What do suburbs look like in your country?

What do suburbs look like in your country?

Attached: IMG_1439 m1bb.jpg (1000x667, 285K)

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google.com/maps/place/Profesora Aleksandra Martyniaka 9, 11-041 Olsztyn/@53.750169,20.4730341,3a,75y,151.2h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1swCqA0t5TI5DT4mfBVC3XOw!2e0!4m6!1m3!3m2!1s0x46e278ca0e2643d1:0x2e4193c849c5c136!2sProfesora Aleksandra Martyniaka 8-18, 11-041 Olsztyn!3m1!1s0x46e278ca0e754b07:0xd3e722f1eb846578

Suburbs in Brazil are place for poor people.

People with money don´t live away from the center of the cities

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>File: IMG_1439 m1bb.jpg (285 KB, 1000x667)
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)01:06:35 No.92637816▶
>What do suburbs look like in your country?
> Anonymous 07/24/18(Tue)01:14:32 No.92637949▶
> (OP)
>Suburbs in Brazil are place for poor people.
>People with money don´t live away from the center of the cities

Attached: fhmtyhjrtg.jpg (991x557, 367K)

This is a "suburb" in Sao Paulo


Lol, this reminds of all those rows of identical town houses along highway 403. Looks like complete shit

The towers at the horizon is the city centre.

Attached: IMG20180722185122.jpg (4608x3456, 3.42M)

google.com/maps/place/Profesora Aleksandra Martyniaka 9, 11-041 Olsztyn/@53.750169,20.4730341,3a,75y,151.2h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1swCqA0t5TI5DT4mfBVC3XOw!2e0!4m6!1m3!3m2!1s0x46e278ca0e2643d1:0x2e4193c849c5c136!2sProfesora Aleksandra Martyniaka 8-18, 11-041 Olsztyn!3m1!1s0x46e278ca0e754b07:0xd3e722f1eb846578

Like this

Are Semi detached houses the default anywhere else?

Attached: big_2006_Western_Crescent.jpg (599x449, 51K)

Exhibit one

Attached: 2.png (1920x500, 1.91M)