What will it be like to live in a world dominated by chinks and poos?

What will it be like to live in a world dominated by chinks and poos?

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The brazilian aryan... kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Innovation booming

Stem fields all time high in competivness

Social anxiety at a point never reached before

>4.4% average growth

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It's not better if it's being ruled by others because all others are shit too
Anglos, mutts, european fucks, nigs, ruskies… all of them are literal shits

Every country face economic crises

And shut up, or we annex your shitty moutain

Now here are some good stats since 2009 thats show how wrong the chart has been so far.

Vietnam- 5.6% average growth
India- 6.2% average growth
Nigeria- 3.0% average growth
China- 8.1% average growth
Indonesia- 4.6% average growth
Turkey- 5.2% average growth
South Africa- 2.4% average growth
Saudi Arabia- 1.8% average growth
Argentina- 1.3% average “growth”
Mexico- 2.8% average growth
Brazil- 1.1% average “growth”
Russia- .6% average “growth”
Korea- 3.2% average growth
Australia- 2.6% average growth
USA- 2.2% average growth
UK- 1.8% average growth
Canada- 2.7% average growth
Spain- 2.5% average growth
France- 1.5% average growth
Italy- .2% average “growth”
Germany- 2.2% average growth
Japan- 1.0% average growth

You’ll notice that predicting developed world growth rates is much easier.


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>Fill with low tier immigrants your country to "pay pension"
>Not grow

Socialdemocracy is ridiculous

Japanese are especially shitty rulers.

This is why their pacifist constitution is the best thing the USA ever did for them.

One CHILEAN bull is worth a thousand pathetic asspaiñ*les

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Its because Keynesian things

*elects retarded populist with no coalition*
*collapses again*
*blames foreigners*
*IMF bailout*

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>4.9% average growth


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Habláte inglés...

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This is before the revolution, now is time to Macrization!

>tfw Argentinian GDP fell 5.8% year over year in May 2018
>fell .6% in April as well

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Go to google, Japan is stagnate since the crisis on 90's, and the cause is Keynes




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thanks for the links!

>muh “Keynesianism”

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Notice the dates and the accompanied text?

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Oh, and the way to get around the annoying firewall is to either use multiple browsers or search for saved copies under a similar name. There’s usually some websites around that do that.

And what is the cause then?

yep, everything is going down. that's why i need them.
some people here still believe that this president have some chances.


He might if he jails enough of the opposition in time.

Nothing better for politics than controlling the courts.

>What will it be like to live in a world dominated by chinks and poos?
Chinks will save us from Africans. Poos will probably learn to use toilets and wipe their arses with something other than their bare hands

he needs to cut 3 billions dollars from the economy for the next year.
not even incarcerating the hole parlament he will made it.

>Brazil rising that much
Oh nonononono

Short answer for now: the huge government spending boom (“keynesian”) happened after the economy crashed, not before. In many ways, it is the reason Japan did not go into a Great Depression in the 1990s.
The USA had a similar bubble in 1929, and we all know what that led to.

Longer answer:

The Japanese economy was in a massive debt/credit/housing/stocks (assets in general) bubble in 1984-1992. They grew 5%, and nearly overtook the USA in GDP per capita, during that period.

This, however, rested on massive overinvestment in unproductive capital assets. How many Japanese were going to buy houses in a few decades (today) when they lose a million people annually?

So when the Yen started to rise in value, it killed off the export economy in Japan. That slowed the economy in 1990 and caused the bubble to pop.

Massive government spending only began in 1995. The recession 1992-1994 was before the spending increased.

The economic recovery 1995-1997 was alongside the government spending. And when they cut back, and raised taxes in late 1997, the economy went back into recession.


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It seems like late 2000's early 2010's was when the whole "developing world gonna take over very soon" thing was in full swing (BRICS at its peak).

What went wrong?

Well, he tried his best. I don’t think any Argentinian president can fix the nation if the people are not willing to cut back.

I’m just afraid that he manages to barely win in 2019, but lacks any majority and continues to do awfully.

Only China performed well.


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the people already made some cuts, the problem is that 400billion dollars are in offshore acounts, and that number keeps growing.

How did it go from 1.6 to 2.4, and then back below 2?

Lmao. Did the World Cup and Olympics really bankrupt the country

When Xi took over in 2012, he took a breath of the air and thought “hmmm maybe we should stop building massive ghost cities and ruining our entire environment in the pursuit of an arbitrary number”

Ever since they went from an investment-led heavy industry boom economy to a consumption and services economy. Guess which method one needs less of what developing shitholes produce

At least now air pollution is down 50% in China since 2013, but GDP growth is at 6% instead of 10%.

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Unironically, yes

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Anyone with a brain after 2002 does not store their money in ARS or Argentinian banks. Property, maybe stocks, and dollars.

At least the ARS “floats” now. So people get to see how bad the economy is doing instead of it being hidden during La Bruma Maligna.

No. But it added fuel to the fire. Also the cunt printed a shit ton of money to mask the economy to win the 2014 election. Hopefully Brazil has learned to never elect a marxist or a woman ever again.

Currency fluctuation + Brazilian economic “management”

Here’s an example of Japan

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I dunno man, I like their food but wouldn't want to live in either cunt.

>muh marxism
>muh woman
>ignoring the shitshow this May-June

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>The 8 largest economies in 2050 will be all non-wh*Te countries

And Bolivia will bring back the INCAN empire

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What happened may-june? I stopped paying attention a long time ago.

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The Brazilian economic crysis fucked us up so badly. I can't find a job since 2016 and we will only recover in 2025 if our president isn't stupid which is huge if.


chinks lie. a lot.

russia stronk

t. Butthurt creatura

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I feel you

It’ll get worse before it gets better. World recession soon.