1. Cunt

1. Cunt
2. Are you guys able to grow beards?

1. Brazil
2. I'm a white Brazilian and I have trouble growing my facial hair past pic related due to my white genes. Any tips on how I can make this work?

Attached: 20180626_112934.jpg (1440x1218, 324K)


Whites are the hairiest people in the world you brainlet. It’s your amerindian genes.

Attached: 97BE0A36-8E76-4A66-9098-AC95499FC27B.jpg (1357x628, 173K)

Basically in the same boat as you, can't grow much.

Fake map.

look up anything about it. Amerindians have no hair, meanwhile Whites (especially Meds) have a lot of hair.


You do realize whites actually have some of the biggest beards of all sapient hominids right

This is also why niggers generally cannot grow proper beards compared to northern germanics

You're a muttoid

he is a south brazilian

I think this is the first time I've ever seen a French person troll.

I've been using it for months and haven't seen much growth. I'm not good about putting it on every single day, but I often use it twice a day, 5%.
I think it'll do something but not a ton.

He's an argienigger with proxy

Kinda but coverage a shit

Attached: shit beard.jpg (1044x728, 84K)

la cretura....

Attached: 1521939909034.jpg (1737x499, 341K)

nice skin whats ur routine?


Sleep til noon and never go outside

This guy is posting this everyday for weeks

I'm of 100% European descent and that's a fact. Now please stop derailing the thread with your jealousy.

why won't you just fucking quit it joao

I unironically enjoy this dumb forced meme

>forgets proxy
>still gets tons of replies

good job OP

Lmao i look whiter than you and i dont consider myself white.

But yeah i don't have trouble growing a beard, or body hair, for that matter. I have chest hair since high school

1. Flag
2. Yes, I wasn't able until I was around 23 but I'm finally able to grow a full beard