Why are we still virgins?

Why are we still virgins?

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I have diagnosed autism.

im too shy

I have diagnosed autism, unironically

I am just a retard unfortunately

i have undiagnosed schizoid personality

I watch japanese cartoons in my 30s.

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ive self diagnosed cancer

Small penor and she'll tell EVERYONE


I've had sex twice, but it was a long time ago



we are afraid of people and judgement

sex is icky

You are

fuck off incel lmao

I'm afraid of rejection in every way


I just don’t like sex

Way too much effort for a pointless reward

That's because you guys think you have to do some anime love confession or ask to go on a date directly where they can provide a clear rejection. Just talk to them like people and don't try to show off so much. If you can sense an attraction and rapport developing with ease, you're good to go. If not, you can fuck off while saving some dignity.

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Oh it was another "just be yourself bro" episode

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And why do you never try it?

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Mental illness or physical disability is literally the only reason why someone makes it to adulthood without having sex. Even ugly people manage to find other ugly people to have sex with.

I have no personality,money,looks and height I don't even know why I'm still alive.

Because my pure heart is a little autistic boy who still thinks flashes are funny

>Being nihilistic autistig sperg
I know what the ladies like

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unironically had sex with 7 different girls in my life and I'm 21, by no means chad status but probably normie tier

People put too much weight on quantity and not on how difficult the women were, I'd say

Some girls (or guys) might think that's charming and find it funny with you.

what symptoms of autism do you have?

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Women are always easy when you're Chad.


Took a wrong turn somewhere along the line

Yeah, I know you're right. But I can't put it in to words how hard it is to open up to people when you've been trough some trust issue shit. I try, I really do, man


I've always been myself. I've also always hated this
>just be yourself
meme. I am being myself, what could I possibly have to gain from pretending to be like this? One of my main regrets in life is that I haven't pretended more and tried to view life more as a game, I should have tried to have more gamesmanship and be less sincere.

Just to suffer?

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I'm really embarrassed about this. I'll just tell it all.

we were doing a paper in our intro psych class together and i was in her dorm room. well when i went to her dorm she just wanted to hang out for a bit, watch some tv on her bed. she laughs at all my stupid jokes and stuff and as we're teasing, hitting each other and wrestling on her bed she whispers in my ear "do you know what's fun?" i fucking froze right there, and she took my hand and placed my finger in her mouth and began sucking, i had no fucking idea what to do i was in a cold sweat and my asshole was clenched up so tight and i was so nervous.

she started rubbing my arm because she could obviously tell that i was a little weirded out. anyway, she came on even stronger, began kissing me and laid me down and unzipped my pants. i had a pretty good erection going then, and she started jerking me off and fondling my balls. i was thinking like "what the fuck" because i had never gotten this far with a girl in my whole life and it was fucking happening. i was enjoying it but her eyes, her eyes kept looking up at me and it was like someone was watching me as i was getting off, like my mom watching supervising me getting off. it went on for fucking like 25 minutes. i was so fucking nervous i had no fucking idea what to do and i could tell she was getting a little impatient, so i decided to fake my orgasm. i started moaning a bit and tried to amp it up, grimacing my face and going "oh god ungh oh god". i told her i had cum and just pulled my still erect penis out of her hand. there was this huge awkward pause so i told her i had left my Gatorade bottle outside and just ran home.

the thing is, i think she knew i faked it. What do I do,

Chop her with an axe and post to liveleak


Maybe you can get action that way, but your relationships won't be so genuine. But hey, they'll see the real you eventually.

I think I know what you mean. Sometimes people seem like they're all chill and will be real friends to you, then you find they don't really have your back or they turn on you. There are good ones out there, though. It won't be too long until you can reliably differentiate between the two. And hopefully, by the time you run into another bad apple, you can just forget about it easier by going back to the legit people you've come to know.

I want to get a bunch of bottom sex friends but autism keeping me from doing it.

I know this sounds like a meme word, but I'm demisexual. I've had gfs before but I never really connected deeply, and I don't want to lose it if I don't feel love for that person, and also if I'm not truly loved in return. I just can't, any time we did anything slightly sexual I felt disgusted because I didn't love them. I don't want to do it "just because I can".

I cant explain it most of the time...deep disconnection from reality itself and from people. Stuck in your own little world.
Also, have extreme difficulties with non-verbal communication like being able to read facial expressions or naturally understand social ques, have to be ridiculed in social settings just to learn what to do because you literally don’t fucking know. Other stuff includes poor eye contact with others and difficult to express/show emotion.

the soul crushing reality that traps you forever is that no matter how hard you try to fit in, or have any genuine social interaction with normal people, you know deep inside you’ll never truly connect with them. They know it too, and don’t look at you the same way. It feels lifeless.

Lack of sexual intercourse, perhaps.

You value your virginity to much to get a stripper, or have any charisma to speak of to hit on a girl and invite her to your neet den

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