>you're cunt
>would you welcome Israeli refugees if the nukes starts flying in the middle east
1. flag
2. yes :3
>you're cunt
>would you welcome Israeli refugees if the nukes starts flying in the middle east
1. flag
2. yes :3
Other urls found in this thread:
yea, the ovens are ready.
>israeli refugees
>any other middle eastern country
Gimme Gimme cute israeli cute boys
No, no, no, no.
I will only take in cute boys
why are south americans such antisemites?
Put them all in Berlin so they battle over it with the arabs until settling with a two state solution thus ridding us of said city.
But they ended up in Israel by running away from us
Sure. They can buy themselves in.
Good goyim
>disliking the jews
D-do you really think that user?
wtf I love Israel now
>buying goyims with your own women
why do Jews always do this?
I will betray the white race if I am guaranteed a khazar titcow though
Will an uzbeki titcow do?
remember her from kyle on YouTube
Top bants
plenty of polish corpses were burnt in the same ovens you cuck
Yes, I have some bunkers with specially equipped shower rooms to make them comfortable.
What's the point of this picture? Why should you respect your cuck grandpa who fought for the evil side against his kin?
that picture is so stupid becasue it implies that guy who started flying nazi flag did this for no reason
current political situations of whites in the west makes it understanable why something like this would happen
>muh incel
don't forget to post muh Jow Forums boogeyman too algerian nigger
I wish a sandnigger like you would come say something to my face. You wouldn't tho, you would just look down and walk away.
kurwa kike nigger dinfu nuffin kurwa
Are you a Soldier of Odin?
Lol as far as I know mainstream narration is that only 6 gorillion of your kin died, nobody else.
look at him squirm
like a worm in the sun
my bad i forgot that untermensch and mongoloids are pure aryans now
good goy
No I would never ruin my reputation by being a part of those white trash groups. I'm just a pretty scary man.
No, we already have enough fifth column traitors in the form of AIPAC. The only Jews I count among my friends are secular Jews who dislike Israel.
>I'm just a pretty scary man.
>my bad i forgot that untermensch and mongoloids are pure aryans now
das rite jew boi
>liberal/jew relying on racism as first insult/"""argument"""
Every time. I could be the mongoloidiest nigger there is and still defend what is right.
S-say th-that to my f-face and not online faggot
Fuck off back to Russia vlad
really funny when nameless cunts on the internet try to act tought
nobody gives a shit
they are not your kin
Only the Ethiopian Jews
no, since Isarel would be responsible for starting war in the middle east
>wahh wahh only we can have nuclear energy
>everybody elese wants to nuke us
Iran-US deal made jews so butthurt they're willing to send US to war with Iran just to make sure another country in the middle east will get Syria'D
Are you retarded or something? I never claimed that Germans or whatever are my kin. I'm simply defending their right to defend themselves as a people because it's right.
This. Fuck Israel they ruin this beautiful region. It's not just them though, Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, and Iran's retarded power struggle is just getting millions killed.
everywhere they go they turn places into disaster. we are living normal lifes since germans got rid of then in wwii
>I never claimed that Germans or whatever are my kin.
>Why should you respect your cuck grandpa who fought for the evil side against his kin
inb4 "t-that's not me"
>Iran-US deal made jews so butthurt they're willing to send US to war with Iran just to make sure another country in the middle east will get Syria'D
You underestimate how much war fatigue millennials have, having grown up during Iraq/Afghanistan. Israel-loving boomers are finally at their tipping point and the youth are taking over in politics, as evidenced by Ocasio-Cortez in New York. You will see devastatingly low support for Israel's middle eastern escapades in the next 5-10 years, and then set in relative concrete for the next 20 years as millennials form the largest voting bloc.
As an aside, this is why Israel is desperate to fund youth political action parties to astroturf youth support. This is quite a long Youtube series, but it really opened my eyes: youtu.be
inb4 "I'm a dirty muzzie," no, I'm ex-Catholic
Obviously I was talking about the guy in the shitty comic? My grandpa fought against the allied jewish bolshevik scum. I'm proud of him.
Great to hear that. Boomers are the ones who are responsible for the whole mess.
how do you know his race?
stay mad mongoloid da ebil russian joos are gonna annex your country any day now
Stay mad racist non human creature. Ebil nazis are gonna put you into oven any day now.
No, not in a million years. Even six. Maybe Larry David (even though he's in the US) or someone like that, but I doubt they're going anywhere.
Folk som deg bor deporteres.
No, there's really no excuse
I really hope not.
there is
No, you should have just gone to Madagascar.
Where does the ideology that literally called Americans mutts come into play here?
My sides fpbp
2. Only females
2.only gay men
Ashkenazi Jewish Americans are assimilating, but according to neo-nazis and Jow Forumsacks Jews never assimilate and are nepotistic.
The cognitive dissonance.
1. France
2. No thanks
No. Fuck israel.
Hahaha free falastin