What do suburbs look like in your country?
What do suburbs look like in your country?
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Suburbs in Brazil are place for poor people.
People with money don´t live away from the center of the cities
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>File: IMG_1439 m1bb.jpg (285 KB, 1000x667)
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)01:06:35 No.92637816▶
>What do suburbs look like in your country?
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)01:14:32 No.92637949▶
> (OP)
>Suburbs in Brazil are place for poor people.
>People with money don´t live away from the center of the cities
This is a "suburb" in Sao Paulo
Lol, this reminds of all those rows of identical town houses along highway 403. Looks like complete shit
The towers at the horizon is the city centre.
Are Semi detached houses the default anywhere else?
Exhibit one