Attention racists: fuck off back to Jow Forums

ive been noticing a lot of white nationalist crap being posted for the past few weeks reminiscent of the shit you see poltards post.

keep that garbage out of here please. no one wants to here your pathetic projections of insecurity due to your small dicks.

also, friendly reminder that racist is against the global rules.

Attached: kylie_jenner.jpg (640x870, 109K)

Nobody cares Paco and by the way,that bitch is armenian

Attached: 1532372268795.jpg (1528x1184, 177K)

fuck off mutt
Jow Forums is obnoxious but this isn't a hugbox

>that bitch is armenian

nope, she's not.

she had a lot of cosmetic surgery done to make her look more exotic.

>L-let me spam my rule breaking f-faggotry ;(

Attached: gay-nude-camp-5r2t.jpg (1017x677, 79K)

reminder that Jow Forums has always been obsessed with whiteness



Why is it always American flags hating on pol. We get the meme already. Stop making us look like mutts

Friendly reminder that blacks have a lower IQ than whites, and the majority of scientists agree that this has a genetic basis.

Friendly reminder that most white nationalists have double digit IQs and small dicks.


Attached: (m=ePZGGgaaaa)(mh=iQ4j3epUF0rD6qUu)6.jpg (233x131, 8K)

What about Asians and Jews? Are we niggers to them?

Friendly reminder that most white nationalists have iqs over 130 and dicks over 8 inches

Attached: 2018_07_11_20.53.25.png (1080x1920, 783K)


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gotta wonder what kind of drugs you're taking

Okay, this is epic

Does anyone honestly know why all the women in this family are married to black guys?

I hate nigs as much as the next guy but no way I'm going to fucking pol. It's full of fucking trumptards.

No idea, probably one did it then the little sisters thought it was cool.

But tbph if you've ever seen an interview with Rocky he's a cool guy. Not a great rapper but he's a nice dude.

I can provide proof to my claims. I challenge you to do the same for yours.

Probably. But we're attractive niggers.


But when I try to make quality threads (I distinctly remember one about Abenomics in Japan), they're banned/moved to Jow Forums.
You might as well give up, Jow Forums mods are Jow Forums, only topics about race are considered relevant to discussions about foreign cultures, the rest is deemed "politics", "you were warned : all politics should stay in Jow Forums"

>only topics about race are considered relevant to discussions about foreign cultures, the rest is deemed "politics", "you were warned : all politics should stay in Jow Forums"

God fucking damn this.

But there's no way I'm going to Jow Forums, it's full of brainwashed trump supporters who literally CAN'T hold a conversation to save their lives!

yep, Jow Forums is cancer and is originally a containment board, like /mlp/ and Jow Forums

Rocky? I think you meant Travis Scott

one of the others was/is dating him

i'm not even a white nationalist, i'm arab, i just hate jews, don't see how that makes me racist you faggot

>Attention racists: fuck off back to Jow Forums Anonymous 07/23/18(Mon)23:58:34 No.92636553▶
>ive been noticing a lot of white nationalist crap being posted for the past few weeks reminiscent of the shit you see poltards post.
>keep that garbage out of here please. no one wants to here your pathetic projections of insecurity due to your small dicks.
>also, friendly reminder that racist is against the global rules.
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:03:22 No.92636638▶
>File: 1532372268795.jpg (177 KB, 1528x1184)
> (OP)
>Nobody cares Paco and by the way,that bitch is armenian
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:04:55 No.92636671▶
>fuck off mutt
>Jow Forums is obnoxious but this isn't a hugbox
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:05:23 No.92636682▶
>>that bitch is armenian
>nope, she's not.
>she had a lot of cosmetic surgery done to make her look more exotic.
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:06:11 No.92636695▶
>>L-let me spam my rule breaking f-faggotry ;(
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:07:25 No.92636714▶
>File: gay-nude-camp-5r2t.jpg (79 KB, 1017x677)
> (OP)
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:07:47 No.92636723▶
> (OP)
>reminder that Jow Forums has always been obsessed with whiteness
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:07:53 No.92636725▶
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:09:32 No.92636750▶
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:10:16 No.92636761▶
> (OP)
>Why is it always American flags hating on pol. We get the meme already. Stop making us look like mutts
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:10:37 No.92636771▶
> (OP)
>Friendly reminder that blacks have a lower IQ than whites, and the majority of scientists agree that this has a genetic basis.
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)00:16:59

Kodak Black be riding a white cock

Attached: update.jpg (277x186, 27K)

being bbc whores is pretty lucrative for them, they get all the publicity for being seen with famous black guys, who are probably the most popular demographic in america rn while also helping their whole shtick of aping black/minority women, nevermind it sets the stage for the next generation of kardashians to be even more marketable by being biracial

also one of them was married to a jew (surprised!) probably an insurance in case the black thing didn't work

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Black bois are stupid weak baby dick sissy bois

Attached: p10.jpg (1024x682, 132K)

White men are superior and have bigger cocks

Attached: my-bull-cock-vs-my-black-cuckold-bitchboy-i-bang-show-your-tiny-dick-small-penis-humiliation-1417488 (500x616, 108K)

Black bois are little weak pansy fag bitches

Attached: tumblr_mktj9cvS1R1qcx7h4o1_500.gif (480x270, 937K)