Why are Asians considered "yellow"?

Why are Asians considered "yellow"?

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Because they used to be before they were poisoned by wh*tes

Because southeast Asians have darker skin, but we already used the word brown for other people

They aren't pink like Europeans

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 6.52.19 PM.png (1234x1302, 864K)

Because most of them look like this. In reality they aren’t much lighter than the typical Mexican.

Attached: B87D0DE1-D877-4EB1-9479-DC0F3DE7572E.jpg (485x251, 32K)

Try one with white people for comparison
Even East Asians?

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white skins are reserved for the Caucasians only

Everyone has jaundice

East Asians generally go out of their way to look more pale skinned. The average East Asian would look like a Thai in a climate like Latin America.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 7.06.37 PM.png (2010x1334, 1.64M)

>a Thai

Attached: Thai_nurse.png (700x745, 667K)


we have a yellow hue to our skin, its true

i don't understand why people say southeast asians are dark most look pretty light to me

Again, that bitch is going out of her way to be pale. Most East Asians and Mainland ASEAN have a pretty yellowish skin tone when they don't go out of their way or stay inside all day.

Southeast Asians from the Malay Archipelago can be pretty dark but a lot are still just chink migrants.

South East Asian can be as dark brown as South Indians or North Africans.

East asian has a gene that allowed them to store fat in their skin more thats why they have a yellowish tint and they age better

>caked in makeup
>walk with umbrellas to avoid sun
>constant use of lightening creams inc standard moisturisers
your point? if any of them spend some time in the sun they turn yellow-brown very quickly

Post skin
Southeast Asians don't have that gene?

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I've never seen one as dark as Indians

>i don't understand why people say southeast asians are dark most look pretty light to me

They think Thais and Vietnamese are the same category as Malay/Javanese/Flip. They are wrong of course but you cannot expect them to know much about this part of the world.

Attached: thai-school-girl-uniform3.jpg (386x708, 61K)

Something I've always wondered, why are khmers so much darker than thais/viets? They're still mainland.

Many south East Asians look like pic related.

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Mon Khmer are imports from the islands.

They are not Thais like these. Like us.

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My wife is Japanese and the first time she noticed in her life there was a small yellow tint in her skin is when she took a picture of our feet in the local river. My feet were... white and hers honestly looked a little yellow.

I mean I don't care but it is a fact.


The Thai have very beautiful women. It’s a shame that the Europeans and Jews have turned parts your country into an international whore house.

Is he really Thai?
Google links to some pages discussing Thai people

>from the islands
What do you mean?

yes but it is also a fact that whites have red tints,but somehow they dont call them self red which is kind of funny

What does "kys" mean? We aren't all internet pros

kiss your sister

Idk man I'm not Mussolini. I know nothing of this shit.

I've been to thailand i know how brown they are

>"white" people
>actually peach

>"black" people
>actually brown


But she's a girl

>Europeans and Jews

They are insignificant. They could stop coming tomorrow and it would barely dent our tourism sectors. Medical tourism is bigger here anyway.

You only see Mon Khmer.

The Indonesian and Astronesian islands.

Attached: VisitorsThailand2017.gif (539x721, 13K)

>The Indonesian and Astronesian islands.
But they are Austro-Asiatic speakers, didn't those come from Southern China?

> white people
more like pink skin people

> black people
medium brown to dark brown people

> brown people
olive skin people

> east asian
not yellow desu

no true ladyboy

No. They came from Aboriginals.

Attached: thai-flip.jpg (1192x754, 325K)

"""Olive""" skin is just brown

I don't care about the opinion of lebanon. We are the beginning and the end. We have a saying here.


It means "because we are divine."

For Thais are the blessed children of the Chakri Dynasty and the immortal sires of the Sukhothai Kingdom that ruled over Greater Siam - the first and only power to conquer the entire Indochina Peninsula atop the ruins of the fallen Khmer Empire.

We are the beginning. We are the end.

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Taiwanese Aborigines?

lol at that chart. Westerners probably travel to Amsterdam and Barcelona and Russia for sex tourism way more. I knew massive amount of white western men weren't choosing mongoloid women over them

Yeah they are nothing here.

havent heard of that shit

why are white people considered "white" when they look nothing like a white sheet of printer paper?

What happens in Phuket?

>Phuket provincial population in preliminary count of the 2010 census was counted to be 525,018 people, including some 115,881 expatriates, or 21.1 percent of the population.

Thailand has never conquered Vietnam

No one has.

