Is there a more BASED nation than Vietnam?

Literally, they haven't lost A SINGLE war thanks to superior jungle warfare dominance,

>BTFO the French (first indochina war)
>BTFO the USA (vietnam war)
>BTFO China (third indochina war)

Attached: vietnam.png (2560x1707, 45K)

Why is it every nation the US invades ( proper invade no cia bullshit) ends up loving the US and immigrating there?

You're forgetting
>beat the mongols 3 times
>fought off the chinese for a trillion years
>based trinh sisters rode war elephants against the chinese

But you forgot
>BTFO themselves (vietnam war)
The only nation Vietnam has lost to, is Vietnam

I really love them too, but just 10 min ago I've found out that their GDP per cap lower than in Laos


because, all memes aside, we just want to bring capitalism and make everyone fat and happy. we are so misunderstood

Attached: 1531356106906.jpg (1125x1119, 287K)

>BTFO Chams (don't even exist anymore kek)


>not bringing your GDP down so your neighbor feels better about themselves
gotta be a bro

t.SEETHING tranny

Vietnam has also BTFO Thailand