still the second source of foreign exchange income for the Treasury, that Boumédiène decided to grub thousands of hectares of vineyards out of anger. This decision will have repercussions both economically and ecologically, as "the vines considerably slow down the erosion of the hills "12. For the weekly Jeune Afrique, Boumédiène thus embodies a "specific socialism", "a kind of Marxist-Leninist ideology tinged with frenzied Arabism and approximate Sharia "12.
calling BS on Portugal, unless you somehow consider brandy to be wine
thought we only made beers, neat
Are you retarded? Port wine comes from there
>kicks out enlightened french
>destroys wine production
>turns into a shithole for 50 years
I kinda feel bad for you but then I remember that you did it to yourselves.
Italian and Spanish wines are piss btw.
Among the 50 most expensive wine brands there is 0 Spanish and 0 Italian wine. The second nation in wine making is Germany and the third is America, even though American wine isn't very prised in Europe.
port and madeira are only used in very special ocasions. And those two are spirits indeed, despite being called wine.
port is a spirit, not wine
don't drink it like table wine, please
Keep telling you that.
Even the Israelis and the US are making very good wines.