Attached: pth.jpg (800x877, 106K)


Bet you heard that.

Redskin is reserved for injuns

because whites are racist(^^)

I had a Chinese gf who was really yellow, especially once naked.

Remind me again what skin whitening cream is and why is it popular in Thailand?

Why do thirdies have trouble accepting who they are?

it's pretty popular here in mexico, too
t. i used to use it when i was a kid

Why? I can't possibly see how ruining your skin in order to perceive yourself as 'more beautiful' is in any way could ever be considered as a correct decision unless you are gay or a woman.

Olive is actuallya mix. I got it and in some pics i looks pale af and in other light i look consistent cinnamon brown. It varies. I see it as white yellowish with tints of green and brown.

Ive never heard it used in mexico b4. Where are u from?

Why are you in Australia instead of your homeland? Do you have trouble accepting where you belong?

how does whitening cream ruin your skin? nothing really happened to me
western mexico

Remember paco, you can change your tone, but you can never change your facial structure. Be happy with who you are and work on your life resume instead

I could say the same for you, why aren't you back in Britain? Is it cause it's legal to diddle kids in thailand?

>how does whitening cream ruin your skin?

Before I answer that, I am curious if your brain actually functions at an acceptable level to understand, try to have a guess.

I'm in Australia because my ancestors migrated here for some reason and it pretty much is my homeland now, abbos be damned. You couldn't pay me to migrate back to the United Kingdom.


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Thais are dark. Everyone saw those soccer cave boys

Just cause your camera can't pick up your skin tone correctly doesn't mean it's changing colors

>tfw no independent Aboriginal Australia

More than half of them seem pretty light. Certainly not dark.

Attached: thailandsoccerteam_hdv.jpg (1000x563, 123K)

you're not being honest, when you post pictures of these as examples of "light"
I doubt you'd even let a Thai woman as dark as those kids be on your hard drive

>They think Thais and Vietnamese are the same category as Malay/Javanese/Flip
Yeah you definitely are, don't try to act like those pictures represent your average thai

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Post an example of a dark Thai woman, then


We are black

Attached: image83745.jpg (440x330, 53K)

the woman on the right looks like an older version of the light Thai waifus. Left looks like a medium Thai woman that everyone wants to ignore

I guess they don't even allow the true darkies to go in front of the media

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Asian call themselves yellow and yellow is an important colour in Asia along with red

in martial arts here you get yellow belt to show your knowledge is "skin deep"

I'm sorry to do to prove you are wrong. But through this shame you shall know salvation in the Kingdom's light.

Attached: Distribution-of-Y-haplogroup-O-lineages-in-East-Asia-Circled-areas-are-proportional-to (1).jpg (600x812, 97K)

people where who work out in the sun all day look as black as Negroes
but they are small minority and usually poor
a European who also spent all day in the sun would be dark as shit too

Europeans forget that most of them would look "brown" if they actually went outside ever


Khmer maybe
its rare to see someone like this unless they spend all day 24/7 in the sun and possibly have Khmer ancestry

lol literally every soccer kid, even the 2 security guards, is darker than the two female hosts. Only women with lightening cream allowed on TV

both ancient Thai and Viet came from the same region in the eastern Himalayas/souther Chinese interior
Thai were mountain barbarian and Viet were river folk

I've been there, I know how you look

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Why are Khmer darker?
Don't know. Overtanned Europeans look orang-y or reddish, most of the time, I think.

We are pure Chinese blood. The ones you see are one of our many Khmer immigrants. If I see a Somali in Finland, should I see assume he's native?

Yes thank you.

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>We are pure Chinese blood
china is a meme
southern part of modern china was hardly "Chinese" at the time

Perhaps you lack proper purity.

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why would you even want to be a nigger Han?
they are stupid peasants
even the first Han/Ming emperors were dumb peasants

Us Europeans invented the term to clearly differentiate ourselves from them.
So when someone says "a white man", you know he's talking about a European, not an Asian fellow.

not russia or barcelona but the netherlands and germany definitely, but not because of the type of women it's just cheaper and shorter flights

> white people
more like incredibly light brown skin people

> black people
medium brown to incredibly dark brown people

> brown people

> east asian
very light brown to brown

They are the chinks, not Thai Indigenous people

> white people
more like incredibly light brown skin people

Attached: aw.png (831x389, 305K)

Thai indigenous are from China.

Asian invented the term "Yellow" and European just used it when they came to Asia

Ok, but where's the yellow? Most of them show red like white people.