Holo- exit scam

Ok let's start with the beginning.

>Their ico had no hype. Everyone was saying it is not a block chain but some kind of dapp without security and without consensus model with some funny looking devices

>They have sold 75% of their supply to the crowd. Pretty generous don't you think or is is a huge redflag? What is more I know that they sold the rest of the supply to some whales. So that is 95% of the supply is in control by some retards/whales.
Why would team agree to this? All icos are selling maximum 60% of the supply. Answer is simple, their tokens are worthless.

>They claim that you can swap those erc20 for fuel. But you know that this fuel won't get listed on a exchange because it is not a crypto currency? Did you know that they can mint shit ton of this fuel?

>You have been justed. You know that but you fell for a meme yet again

How do you feel about it user?

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I feel pretty good, actually. This is the next EOS XRB on fucking steroids. Planning on using the Holo fuel on release to fund businesses.

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OP has actual valid points.

This is true, the coin is utterly useless. Its clear the team i boomers too.

Oh well. You have been warned user

Their ETH smart contract prevents them from minting more ERC20 tokens.

But when they switch to their own fuel, the can mint as much as they like, they've even explained in one of their videos that this is their intention.

The ERC20 phase is just and onboarding phase to raise awareness, and it's working really well for them.

They don't care about money or the value of their fuel, the team only care about building a peer to peer internet.

Which is incredible, however it'll be an investment disaster for the people that have FOMO'd in.

reddit.com/r/holochain/comments/87bnu2/does_holo_have_value_for_investors/dwf25hn/ my god, this fud is pathetic

Yes this is true. Their erc20 is usless for them,because they can mint unlimited amount of fuel on their main net that is why they have sold 95% of their erc20.

But your are wrong about them.They don't care about the price of their erc20 or fuel but, they do care about the money that is why they sold almost all their supply for precious ether :)

>They don't care about money

oh, i am sure everyone is in it for the tech

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No one cares about money that makes financial instruments
What the fuck.


BTW, this FUD is pathetic.

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this thread
time to buy more HOT i guess

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>Team full of boomers and normies.

This is like AMP all over again

>is a new type of cryptocurrency so it's not as easy to list on traditional exchanges

So it is not a crypto and will never get listed on anything with real money to buy it.

This is almost as stupid as POWHs

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Yep, scam coin

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=rbc_LxfhSoY

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I sold my stack at 220 user they not scam me those pajeeets ahaha

The scam over a decade in the making, the Holochain devs have decided that Jow Forums is the perfect place to exit scam a decade of work in one fell swoop, less than a week after the ICO

Just keep buying so I can laugh more

A scam praised by Mozilla and invested in by two of the OG ether wallets.

It is so easy to trick you anons. They have paid pajeet Mozilla CEO and they have paid those Genesis wallets. Dumb biz is buying while they are selling lololol

Holy shit the delusion is real. Sorry you missed the boat, user.

Good luck brother. I hope you are right and Holo will not exit scam you. You have been warned the rest is up to you. This is like talking to stinky linkie

I understand calling it a shitcoin but a straight up exit scam, in this particular case, sounds like an autistic work of fiction.

ability to mint unlimited amount of holo fuel is not a scam?


also the ico had no hype because they aren't greedy, only sold out quickly because they got a new marketing manager towards the end

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