Why do british people do this?

Why do british people do this?

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low iq

it's yummy with sugar


You have to go back

I do
t.asian Brit aka jap

Its not only the english that put milk in tea.

Tastes good, old chap.

>t. t*Rk

Milk goes in everything!

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i-i do it too

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Literally nothing wrong with that

I used to drink it with milk too, because my grandma forced me.
Now I drink tea even without sugar.

We have souls, unlike Finns, Germans, jews, Italians, and Japs.

Is it true Britons never drink tea with a lemon?

Coffee > Tea

I don't know about never, but it's not that common from what I've seen.

the british have the most advanced taste in europe

this but unironically

Because some types of tea are meant to be drunk with milk you cretin

Why not just add honey to make it sweet. Or better yet just make sweet and comfy Southern Tea and serve it cold to keep refreshed in the heat.

My roomate from Iran would put a raisin in his mouth while he drank tea to make it more "sweet". I didn't taste the difference at all. People who make sweets and biscuits to make their rea sweet instead of just putting sugar in the tea are fucking retarded and complicated. I'm not going to make brownies just to make your tea sweet. Besides you want something sweet to be paired with sweet food.

i've heard that it was because tea was a savage drink so the nobility drank their tea with milk to civilize it because savages couldn't digest milk

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Only Kazahs and British add milk in tea

it's yummy with sugar but without milk

Have you ever had milk in your tea?
English breakfast tea with milk and sugar is better than coffee in the morning


There is the widespread belief in Britain that drinking hot tea actually cools you down.

Indians do too.

milk in tea is god tier