IDEX has been down for the past 20 hours. Who knows when trading will be back up, the admins in the Telegram chat can't even give an ETA on it. Meanwhile, NEXO is still being traded on Fork Delta and the price is creeping up. Only 5 more days until NEXO gets listed on a top 10 exchange so now is the time to be getting in for some easy gains. NEXO Knights and wannabee NEXO Knights might find it a good idea to assemble at Fork Delta using the following address (it's legit, thanks to the NEXO Knight who posted this in a thread yesterday) until further notice:!/trade/0xb62132e35a6c13ee1ee0f84dc5d40bad8d815206-ETH

Attached: 0987654.png (778x1039, 859K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Forkdelta's not loading for me. Anyone else have this issue?

Ffs. Delta is the only exchange that is even shittier than ikeks

Not sure why it's not working for you. You could try EtherDelta instead

I know but it's working. IDEX don't seem close to resuming trading anytime soon.

The exchange they are going to be listed on is Bittrex, mark my words.

how much are we expecting in gains? can we see 2x from here?

Easy 2x

It has the advantage of not going down though. And stupid fucks list things with too many 0's all the time kek. I love ED/FD

I just dumped my stack on fork delta. I think the market cap is already a bit over valued lads. You will get a exchange pump, just get out in time.

Get a load of this dumbass

Attached: 9DC7A4F4-4BB7-4BE8-A5BA-E5E446AD1B69.jpg (363x375, 39K)

The NEXO Chad Legion will be displeased. Pray you'll be spared.

Attached: DcYNzoKVAAAmdUH.jpg (2048x1536, 375K)

60k, checking in. Just woke up to some fat gains

personally, i see something much higher than a 2x. Reason being... I've watched a lot of accumulation the last couple of days, upwards of 10, 20, 30, 40 ETH buys, which is fantastic. But, honestly... the price has hardly even budged from around ~17-22c. That makes me think we're poised for a massive pump upon this top 10 exchange listing

look at volume

something is going to happen

Attached: 1525395722957.png (844x1000, 1.25M)

$5 on launch

is anyone going to hodl and why

$1.50 eom is my prediction

am I retarded or does it say NE5G instead of NEXO

ok nevermind I am retarded

why not moon mission

Because it’s only trading on forkdelta until May 10

Some idiot dumped and filled my buy order. I am now in the nexo gang. Hell yeah

with big names how could it not lets keep it going knights

Attached: teeka.jpg (590x650, 274K)


its over

umm g-guys...?

if hitbtc this shit is going to plummet faster than you can blink

Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-05 at 2.27.41 PM.png (1191x758, 128K)

It's Bittrex, look at their Twitter handle they follow only one exchange. Also they said the exchange is US based and compliant with SEC. HitShit is not in US, but Bittrex is.
If they've been lying, oh well, I've been burned before, but I see no reason to, also big Twitter crypto names are shilling it. Like always, DYOR

Could be both Bittrex and another one like Kucoin, the team has said it "will be hitting official exchanges May 10". So there should be more than one.

read the telegram message

it's being listed on a top 10 exchange and other exchanges. One of those exchanges will be US and SEC compliant. But is that the top 10 exchange? Impossible to deduce from their wording.

Nice try pajeet. CMC is wrong because idex is down. Check current prices on forkdelta